Some random pix from the last couple weeks.
It snowed very calmly and prettily all day, the beginning of spring. No wind, no drifts, about five inches total. Really, one of our nicer snowfalls.
Our woodpile.
The view down our driveway.
Needless to say, the dogs thought it was great stuff. Major really stands out in this weather.
Eating snow.
A couple of days ago, we had robins galore in our yard. I don't know what they found so fascinating to eat by this particular tree, but I counted about twenty in the vicinity.
Boy do I love robins.
Goodies for our weekly potluck (it was my turn to bring dessert): lemon meringue pies and survival cookies.
Goodies the next morning: leftover survival cookies and fresh hot bread.
Tea with a friend (who has lots of children).
A squall that came through a few days ago.
Gas prices about March 13...
...March 15...
...and March 20.
Older Daughter is moving from Algebra I into Geometry. I mistakenly thought we had some books in reserve for this subject, but I was wrong. So on Tuesday we went into Spokane to the Homeschool Bookshop to stock up.
This is a super-dooper spiffy place chock-full of extraordinary resources. What a pity it's so durn far away.
These photos don't even scratch the surface of what's in this place. And while we were shopping, the owner's children were giving music lessons in the lower level.
I found this cartoon on the store's website. Cracked me up. I've had days like this.
To Older Daughter's dismay, I was able to find some good resources, so we have no excuse not to dive right in.
Prototype for my e-booklet on canning FAQs, printed out for the first round of editing.
Setting up a photo shoot for canning equipment to illustrate.
A pretty sunset. It looks like these shots are from different evenings, but they were only taken a few minutes apart.
I bet "EG" is coming for tea. She makes great lemon curd, scones and tea and had a friend "P" over recently. I love her blog and yours, too...and all the wonderful recipes!!!
ReplyDelete--K in OK<><
Isn't that shop so much fun?! I only learned of it several months ago, and had a lovely time hunting around in there for a bit.
ReplyDeleteGas jumped $.10 overnight it's currently $3.79 in central Arkansas.
That first picture - the one with the show-covered evergreens and the red tractor - would make a nice Christmas card.
ReplyDeleteJust Me
Make that, "snow-covered." Oops.
ReplyDeleteJust Me
I love all the photos, but to be honest was stopped when I saw the amazing homeschool shop!! Wow. I remember when I began homeschooling in 1993, I had to go before the school board and then submit samples etc. Finding curricula was difficult and very pricy, so I basically created my own. I am so happy times have changed to how it is now. In my county there are over 200 homeschool families. Of course, I am done as my baby is now taking online college classes. I am once again thrilled with how much support homeschool groups have!!!
There are high school level presentations on geometry, chemistry and etc. available as podcasts (for free) on iTunes. MI Learning has some good stuff available to anyone through iTunes. The website is, and can link you right to their podcasts.