Saturday, October 9, 2010

Snark of the week (please see the UPDATES below)

This was posted as a comment to my "I Am a Criminal" post, but I just had to highlight it.

You are truly a moron. Week after week you write barely coherent little articles that truly show what a moron you are. Not only is the content ridiculous, but your grammer is horrible. 

- Jake

Is this where I get to gleefully point out that Jake misspelled "grammer"?

Like all good criticism, Jake's opinion is long on name-calling and short on logical reasons why he finds my columns "barely coherent" and "ridiculous."  Not to mention full of horrible "grammer."

Hee hee, love this stuff.  Particular since he admits he reads my "little articles" week after week.  As well as found his way to my blog.

Thank you, Jake.  I always appreciate a good compliment.

Some more communications from Jake, who apparently follows my blog quite closely:

This is not "grace under fire." I am a conservative Christian, who hates to see my faith polluted by ignorance. I pray that one day you will repent and own up to the fact that spreading hate and stupidity are not approaches to being "salt and light" upon the earth. You don't even know what a "constitutional conservative" represents. As for being a "gun-toting homeschooling...whatever" you prove two things: that violence is a part of your DNA, and that you know little about American history. One of the greatest accomplishments of American was to create a public school system that enabled all children -- all GOD's children -- to attend school and to learn from each other -- ie., children from all backgrounds.

I stand behind my original post. You are a moron.

And another:

PS. Just showed your website to my Sunday School class. Also, humbled myself before my students over making sure to check for misspelled words. The students loved that part. I use your website as an example of what happends when individuals forget our American and religious roots. How words can incite hatred. How instead of working towards peace, understanding, and reconciliation, individuals can too proud. 

(My note: "happends" doesn't have a "d".)


  1. Don't feed the trolls. I think people who don't write in a regular blog/ column kind of way fail to see how hard it actually is. It is hard for most folks to write one thing which people will enjoy at all. However doing it week in and week out is something else entirely. Every post isn't a grand slam or a home run; heck sometimes you go for the base hit and once in a blue moon you bunt and run.

  2. I kant stan it wen bloogers yuze badd grammer speshally win day spill badd


  3. Jeez. I love how he makes sweeping statements about your writing style but can't be bothered to cite specific examples. You've got some thick skin, Patrice. I wouldn't be able to handle all the snarks that are sent your way, but you continue to shrug them off with grace and humor. Keep up the great work.

  4. When I find myself on a site that is poorly written and/or of a subject I don't care to read about, I delete it and never go back. Jack, grow up and stay away.

  5. I have only recently found your blog, and i absolutely love it. Keep up the good work!

  6. Grace under fire. :)

  7. Well, I, for one, love, love, love your "barely coherent", "little" articles.

    Maybe Jake needs a hobby?

  8. Jake is angry and frustrated. His leftwing politics are a blatant failure and he doesn't know how to deal with the impending nationwide rejection of statism.

    Don't worry, Jake, you'll be fine. Obamacare provides mental health services.

    Anonymous Patriot

  9. Love your blog, sorry for the ignorance you have to put up with. Keep up the good work, and know there are many who read & stand silently behind you! YOU are AWESOME!
    Donna G.

  10. Anyone who writes from the heart will get comments from people who don't understand the perspective. Many "great" writers in literature received the same treatment in their lifetimes. I'm sure you don't consider your blog "literature"; I've never considered my writings that either. My point is that people who don't understand writers snark, but most of them don't write, either. Chin up, we are both in good historical company.

  11. That was flippin hysterical, Patrice! Poor Jake better watch out when his little leftist buddies find out he's been reading your column "week after week".

  12. This is not "grace under fire." I am a conservative Christian, who hates to see my faith polluted by ignorance. I pray that one day you will repent and own up to the fact that spreading hate and stupidity are not approaches to being "salt and light" upon the earth. You don't even know what a "constitutional conservative" represents. As for being a "gun-toting homeschooling...whatever" you prove two things: that violence is a part of your DNA, and that you know little about American history. One of the greatest accomplishments of American was to create a public school system that enabled all children -- all GOD's children -- to attend school and to learn from each other -- ie., children from all backgrounds.

    I stand behind my original post. You are a moron.

  13. PS. Just showed your website to my Sunday School class. Also, humbled myself before my students over making sure to check for misspelled words. The students loved that part. I use your website as an example of what happends when individuals forget our American and religious roots. How words can incite hatred. How instead of working towards peace, understanding, and reconciliation, individuals can too proud.

  14. Goodness, Jake. Are we reading the same site?

  15. Well Jake old buddy,I would suggest that you go earn a living and support yourself for a while so that you will at LEAST have a high horse to fall off of! Your bologny will not wash boy. Meditate on it!

  16. Yeah, Jake...or Kenny..or whatever its troll-name is today...I'm sure also showed its imaginary Sunday school class all the comments here calling it out for the historically illiterate, name-calling nut job it obviously is.

    Jake's as clueless and historically ignorant as Jake is invidious, and no one here is buying the fried ice cream Jake's pushing. Jake is, at best, providing a twisted form of comic relief for those of us with enough education and faith to know what such spew represents.

    So now that Jake's had its two seconds of stink-fame in this little corner of the blog world, it can go crawl back under its bridge and look for other targets to annoy.

    I know we shouldn't feed the trolls, but every now and then it sure seems like a good idea to drive one back into its cave.

    A. McSp

  17. Hi Jake,
    I see you showed this Blog to your Sunday school class. Do you realize YOU started your comments with an attack? Name calling in most school age children is not tolerated in PUBLIC SCHOOL's and role models showing their actions to the children.

    Personally I prefer Patrice's style of witnessing to your abusive ways. Keep u/p the good work Patrice. I tried to write a daily blog a couple years ago and could not keep it going. You Rock!


  18. A Conservative Christian that calls people morons and then shows it to his Sunday School class?? This is like Alice in Wonderland stuff!

  19. Heh. Sunday school? I don't think so. Momma's kitchen, more likely.

  20. Keep up the GREAT writing, Patrice. Us "morons" really enjoy your insight and experience.

  21. Patrice, congrats on catching a troll.

  22. Is there a place to rent a snark? I could use a full time snarker at my site. They sure are entertaining!

  23. Patrice is spreading Hate? Patrice is spreading intolerance? What, because she advocates the use of firearms for defense? I see now, the way of peace is to be the willing victim of drug addict rapist home invaders. Peace is relinquishing our children to purveyors of ungodly influence and idiocy that will weaken them for the future of servitude to fascist government that will bring us peace at the cost of our identity. Being the salt and the light now requires us to be indentured to evil and greedy men?

  24. What Sunday school teacher would call somebody a moron...repeatedly? Jake is a fake.

    Mandatory public school attendance was not instituted in this country until around 1850. Public schools have been an abomination ever since. Jake should do his homework before spouting off.

    I feel sorry for Jake. He's obviously in a lot of pain. Thankfully, Obamacare will fix him right up. He'll be able to get that mental health care he so desperately needs. And he can see a proctologist so he can get his head removed from his rump.

    Anonymous Patriot

  25. I think Jake is mistaking Christianity for being a doormat. Jesus said to love our enemies, not don't have them. Loving our enemies means wanting what is best for them and standing up for what is right, not letting evil do whatever it wants and keeping your mouth shut. People like Jake are the reason Nazis took over in Germany.
    I also think Jake is making assumptions about your writing in going from "big government that wants to take our freedoms is bad" to "let's overthrow the government". I feel like your general tone is one of preparing for defense, not violence for the sake of violence. Jake probably would have sided with Britain during the American Revolution because it is easier to call people who stand up for truth and justice names than to stand up for truth and justice.

  26. Is the Lord pleased with your heart, Jake? You are here on this earth to represent His love and draw people to Him by your example of love, mercy and grace. I have no criticism of you, I am grieved for the Lord as He examines your witness for Him.

  27. I, for one would be scared to live in a society that outlawed gun ownership and that's where this country is headed. When the citizens are disarmed they have no defense. I would not suggest anyone use guns against another human, unless that other person were threatening to take the life of someone else or myself. We use ours to scare off coyote and bear. What's up with Jake? Doesn't he see the bigger picture here? What is there to repent from? What specifically is the criticism? Simply owning a gun doesn't make one violent.

    What's this spew on public education? I didn't send my girls to get indoctrinated either and I'm sure happy I didn't. Free sex and violence education is what the public school has turned into. I would be in favor of public education if it were not for the socialist ideology behind it.

    If it weren't for all the nasty comments I be glad to listen to what the boy had to say, but not sure he can carry on a civil conversation.

  28. Don't waste another thought on him Patrice, he's just an ordinary troll, dime a dozen.

    'Jake' you're boring me, go play someplace else *yawn*

  29. Jake is a "looser" and an "amature" ;)

  30. Jake could use a lesson in "Judgmentalism". If you study life carefully, you will notice that when a person is being judgmental, they will ALWAYS do the very thing they are accusing another of, right at that very moment.

    When Jake accuses you of forgetting "our American and religious roots"; when he notes "how words can incite hatred"; and "how instead of working towards peace, understanding, and reconciliation, individuals can too proud" (sic)... HE is guilty of those very things at that very moment. Therefore, he hasn't a leg to stand on.

    I like how God designed the world to work that way, don't you?

    The Bible says that if someone is in error we are to go to them in a "spirit of meekness" to help them correct it. Perhaps Jake could use that for his next class. :)

  31. Paul said that the preaching of the Cross of Christ would be foolishness to the perishing and that God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Both of these instances of the word foolishness from the first chapter of 1 Corinthians come from the same word from which we get our word moron. Indeed, Jake may well have complimented you.

    As for the perishing, come to Light of the Cross, Jesus, repent and be saved. As Christians we heed the voice of the Lord to spread the Gospel to the perishing. As Christians we are also called to be the light of the world and to dispel the darkness (wiles of the devil) of this age and to seek peace in the chaos. However, to believe we can see real (shalom) lasting, worldwide peace while sin yet remains in the world is, well, foolishness.

  32. Here are my comments about Jake:
    1. He is not a christian in any sense of the word.
    2. He is ignorant of the constitution.
    3. He is probably a liberal who is pretending to have some kind of knowledge but doesn't.
    4. He uses the word "moron" quite a bit so as liberals go...they usually accuse others of what they themselves are/do! Therefore he is a Moron!

    I very much appreciate all your columns and if anything you are minimizing how bad things are getting and may become in this country since we are being completely destroyed/taken over by the petty tyrants who run the Federal Reserve and the biggest Banks. These wicked criminals are running us into the ground. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are just their latest puppets.

  33. I see that 'violence' is a part of your DNA. Masterful use of the cluex4. :)

  34. Couldn't help but respond to Jake...
    1) Gun-toting doesn't imply violence unless you deny even the theoretical use of guns for any use other than perpetuating violence, i.e. you deny the use of guns for target practice, self defense, hunting, etc.
    2) your commas are misplaced (too many to cite)
    3) you misspelled happends & grammer
    4) "can too proud" makes no grammatical sense, even for a troll
    5) Immediately after stating "You are a moron." you decry "How words can incite hate...". Priceless.

    Oh... before you dismiss me as beneath your lofty erudition, I'll sign off as --

    - a homeschooling physician who's a "Triple Niner" and a huge fan of Patrice Lewis.

  35. As I waded through this list of replies on Jake I thought of how our church uses the word, mirror. Patrice's columns are a mirror that reflects that same image of love in these replies but poor Jake, he can only see his ragged garb and he is unhappy. Beside,he leaves himself open to being a liar because, among other things he states he is a conservative Christian. What does he mean by conservative? Where does it apply to a Christian?

    ~ Ro 13:13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
    14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.~

    I don't see conservative in these verses but I do see a way of life. Jake, have you read these verses?

    ~ 1Jo 2:5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
    6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.~

    Therefore if we walk not in this manner can we call ourselves a follower of Christ?

    ~ 1Jo 2:18 ¶ Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
    19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.~

    Jake, if you are of this number you can still repent and know that peace that passes all description and understanding. Then you can truly enlighten your Sunday School class.

    ~ 1Jo 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
    21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

  36. Jake, where are you?
