Monday, September 5, 2011

Random pix

Lydia getting spoiled.

Brit watches as the barn gets built.

A typical site this time of year: cluttered workroom as we frantically make stock to ship to the Kansas City Renaissance Festival. This is the opening weekend (it continues through mid-October) and we hope sales will be brisk.

A hardware store in the county seat town was providing a very nice free service, testing gauges on pressure canners.

Candy, a woman from our church, was doing the testing. I had my gauge checked a couple years ago so it's fine. I like getting my gauge checked every five years or so.

A neighbor's daughter just returned from three months in the Philippines doing medical missionary work. She brought presents for people, including this hammock for Older Daughter. I thought it was typical Country Kid ingenuity that had her using the tractor to hold up one end.

Some hens just hangin' out by the hay bales.

I went to buy wood from our dealer in Coeur d'Alene last week. He had in stock the biggest maple burl I've ever seen. I put my glasses case on it for perspective.

The nice part about having a pocket camera is I can take photos whenever I like. These are prints being sold in Costco which I thought were pretty. Much cheaper to take pictures than to actually buy the pictures! (Though admittedly less profitable to Costco.)

I got stung by a yellow jacket the other day and decided to try a home remedy I learned from my friend Enola Gay: a piece of juicy raw onion applied on the sting.

Worked beautifully to take the pain away, though I still had a heckuva welt for a few days.

Our evening herd of deer.

Fall color is just starting to touch the ninebark bushes in the woods.

A chicken investigates the wheelbarrow.

Lydia surveys her domain.

The dawn's early light.

Sunrise at 6:27 am this morning.

Early sunshine in the barn.


  1. You have such a beautiful place. God has blessed you with this area. Thanks for sharing these photos.

  2. Do you have to unscrew the pressure gauge from the canner and take it in, or can you take in the whole lid in to get it checked? I've only had my pressure canner for 2 seasons so its probably safe, but I would feel a lot better getting it checked out.

    Andrea S

  3. The photo of your older daughter in the hammock is one of serenity and peace. I just love my hammock.

  4. Wonderful photos! I love the new photo at the page's top. Sorry if it's been there a while and I'm just now noticing - lol.

    I haven't been able to read daily the past many weeks. We were visiting in the States and now Dear Hubby is home for R&R :)


  5. Andrea, I believe you bring in the entire lid. At least, that's what I did last time I had my gauge checked.

    KatieJ, glad hubby is home for awhile!

    - Patrice

  6. no one could paint a picture more lovely than the deer visiting sure is a peaceful setting happy fall

  7. Dear Patrice,
    We love your pictures! You live in such a beautiful area. We also live in a very isolated and beautiful spot in Arizona. You and your family are truly blessed, as are we. Thank you, Lord.
    --Fred & Deb in Arizona

  8. Poor, poor Lydia...

  9. I just love that picture of your older daughter in the hammock that is one for sure you should enlarge and frame that is the most beautiful country scene yet, especially with a family member in it!
