Friday, November 9, 2018

Get the hankie

Awww, this made me sniffle.

Click on this link: Photographer Groans When This Mom Walks In Just Before Closing, Then He Notices Her Daughter.

Get your hankie!


  1. This is a TWO hankie post entry!

  2. Hmmm. Humidity in the room seems to have climbed a bit...

  3. That story is way too cool.

  4. I once knew a woman at my work and because her daughter started walking with a stumble took her for a check up, they discovered a tumor the size of an orange at the back of her brain. Knowing that massive changes were about to occur she rushed her to a professional photographer before her looks were changed. Luckily all turned out well and she recovered. Your link brought that story back to mind, very sweet, and well deserving of an extra large hankie.

  5. My eyes are leaking now. I just found out today that one of my students is fighting cancer. She is worried about her work being late. I told right now, her job is to kick cancer's butt.

  6. As I write this comment I am crying tears of joy, this is such a wonderfully uplifting story.

  7. Before I read this, I vowed to not cry. Vow broken. Thank you for a heartwarming story.

  8. Miss Patrice, you made this big burly man tear up... thank you.

  9. Should not have read this surrounded by my railroad coworkers

  10. WOW.... More than a hankie for me! I am still sobbing.... I had assumed the worst when I started reading. Glad I was able to finish.

    "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose". Rom. 8:28 NASB.

    Need I say or quote more?

    I do indeed hope this was a true story.
