Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Please stand by. Installing SPRING.

One of my husband's friends posted this on her Facebook page. As it was 25F this morning (second morning in a row), I thought it was apt.


???????????????????????????????? 44% DONE.

Install delayed....please wait.

Installation failed. Please try again.

404 error: Season not found.

Season "SPRING" cannot be located. The season you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Please try again.


  1. ROFLOL, that's funny! Same can be said for my part of the country - spring is MIA.

    Anonymous Patriot

  2. Amen. 18 degrees this AM...Come on already....

  3. I think your problem is that you're using a PC. On a Mac, we don't get 404 errors, or have problems with installs. :+)

  4. If I could send you some of our 80-degree weather, I would!

  5. Froze my rear end off today Patrice working 70 feet of the ground. The air temp. was 39 but it felt like 29 in the howling wind up there.

  6. We're ready for Spring and warmer weather here in northwest Arizona! At 4000' elevation, it's a bit chillier than in most of the rest of AZ, except for the even higher mountains and cities like Flagstaff, Williams and Show Low. Just a week or so ago we had another cold front pass through and we even got some snow! Does anyone know where Al Gore is? I mean, what happened to that global warming... er, I mean "climate change", he's been raking in the billions of bucks talking about? Is he laying low? Is he still giving talks to knucklehead progressives about how the polar bear population is endangered (it isn't) and the ice caps are melting? (They aren't.) I mean, does ANYONE believe ANYTHING that man says anymore? Only the uber-aware, highly intelligent liberals, I suppose.

  7. Tucson..high 50s at night, mid 80s days. Just about perfect. Spring and fall here are our reward for enduring the summer. In no time at all we'll be wishing we could ship you some of our triple digit heat. (Or coming to visit to escape it.)


  8. Snow today-where did you say spring is?

  9. I sent this to my sister in Ohio, and she loved it. She's still waiting for Spring to be installed!

  10. Bwaaa-haa-haa - I'm going to have to post a link to that one!

    Near Gettysburg PA - 50 yesterday, supposed to by 78 today, 53 tomorrow and rain, rain, rain. Soccer season has been postponed by three weeks so far and it looks like a fourth week is about to be rained out. 5.5" of rain last Saturday. We lost all of our lower soccer fields to a creek overflow. Rocks, gravel & debris EVERYWHERE. All 6 soccer goals washed downstream and were mangled. No one has ever seen anything like this before!

    Spring? Yeah, right.
    Becky (not the troll) B.

  11. Becky, I thought they played soccer under ANY conditions. In my neck of the woods I have seen them running around in a snowstorm. I guess flood will trump cold. They probably don't notice cold when you run that much.
