Sunday, May 15, 2011

It's baaAAAAaaackkkkk.....

We've had some glorious days of sun, with enough scattered showers to give us a gorgeous rainbow. (These photos were taken at 6 am.)

If you look closely, you can see a faint double rainbow as well.

Nice way to start the day...

...and nice way to end it, too. Here's our wheat field in the setting sun, which finally dried out. (Photo taken through a dirty window; sorry for the spots.)

In the interim, a neighbor decided to get some discing done while he could. His land is sloped and therefore drains better than ours, but up until now the fields have been too wet even at his place.

Ahhh, there's nothing prettier than farm land.

Everyone took advantage of the break in the weather.

Well, that all changed today as massive rain moved in. (Our neighbor was smart to disc while he could.)

Don and I went to pick up some hay from a farmer a few miles away, and the rough road to his barn was nearly awash.

The windshield while driving home...

Here's the wheat field this afternoon, once more soaked.

The rain came down so hard it made bubbles in the puddles.

We buttoned up all the beasties early. They were glad to get out of the wet! Lots more rain expected tonight so we've battened down the hatches.

In the middle of a dry hot summer, we'll look back at this weather with longing...


  1. Awesome pictures, especially the rainbow's so GREEN there, jeez.....

  2. Gotta love Idaho weather, cause you can see all four season in an day. I keep trying to transplant my starts into the garden and the last interuption was 50MPH winds and hail. I have hope for this week.

  3. Found your blog by a coincidence. Your landscape looks a lot like what I see outside my window although I'm living in a different country. Used to be a farmer and recognize the writing and the pictures. As Swartzenegger said:(I know I can't spell his name) "I'll be back"

    Ida in Sweden

  4. Found your Blog by coincidence. The landscape looks a lot like what I see outside my window. Used to be a farmer so I recognize your writing and the pictures.
    Like Schwartzenegger said: (I know, I know I can't spell his name)I'll be back.

    Ida in Sweden

    (PS I thought I posted the comment but it didn't show up so maybe it will show twice now, sorry about that in case it happens)

  5. I'm in SW Idaho and right now it is 34 degrees and mixed snow and rain... the snow is building up on the broccoli and cabbage leaves. The agribon covers over the tomato plants should be enough, if this doesn't last more than a day or two...

    *sigh* Saturday it was 85 when I mowed the yard.


  6. Lovely pics....

    Thanks for the post....

  7. Welcome, Ida! Glad you found your way here.

    - Patrice

  8. Hi, Patrice.
    The Homeschoolfreebie website has a great freebie today called The American Frugal Housewife. Just thought you like to take a look at it if you haven't seen it or don't know about that site. It has a lot of great tips and so on that would be good for those who want to be self sufficient/like to preserve foods/be frugal, etc.

  9. Similar conditions here on the peninsula. Dang. And supposed to last through Thursday.

    Folks are having to re-plant some things.


  10. i think i am on the only dry spot in mississippi, but with all the rain and wind and rising waters we have had cooler than normal temps these past several days.oh well it will be hotter than you know where quick enough. i know how it is trying to plant in mud.
