I was asked to review a new book by Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly called The Flipside of Feminism. This was no hardship since – as all of you know – I’m no fan of feminism anyway.
But my oh my, this book surpassed all my expectations by light years. It was riveting. I couldn’t put it down. I based a couple WorldNetDaily columns on it (here and here). Let me tell you, if you want the ultimate guide to the damage feminism has inflicted on our country, this is the book for you.
The subtitle for this book is “What conservative women know – and men can’t say” and those words were never more true. Women – not feminists but true women – know darned good and well what kind of mess feminism had made. But men cannot speak against it. If they do, they are instantly branded as misogynists and hounded into oblivion. It’s a cruel situation in which men find themselves. Therefore it is up to conservative women to speak – and speak loudly – against the tyranny of feminism (and I don’t use that word tyranny lightly).
The book details the astounding turnaround in this nation over the last forty years, which amounts to nothing less than national brainwashing. The mainstream media and nearly every public school and university are bastions of feminist thought and support. The book details the damage feminism has done to girls and women. It illustrates how young women are encouraged to shed their virtue and embrace a heartless succession of hookups as expressions of their “equality.” It demonstrates why the ultimate purpose of feminism is to eject women from the home – to abandon their children – and enter the workforce. It pounds home the uselessness of men and why women (and children) simply don’t need them.
In short, this book outlines the tremendous and continuing damage feminism has done to our nation. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It has earned a coveted spot on my bookshelf and will continue to operate as a resource and an arsenal against the covert influence feminism has on my daughters.
Patrice, you have done such a great job of covering the tragedies caused to our society due to the feminism movement.
ReplyDeleteFor those women in our lives, (I have a sister), who still don't realize the level of entrapment of their liberal ideals on themselves and to their own families, this book would be a great gift to pass on to them.
I'm about at equal rights as gal can be. I believe I was the first girl to play football in the US back in 1978 when I was in jr. high Small town Elk River ID and 8 man football. I just a kid who liked playing football, I wasn't making a statement. 2nd girl to play little league in N. Idaho. I just liked playing baseball.
ReplyDeleteJoined the Army at 23 and I loved it. I did my work and pulled my share of the load.
What I hate is the feminist that insist that they be treated equally yet ask for lower standards than the Men in the name of fairness WTF?
I think the object of feminism became every one is just a cog in the machine. Interchangeable without the spark of the "Divine"
I am not perfect but God don't make junk. I'm me and he put me hear for a purpose and made me the way I am. Follow a few simple rules and it's amazing how happy you can be, if you let yourself.
Phyllis Schlafly has been a stalwart defender of American values for many decades. I admire her ability to keep at it, despite horrible personal attacks by the left. She is a woman to emulate! In fact, I have in my possession one of her earliest books, The Gravediggers, which she co-authored with Rear Admiral Chester Ward. That book was published in 1964, yet it foretold much of what has happened in the world in the nearly 50 years since that time.
ReplyDeletePatrice, you are taking up the mantle and I hope you, too, have the strong constitution necessary to withstand the leftists' wrath. Can't wait to put your book on my bookshelf, alongside those that were penned by Mrs. Schlafly.
May God bless you both; and Suzanne Venker, too.
Anonymous Patriot
Thanks for the heads up.
ReplyDeleteI will certainly purchase this book immediately!!
Women like you give me hope that the fight against feminism will eventually prove fruitful.
That sounds like a fantastic book. Thanks for the recommendation.
ReplyDeleteI'm putting all these books on my want-to-read list. I also heard Kay Hymowitz came out with a new book about the men of today's society. She's a great author and I'm sure many of y'all would enjoy her works.
ReplyDeleteThe following is a GREAT book as well. I read it when it was first published (2004). I had been increasingly dissatisfied with "women's magazines" over the years, but couldn't quite put my finger on why. (Except for the horrific articles in Cosmopolitan and the like - I knew why I didn't like those mags!)
ReplyDeleteAlthough the superior authors and readers of Rural Revolution :) may have realized all of this, it is an eye-opening book for many.
Spin Sisters: How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness --- and Liberalism --- to the Women of America by Myrna Blyth.
I keep reading your stuff, Patrice. Thank you for more encouragement! Mrs. Schlafly first inspired me at 14 (mid-40's now), but the influences at home plus the influences of the culture still had a pretty good hold until my mid-30's.
ReplyDeleteDon't work too hard too soon after the flu! Jennifer
I just placed my order for the book. Thank you for the link. And thank you for taking a stand.
Already have the book on my wish list. If I were a bit impish, I may well send one to my mom as well, but I wouldn't want her to have a heart attack.
ReplyDeleteMy first child was a boy. I almost cried at the ultrasound because my first thought was "a white male - he'll have hell getting an education and a job by the time he's 20". Seriously - that was my 1st thought - I'm a bit odd. Well, he has autism, so it'll be a bit easier under the disability. It's horrible to think that way, but feminism has pounded down men so horribly.
Pre-ordered my copy, and "liked" it as well--looking forward to an excellent read!
ReplyDeletebtw, Anon @ 9:38, my oldest son is autistic as well, but government assistance is nowhere in our plan for his future. We are educating him at home, and are preparing him for a life of self-employment and self-reliance. With a little help from our friends and family, we're sure he'll do just fine. Don't sell yourself or your son short--God's world is full of opportunity for him, if you know where to look. ;)
I, for one would have much rather stayed home with my children, kept house, cooked, etc...., all those things the feminist turned into the "BIG" no no. But, because of these "women?", I had to work a full time job. Or maybe I just thought I did. Oh, if I could go back in time....
ReplyDeleteMy daughter and I will be sharing this book. Again, thanks Patrice.
Kelly in NC
Oh Birdy, don't get me wrong. :o) I've been working with my son for 12 years moving him toward independence. He's mainstreamed at a *wonderful* school, does well academically and is well liked by his classmates even with (or maybe because) his quirkiness. I wouldn't trade him for anything, he's a gem! We don't take any gov't assistance for him beyond speech therapy at school and he's with a group of 4 kids assigned to a learning support teacher within the mainstream classroom. Never have.
ReplyDeleteI simply meant that, in a time where white males are being excluded from opportunities in the name of "diversity" that his quirky nature may shield him from being excluded due to idiotically applied quotas.
He's 12 now, wants to be a movie director when he grows up and LOVES anything Godzilla or Monster related. BTW, he bowls and his team just won 1st place in their age division at a tournament. I loved one parent's comments. "Boy, he has an unusual approach, and he's having so much fun! That's great!". You should see his approach - arms and legs everywhere and he starts with his back against the scoring table.
But, I'm always open for advice & sharing. beckybeq@yahoo.com
Becky (aka anon @ 9:38)
Today's society are a well trained lot of mostly robots,that have been programed,to perform as they are being told! Sorry if that sounds cold but that's the way I see it,I wish things were different. I am following your blog,you are welcome to follow mine as well. Blessings jane
ReplyDeleteI'd really like to read this book. I put it on my Wishlist at Amazon. But get this...I'm not so sure it's in my best interests to read this book. I am concerned that it will influence me enough that I might slip up and say something at work that will land me in big trouble. You see, I work in the military and there is absolutely no tolerance whatsoever for any discussions about gender equality or gender differences. Any man that dares to even broach the subject will be railroaded out of the service. I have personally experienced 3 incidents where I said something quite innocent and female workers blew it up into such gossip and rumor that it nearly wrecked my career. Needless to say, I learned my lesson. I keep my mouth shut now. You're right, Patrice. The only people who will ever be able to make a change in this area are conservative women.
ReplyDeleteTraditional gender roles made sense in the past. When a family's survival depended on hunting, farming, or all the work available involved heavy physical labour, the only option was to leave this to the stronger sex while the partner provided support from home. In modern times women (at least in the UK) have often the higher qualifications and greater earning power. Role reversal in these circumstances makes perfect sense. Why should a woman moulder at home in frustration on a male partner's inadequate income when he might be equally suited and perfectly willing to be the homemaker?
ReplyDeleteI see nothing wrong with the reverse quedula and it works for some people. When I was doing taxes, I had several families where the man was the primary caregiver. Not the majority of one income families, but several.
ReplyDeleteIn our case, hubby and I had exactly equal income and potential when we had our first child. He's an engineer, I'm an MBA financial analyst. Our choice was decided by my wonderful (gag) company who laid me off the very day I was giving birth by c-section. Turned me out with the rest of my disability, some severance pay and a few thousand dollars to go away and shut up about how they laid me off. So, I stayed home and loved it. Turns out my children have special needs (autism for one, incredibly gifted for the other) and my staying home has made a huge difference in their lives.
Thanks to my education, my husband is less stressed since he has a back up. We've had periods where he was laid off and couldn't find work. For that year, I went back to work and he took over the care giving while searching for a job. He ended up getting a better job than mine, so we switched back.
Do I regret it? Nope. My MBA doesn't have an expiration date on it, and I keep up to date on my field. I did everything I wanted to accomplish in the corporate field. I did an awesome job, got as far as I personally wanted to go and have no regrets about deciding my kids were more important.
And why do I regret how far feminism has gone? Because I'm tired of people - mostly other women - looking down on me for my decision. Feminism was supposed to give us the right to *choose* what we wanted to do. It opened up vast fields of opportunity, and that's good. But, homemaker is still one of the valid choices and I get tired of defending my choice. The last person to accuse me of "wasting my education" left the room with red, smoking ears when I got done with them.
I totally agree Becky. The early feminist movement was simply about equal opportunity and the ending of gender stereo-typing. I would be hesitant to describe the people "looking down" on you for the life choices you have made as true feminists.
ReplyDeleteI disagree. Early feminists were the camel getting it's nose into the tent. They knew the eventual outcome of their religion of man hate and perpetual victim hood.
DeleteI am amazed by the number of women who excuse or try to justify the coven.
I can not believe this! I stumbled upon this blog and can not believe the bad wrap women get for being self sufficient! I am a single mother of two young boys. I am single not by choice, but because my husband died a year ago from cancer. I was left to raise a 4 year old and a 7 month old by myself. Luckily, my husband had life insurance. I stay home with them, but plan on getting my masters degree in SLP. I plan to go back to work once they are in school part time. I see nothing wrong with women working as mothers! Frankly, the real world demands it! I think it is a great example to boys and girls that women can be strong and provide for their families! I take full responsibility for my boys and all of their needs. I want to inspire them and show them that education and hard work is very important for their futures!
ReplyDeleteSadly you so delusionized from the left you don't see the falicy of your statements. Education today is not the foot in the door we once though. People are fed lies after lies that aids the left to control the mob. "Education" today is nothing but to keep your kids indepted to the state. I love it how someone kn here said a master's doesn't expire. While true it neglects the fact that not all degrees are worth getting.
DeleteHow about finding out what your sons are interested in and encourage then to go that route. Many honorable anf high paying profession require training, nit degrees. The landscape will probably change, as yiu women start to figure this out and go the training route yourself instead of the "all important" education route which will get you overeducated and underworked.
Please raise your son like men and encourage them to act like men.
Anon 10:45, welcome to the blog. Please don't misunderstand me: I have no objection to women working, especially if they MUST. I have two friends who were widowed with young children and of course they must work. My objection is to women who work AT THE EXPENSE of their children, i.e. they don't "have" to work but they choose to put career over family.
ReplyDeleteMy objection to feminism also has much to do with their prevailing attitude toward men, i.e. they're a bunch of morons. I think you can agree with me that men (well, Real Men) are not morons. True men are excellent creatures. I'm sure you'll raise your boys to appreciate their biological role in society and to understand and respect women's biological role as well.
Best of luck, and my deepest condolences for the loss of your husband.
- Patrice
I bought the book and truly enjoyed it. I was also able to interview Suzanne Venker and found her to be a wonderful guest.
ReplyDeleteThis, Op-Ed in today's news...
Oh, the irony of a woman using the internet and typing a blog to say how much damage feminism has done to this country! The COBOL computer language was invented by a woman, Grace Murray hopper, a U.S. Navy admiral. And no one would read a word of what you said if it weren't for feminists paving the way to have their ideas heard AT ALL, let alone published like Schlafly's book.
ReplyDeleteAnd if Betsy Ross hadn't of made our flag, we wouldn't have one. What's your point?
DeleteYou are being disingenuous and dishonest. Feminism has provided nothing positive to women.It has not freed women, empowered women nor made women independent. It has enslaved women made them perpetual victims and wards of the gov't state.
Feminism has made the 2 paycheck family, scraping to survive, a necessity. It has made men have absolutely no respect for women. Men have no chivalry or deference for women. Women have come to believe that being an unpaid prostitute is empowering and that slaughtering babies is independence, then wonder why men have no use for them.
Grace Murray would still have done what she did even if femiturdism wasn't around. Another brainwashed soul for the sisterhood i see.