Friday, December 22, 2023

Three years ago

It was three years ago that we stumbled into our new home, exhausted.

A dear friend once mentioned that it takes three years to really move into a new place, and she's right. It's taken us this long to settle in, decide what we need and don't need, get rid of the excess (via yard sale and donations), learn the lay of the land, and otherwise make order out of chaos.

We've started and completed an endless number of projects, made improvements, and dealt with plumbing woes.

This year is, we pray, the year we'll get back on our feet to establish the same level of self-sufficiency we had in our old place. We're actively moving toward getting cattle. The garden is about half complete. By the end of the summer, we hope to have a chicken coop in place as well.

So yes, it's taken us three years. But that's okay. We're here for the long haul.


  1. Patrice, that sounds about right - although I will note that when we moved from our rental to this house 10 years ago, we still did find a couple of boxes that were packed 4 years previous when we relocated.

  2. Judging from all your photos, your home looks like a wonderful place. You’ve definitely adhered to the saying, “bloom where you’re planted.”

  3. It certainly does not seem like three years. You have really made a lot of progress toward making this place better.

  4. I always encourage people who move into their first home to plant a few fruit trees (do research to see what pollinator is needed). And get a feel for the land, dirt, micro climates. As long as you have a solid dwelling, start with the land to be on the road to becoming self-sufficient

  5. I do appreciate seeing and reading about all the projects you've done with an eye toward self-sufficiency. Thank you for all the ideas and tips! We are 11 years in here... and still working at it!

  6. Have you set up another drying area for your clothes inside the house? I was really impressed with the system you had in the previous home that was attached to the ceiling.

    1. This house is too small for any specialty laundry area. In warmer months, I use an outdoor clothesline as well as the clothes racks set up on the porch. In colder months, I simply set up the clothes racks in our library area. It seems to work very well.

      - Patrice
