Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Here's a milestone! The number of Google followers on this blog has reached 500!!

Thank you all! And a special thanks to "johnnybgood" for being my 500th Google subscriber!


  1. Wow! Congratulations Patrice!

  2. Joined several days ago and will continue to follow here from Maine

  3. lol! you are at 502 now! congrats!

  4. You deserve it. Congratulations.

  5. After my last post I had to ask myself, self, have you hit the follow button? Self said, don't know. Did. Duh. Shakes his head and walks away...

  6. Just realized I never pressed FOLLOW so I did, #505! I've been reading everyday for almost a year and love it!!

  7. You are getting pretty proud of yourself over the last few months publicly. I suggest you read the commandments and recall a bit more of the humble life you once led. The one that led you on your path.

    I'm not a bible thumper by any means but I am getting sick of your tireless self promotion since you published your book.

    This website used to be about lessons, learning and others but now, it's all about you. Keep it up and I'll be bidding you goodbye forever.

  8. Yay! Congrats! Do you count subscribers through different readers? I don't follow through blogger I don't think, but I get you in my Google Reader. :)

  9. At brave Anonymous up there..... bye!

  10. I'm sorry, but post #3 here.... I think that if I had worked my way up through the ranks by the grace of God, the sweat of my brow and the desire of my heart, I'd be proud. I personally never considered that you were being, or bordering on being, boastful. I don't even know you and I'm proud of you and happy for you. :D
