Friday, November 18, 2011

Planting tulips

If there's one thing I love to see in early spring, it's bulb flowers such as tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, etc. But with the exception of a few daffodils, I've never gotten around to planting anything. Bulbs, as you know, must planted in the fall.

So this year, I finally got around to picking up a large pack of tulips and a smaller pack of hyacinth bulbs.

I conscripted the girls and we went into the yard to plant bulbs. We started out planting them along the fenceline.

Lydia was curious about what we were doing.

"No no! Don't eat it!"

I did the digging...

...and the girls slipped the bulbs into the holes.

However we couldn't plant entirely along the fenceline, because the closer we got to the driveway, the more gravel we encountered until I simply couldn't dig into it any more.

So we moved into the fenced garden area.

We had enough bulbs to line nearly two full sides of the garden. Hopefully next spring we'll have a pretty dash of color!


  1. We also put more bulbs in the ground this year. They will be a dose of welcome color come Spring. *smile* Have a wonderful weekend! Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  2. My mom planted 100 tulip bulbs and a squirrel dug them all up and put walnuts in there place so in the spring mom found 100 little walnut trees. needless to say i was ordered to terminate the squirrel. It didn't taste like tulips

  3. I think I'm just a bit jealous - my favorite flowers are all bulbs and I've been known to plant 500 or more every fall - but not this year since we sold our place and are living in an apt in town - we put an offer in on 46 acres and a house outside of town today, and if it goes well, we'll be there before the end of the year - so I'll be watching to see if there are any bulb flowers already planted in that yard in the spring... I don't want to get excited until we are holding the deed - but I really hope this is where God wants us...

    Xa Lynn

  4. If they survive, they will be beautiful.

    Daffodils are commonly seen around old homesites because gophers don't eat daffodil bulbs. They like tulips, however. Good luck!

    Anonymous Patriot

  5. The rain is messing up my phone line, which then messes up my internet service. So, if this comment is a duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate...I apologize in advance.

    Gophers like to eat tulip bulbs. They don't like daffodil bulbs. That's why daffodils are so commonly seen at old homesites and ghost towns.

    Wishing you a beautiful Spring display...and no gophers.

    Anonymous Patriot

  6. Deer also LOVE tulips but don't ear daffodils, usually.
