Magpies. I took the photos from pretty far away at high resolution, then blew them up and cropped them, hence the grainy quality. Magpies are noisy, quarrelsome birds related to jays, and a lot of people don't like them...but I do. They're showy and dramatic and fun.
Math aftermath.
Mosquitoes, yuck! Your daughter's not alone in despising them. It's not just the biting that I don't like, it's also the buzzing. With reliable electricity at hand, I keep an oscillating fan by the bed and turn it on when I hear a mosquito at bedtime. The breeze keeps the pesty critter away and the drone of the fan covers the buzzing. Then, in the wee hours of the night, I stalk the wily winged witch and swat her while she rests on the ceiling. (No 11' ceilings in this house.)
ReplyDeleteSurely mosquitoes are one of God's mysteries. Hope to learn the reason for their existence when I am with Him.
Anonymous Twit
Ravens and magpies, oh my! Magpies are handsome birds, can't say I like ravens much. They do a necessary job, but aren't subtle about it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Twit
Quoth the magpie(or raven) NEVERMORE! I love that piece of work from Poe. Did you ever notice how intellegent birds seem to be? It's kind of humbling in an odd sort of way.
ReplyDeleteWe in northern New England know about various biting insects. We have hosted bats for a couple years now which cut down tremendously on the mosquito and blackfly population. Once in a while a stray gets in the bedroom and how I wish we had netting around our bed. Usually I have enough residual OFF on my skin so they will leave me alone, but if I go swimming before bed, then I'm in trouble.
ReplyDeleteI love magpies too. We don't have them here, but be do have cedar waxwings which seem to have
the same brash personality.
I remember once in Florida watching a pedestrian fight off a Magpie... must have gotten too close to its nest or food. Wish I could have gotten it on tape for "Funniest Home Videos".
Have a great day!
I had the incredibly good fortune to have raised a rescued crow a few years back, and it was an experience that really changed the way I look at these critters. They are amazingly smart and loyal, and, believe it or not, affectionate and protective. They are excellent 'watchdogs' and very astute judges of human character.
ReplyDeleteThey can live for 40 years or more and love to have fun. Their familial bonds are deep and admirable.
Now that I live up in the woods we only have ravens. Although both are corvids, they're different in several ways from crows, especially in that they're much more inclined to shyness. But once they accept and like you they're really fun to hang out with. And their range of vocalizations is phenomenal! They, too, are really great watchdogs, and, like our crows, like to "go with us" when we hike or drive to places nearby. They do serve a good purpose as "cleanup crew" and we make big points with them when we place the trophies out for them that the kitties have brought to us. Who knew re-gifting dead rodents could be so rewarding?? lol
A. McSp