Walking was a nightmare - it was like quicksand.
Well, quickmud. Yes, that's my boot sinking in.
Today was dry and we actually got up to 79 degrees(!), a delightful change. This afternoon, with the ground a bit drier, I went out and spent hours weeding.
And guess what I found! Onions! Quite a few, in fact.
The beans aren't so numerous, but I found a handful, bravely struggling upward.
So maybe there's hope for the garden after all. Standby.
Hurray for summer!
ReplyDeleteI've just come in from hours in the garden, mostly pulling weeds, but also doing some needed watering, thanks to two (count 'em: TWO!) consecutive sunny and breezy days. Whoa!
I'm so glad to know you've found some beans and onions, and I'm certain they must be hearty and tenacious, so stand by for more good things to come. We'll get there yet! I actually found some sugar peas on my vines today!
Tomorrow: more weeding, then off to (only) daughter's in the afternoon for harvesting.
She's a few miles away and a thousand feet closer to sea level, thus has a much longer growing season than I have. That and her 12'x20' greenhouse gives her a serious head start, so she gets a lot of things going for both of us. She always grows a lot more than they can use, and gives me most of the overflow. What a good girl! And has the greenest thumb ever.
Ain't life good?
A. McSp
Keep the faith! Summer weather is supposed to arrive here in NW CA this weekend. Soon I'm sure I'll be complaining about too much heat. {I admit to being fickle.}
ReplyDeleteBeans & onions, mmmmm...good for stew. Potatoes showing any greenery yet? Do you
turn under the old straw from the barn and
the old plant material in order to amend
the soil?
Anonymous Twit
Nope, nothing from the potatoes yet. Yes, we amend the soil with rotted straw/manure from the barn, usually after letting it compost for a couple of years. We won't turn things over until next spring, of course.
ReplyDeleteWe had a rough start to our garden also. Sure gives a better appreciation for the pioneers whos lives depended on the garden! We stress over poor results but for them it was life or death..talk about stress!
ReplyDeleteWe had a rough start to our garden also. Sure gives a better appreciation for the pioneers whos lives depended on the garden! We stress over poor results but for them it was life or death