In the last couple of days I just happened to receive some of the nicest emails and/or comments. I thought I would post them here by way of thanks.
Dear Patrice,
I hope you don't mind me calling you Patrice, but I feel like I know you from following your blog. I just wanted to thank you for giving us "suburbanites" a look at what it REALLY is like to live the homesteading life. My husband even enjoys reading your blog, and he isn't big on reading too much of anything. I loved your post on hoarding (Aug 18 2010), and I love that fact that you speak your mind and say it like it is. Good luck with your newly planted wheat field. I wish there were more people like you, but then again it looks like I am living in the wrong area then. The pictures you post on your blog are priceless as well. The look from your backyard is definitely more appealing than mine- I look across the driveway at a long line of apartment buildings and a parking lot, with constant noise from a highway right behind us.
I don't know if you get a chance to read each email you receive, but I wanted to take a moment of my time and yours to say thank you again and to let you know your blog does make a difference. May God bless you and your family (and Lydia!)
Cathy in PA
Hi Patrice,
I wanted you to know that I read your blog everyday and I finally realized WHY just the other day - it makes me feel closer to God and further away from 'The World', if you get my drift. Does that shock you? I read Drudge and WND everyday (plus a few others) and then I find myself immediately going to your blog to see what you are homeschooling your kids about or what you are canning or what you are writing about or what the temperature is there or whatever small trial God sends you (sorry about your clothesline!). You and your blessed family are a breath of fresh air and a delightful anchor in these fast-moving & alarming times. I have absolutely no control over the world events that are happening all around us, so I think of this whenever I read your material: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8
God Bless,
Janet in MA
Reading your blog and that of Paratus Familia makes my heart sing. You have no idea how much I learn from you. We're buying property for community family bug out place and all of us have jobs/skills we're taking on. You keep me smiling, keep me honest about how hard it can be and I thank God for you.
Dear Patrice;
I am one of those people who spends a lot of time on the news when I am on the Internet (we don't have TV). I read a lot of, FOX news, Rush, and conservative things of that nature. I find your blog a place of peace and sanity after all the crap I read during the day. When I'm really tense, I go there to unwind. I hope, after my husband gets his degree, we might be able to move up to your neck of the woods. I know farm living is a lot of work, but I'd love to live as you do (minus the dropped laundry line...LOL).
While I am a Taoist, and not a Christian, I am glad you are what you are. You bring a little peace into my world, and your descriptions and pics of your everyday living are very soothing to me. I found your blog by accident one day, and I return to it when the Internet shows me too much of a world gone greedy and power-mad.
Anyway, thank you.
Idaho City
Folks, I can't tell you how much these comments mean to me. As you can imagine, keeping up a blog can be hard work. While most of the time it's fun, there are times it's tedious as well. It's feedback like this that absolutely makes my day.
So thank you. Thank you all.
There is so many intelligent and kind people out there. Maybe someday we will all meet in a different place and time for a great picknik in a place that makes this beautiful world pale by comparison.