Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Miscellaneous book info

As the release date for The Simplicity Primer gets closer (June 7), things are speeding up as far as doing stuff.

A strange thing happened last week: I got a heavy package in the mail. What could it be?

Serious groan. It turned out to be more bookplates to sign. What could this mean? I had already signed 2000 of the durn things back in February! I was confused enough that I called the distributors (whose contact info was in the cover letter).

I was told that the WND Superstore, which is selling autographed copies of the book using the book plates I signed earlier, was already running low enough that they wanted to get the ball rolling to have more book plates available when needed. There wasn't a huge rush to get them back, I was told, but nor should I dawdle.

Well! That was the good news! The bad news is there are 1000 sheets perforated into quarters, meaning I have to sign my name 4000 times...!

Okay okay, I'll quit griping.

So anyway, things were suddenly rolling. I gave our pastor -- who inspired a lot of stuff in the book -- a copy, of course. Next thing I know he's announcing the book to the entire congregation, which gave me a warm round of applause. (I love our church.)

Then our local weekly newspaper called and wanted an interview, which they splashed over a half page (remember, this is a small town). It was a very nice write-up.

And I got a VERY sweet email from my mother. "Damn, I can't put it down!" she wrote. "It's really good." My first review!

A friend of my husband took the time to make a beautiful hand-crafted note of congratulations that touched me deeply. This goes on my wall!

Meanwhile, we went ahead and ordered 200 author copies (on which I receive a 75% discount) for personal sales at events where I might be speaking.

This was well and good until we (gulp) got the bill.

I hope they're patient 'cuz it's gonna take us awhile to get the dough to pay it.

I'm almost done putting together a website for the book, which I'll post as soon as we get the name registered. Stand by!


  1. Patrice,
    Just be sure to let us know when you're scheduled for 'local' book signings - I'd love to buy a copy and meet you!

  2. Sweet success. Congrats again.

    Jeff - Tucson

  3. I just looked and your at exactly 1000 today. WOOT! ;) Don't you worry, you'll sell those books like hotcakes.

  4. Congratulations! I feel sure once the sales start you won't have a hard time paying that bill!

  5. Congrats Patrice! I saw the article in the newspaper and thought it was great. I hope I can come to one of your local events and buy one and meet you. Keep up the GREAT work.

  6. Wow - this is so wonderful ! I am so happy for you !


  7. You'll sell the books, don't you worry. =)

  8. Well, of course your first review should be from your Mom :-). I am SO happy for you and the whole family!! Jennifer

  9. A bill? I'd have them deduct that from the sales.....You should get to profit from this as much as the publishers are, not have the added burden to your own personal finances to worry about......
