Oh my goodness, the most wonderful surprise happened on Friday! The UPS driver drove up and delivered 100 copies of my book!
It was so totally unexpected that it was beyond thrilling. Even the label on the side was exciting.
Because I did not receive an advance for The Simplicity Primer, the publisher is more generous with other benefits, including a hundred complimentary copies. I'm not allowed to sell these but I can give them away to friends and family, and use them as promotional items.
I was so tickled that I stacked them up in piles just for a photo opportunity (I'm a little short of 100 because I've given a couple away).
I tell ya, I've seen my name in print a lot -- I have dozens of magazine articles out there as well as three years' worth of columns with WND -- but nothing, and I mean nothing, can equal the thrill of holding my very own book in my hands. My husband was laughing at me because I kept doing little bounces and dances of excitement.
The official release date is ticking closer (June 7), and now we're looking at doing a booksigning (gasp!) at one of the Costco stores in Spokane, WA. (I'll keep you posted.) Can you picture it? ME, doing a booksigning? Staggers the imagination.
ReplyDeleteHow thrilling!! Congratulations on your book...can't wait to see it in the stores. :) Wish you'd do a book signing on our side of the state. :) What a wonderful book to add to my bookshelf. Can't wait!!!
ReplyDeleteWear your muck boots to the signing! LOL
ReplyDeleteOh, Patrice, I can't even imagine how excited you are. It's like the joy after childbirth (before the epidural wears off, of course!). What a thrill.
CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! ! That is really exciting news!
ReplyDeleteHey can you come a little further west? Then I could meet you! :) Oh and if you're looking for someone to give a book away to, let me know! ;)
ReplyDeleteWhoohoo! Congrats to you! Oh, and don't forget to post when/if you are coming to the CDA Costco, I will be there with bells on!
ReplyDeleteWe are looking forward to reading your book and have already pre-ordered it. My wife and I really enjoy your blog and your articles.
Oh, What Joy Patrice and such a thrilling surprise to open that box and see your hard work as fruition!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on this wonderful milestone!
Congratulations Patrice! I can't wait to get a copy of your book when it comes available. It has such a beautiful cover on it too! I love your blog and it's truly my favorite and I always pass it on to my friends to check out. You and your family truly make my day many times and I love your stories, pictures and wise wisdom. We live on a small farm in Michigan and the things you talk about I can really associate with! Blessings to you and your family.....Thanks so much
ReplyDeleteFor The Love of Alpacas
ReplyDeleteThat is so exciting. Congratulations!
Geez.... we can all say we knew her when...when she mucked out stalls WITHOUT makeup. Hahaha
(I am looking at your new photo on the left )
You never know who might be lurking on your farm, a girl HAS to look good ya know :)
Patrice, I don't blame you for doing a little dance and taking photos of the books! You have much to be excited about. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteDon't give all of your books away. Keep one for each of your daughters and one for your mom. Having a book in hand when they brag about you will make things much easier for them. ;)
This is just the beginning. You're working on your next book, aren't you? I mean, you have nothing else to do with your time. ROFLOL
Seriously, congratulations and enjoy the celebrity.
Anonymous Patriot
I know all of us who follow you and your wonderful family are doing a little happy dance right along with you...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I'm doing a happy dance with you since you're the only person I "know" who is published. How exciting!
I'm so happy for you! I know this birth will let you sleep through the night with a smile on your face!!
ReplyDelete--K in OK<><
Oh how wonderful ! Congrats !
ReplyDeleteThey are beautiful ! And I can't wait to buy one.
Awesome! Now howz about a giveaway here on your blog? Have a contest of some sort and give away a few copies to your loyal readers, especially those of us without a bookstore or a Costco!
ReplyDeleteThe fun part about doing what you love and staying true to your abilities is that every once in a while some magic happens ~ that you may have dreamed of, but never really expected at the time it did come along.....and it becomes another notch in the belt, another direction you can explore, amazing validation.....Congrats on your book, it's really "REAL" now that you have it in front of you and can hold it (LOL).....
ReplyDeleteOnce you adjust to being in person (rather than "in words") while promoting this, you can add PR person to your resume, too...But I think you'll like the book signing part because you get to meet OTHER people in person rather than "in words".....
Outstanding!! Way to go Patrice! You have earned it, so enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful surprise! Congratulations!! Let us know when we can actually BUY one!!
Bill Smith
How exciting, congratulations!!
ReplyDeleteWONDERFUL!!! I am so happy for you, Patrice! Now, take ten copies, carefully wrap them in plastic wrap or vacuum seal them and stash them away in a hope chest or somewhere for future grandkids. Also, it will help when you are having a simply awful day to unwrap one and enjoy that "new book smell"!
ReplyDeleteJust put in my order! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteVery good!
ReplyDeleteHowever, seeing all of those books toghether somehow reminds me of those times when I buy two of the same book by accident.
I could feel your excitement right through your post. :) Congratulations! I can't wait to order my copy!
ReplyDeleteExciting times! You deserve this. Got my pre-order in!
ReplyDeleteThis IS just thrilling. I, too, have been passing along your website for a very long time. My kids call it, "you know, that website where she learns about cows and stuff" but I know it's far more than that :)
ReplyDeleteYea! Let me know if they send you to Germany - lol - I'll definitely come to a book-signing!
Just out of curiousity, do these books have your signed book plates in them? That would be funny!
ReplyDeleteThey look great! Congratulations on bringing all your effort (on the book, at any rate) to a successful conclusion. You have certainly earned a bounce or two.
ReplyDeleteDoes Amazon have your name backwards? It seems to be in there as "Lewis Patrice".
I love it! Keep on going Patrice. I always knew this could happen.
ReplyDeleteSo excited for you! Telling everybody I know:)
ReplyDeletePlaced my order and hope my daughter in Oregon can make it to your book signing!
Dance away:)
I put my copy in the Amazon cart yesterday along with my seed saving book and a few others. I think I need to get one for my sis as she got me my subscription of "Backwoods Home" for Christmas and we often talk about your articles and blog posts. 1/2 of me is buying it because the cover is so beautiful but I know the inside will be just as good.
ReplyDeleteAnna in Alaska
ReplyDeletePatrice Lewis,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I'm very glad for you. I've been reading your columns in WND for a couple of years and also visited and enjoyed your website on several occasions.
I live in the "Land of the Skunks" (aka: Washington, DC.) Your writings and images have provided mini vacations away from Skunkville. They have also helped strengthened my desire to escape to a rural area.
I will be buying a copy of your book. Thank you for writing it.
Good wishes,
Thank you, Dave! I hope you're able to escape Skunkville soon. Lots of room in Idaho!
ReplyDelete- Patrice