Sunday, July 18, 2010

A rebuttal to my rebuttal

I posted a lengthy reply by J. DeWaters to my rebuttal on the ethics of Christian preparedness. It's posted at the bottom of the comments section here. FYI!


  1. Will there by a rebuttal to the rebuttal of your rebuttal?

    Anonymous Twit

  2. I'll have a go - or will that put me on the wrong side? :)

  3. Save the Canning JarsJuly 19, 2010 at 11:16 AM

    So many people who have been posting have NICELY explained why we prepare and stock food and supplies. Yet the questions, accusations, and snide remarks keep coming from a few contrary folks. I've concluded that there are some people who just like to argue.

    Patrice, do you spend your free time (what free time?) on websites you're not interested in, asking question after question, accusing people who post of being wrong? Of course not, and I don't either. That would be a waste of time.

    So why is our time being wasted by those contrary folks who visit this site? By now, anyone who does not "get it" simply does not want to get...they want to argue.

    So after nicely explaining and reasoning, I think it's time to be like the Amish and "shun the unbelievers."

  4. Wow, Patrice, you sure opened a can of worms here. And thank you for opening my eyes, J DeWaters! I had no idea I was performing an atrocious sin by stocking my pantry when food was plentiful for the days when it isn't. In resolved repentance, I will perform daily missions trips to Mickey-D's, and plan to make a holy pilgrimage to Bagel Boy. I will also uproot my garden and seasonal planters, because there will always be food on the shelves at Stuckey's! Who wants string beans and asparagus in the middle of winter, anyway?

  5. I agree with Save the Canning Jars. They love to argue, that's their real goal. I live with this type of people in my town and in my state and have grown so weary of their false pretense of "debate" when in fact they want to cajole, taunt, tease, ridicule, laugh, lie, and pervert just so they can continue to argue. They will NEVER concede a point nor admit when they've been proven wrong.

    They thrive on stirring up the hive and watching the aftermath. This is why I have no patience with these people. They are liars and miscreants. Often they fan the flames just to give themselves something to write about on their own blogs. They USE people. No longer will I directly address them, they are persona non grata henceforth.

    The Amish got it right, shun them.

    Anonymous Twit

  6. I'm not sure how I stumbled onto your blog so I will chalk it up to God. However the day I stumbled was the day of the rebuttaling.... :~) I really wasn't going to comment on anything. I am a beginner preparer. But with all the conversations that I have read I'm confused with how someone could confuse the words of our lord. Perplexed really. Her is the verse that the lord showed me this morning. I really has nothing to do with preparing but then again it has everything to do with preparing. Trust me when I say I'm not knowledgeable in the political aspect but could we not as Americans living free in America Actually apply this FREELY?!?! YES!! And we as preparers no matter what the stage of preparing can apply this.... For now. SO I say YES prepare.... one year or for a hundred years! Prepare!

    2 Thessalonians 3:6
    Our orders—backed up by the Master, Jesus—are to refuse to have anything to do with those among you who are lazy and refuse to work the way we taught you. Don't permit them to freeload on the rest. We showed you how to pull your weight when we were with you, so get on with it. We didn't sit around on our hands expecting others to take care of us. In fact, we worked our fingers to the bone, up half the night moonlighting so you wouldn't be burdened with taking care of us. And it wasn't because we didn't have a right to your support; we did. We simply wanted to provide an example of diligence, hoping it would prove contagious. (The Message Bible)
