Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pretty pix

Early morning fog burning off (6:45 am).

Early morning fog with the laundry cropped out. Not sure which one I like better.


  1. I like both of them. The first, showing the laundry, seems to say, "see the beauty in your world no matter what simple task you are doing."

    The second, sans laundry, says, "See the beauty of God's creation."

    Either way, they speak to me.


  2. Clean laundry drying on the line with a beautiful backdrop. It's absolutely Norman Rockwellesque. A simple thing that illustrates the complexities of freedom.

    Add an American flag to the scene and you've got yourself a patriotic panorama.

    Anonymous Twit

  3. I love the pace of life that hanging laundry exudes. We home school in Oklahoma. I need a clothes line!
    Karen M.
