Friday, January 19, 2024

Mushroom retreat

I got a spam email the other day that made me laugh out loud. It started with a generic greeting – so generic, in fact, that any name was omitted before the comma. "Hey __​​, hope your week is going great so far! Following up on this story idea I thought you might be interested in."

What this person was "following up on" was ... a mushroom retreat. "How a New Year, New You is really possible with a magic mushroom retreat!"

Don chuckled when I read this out loud to him. "When reality just isn't good enough," he remarked.

So here, ladies and gentlemen, are all the juicy details of the "New Me" that could be possible through the judicious application of psychedelic drugs.


The New Year has arrived and along with it comes the resolutions for transformation in 2024. There could very well be no greater way to clear out the old and make space for the new than with a guided psilocybin retreat. Some success stories for those embarking on these journeys include executives and professionals who were unhappy with their careers or felt lost and anxious.

Rob G____ and Gary L____ are the founders of [company name redacted], the alternative wellness company creating luxury guided magic mushroom retreats in the mountains outside of Vancouver. They’ve hosted everyone from entrepreneurs and CEOs to athletes, performers, couples, and small groups invested in the highest level of personal development and self-discovery.

The pair have a combined 60+ years of education in spiritual and metaphysical training, executive level mindset coaching, energetic healing modalities, Alexander Technique lessons, and provide online courses/support calls preparing for and integrating the psychedelic retreat.The [company name redacted] guides guests through an extraordinary personalized experience that often results in accelerating attendees' success and their intentions to create a conscious impact on the world. Their team is passionate about the healing powers of psilocybin as a sacred plant medicine.

Rob and Gary believe that when psychedelics are facilitated in a professional manner, it can help us with our mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. They can give incredible insight on:

• How a new you is possible in the new year with these transformational retreats

• Guided magic mushroom use as the ultimate reset from years of built-up stress

• Clearing out the old energy holding us back from reaching a new level in 2024

• Psilocybin helping amplify relationships in our personal and professional lives

• Utilizing psychedelics with integrity, respect, and the intention for self-growth

• Importance of the inner work involved to prepare before and after the journey

Featured in Forbes, Bloomberg, Condé Nast Traveler, Marie Claire, FOX Business, and TZR, Rob & Gary are having a profound effect on the individuals enrolling in their retreats.


Well, I guess there's a market for everything.

Just not my cup of tea.

1 comment:

  1. Wondering if that is Vancouver BC or WA. Weird unique people in both of those cities and areas.
    Hope all is good in your neck of the woods as we sit here and watch the snow finally coming down. This past week has been our week for the snow and this time it seems to want to stay thankfully. Others may wish for no snow of for it to leave almost as soon as it gets here, but hubby and me love the snow. It refills the aquafir and helps prevent forest fires which is great for those of us who live in the woods. The past week of cold was welcome also to help kill off all the nasty bugs that seem to come in the spring if we don't have a week of cold weather, usually below 0.
