One of the most common laments I hear about Prepping is how to do it on a severe budget. This is a lament with which I'm familiar, since we live on a VERY severe budget.
This morning I got onto SurvivalBlog and found this article which addresses the subject. I thought it was well-written from the perspective of someone who has been-there-done-that.
The writer concludes with these words:
So how to be a Prepper on a low budget? Take one step at a time. Always look for small ways to get ahead. Check sales on food and medicines, household items. Save up for the big and set a priority list. If something happens before my list is done I will still be better off than I was before.
as someone with a severely LOW budget, I've been able to slowly "grow" a pantry over the past six or so months, now I know I can feed myself (did live off of it for a few month, then replenished) for about a year. Now I'm working on having enough to feed five for a year. It's not a super diverse plan but one that will keep me from starving. BTW, my pantry includes seeds for gardening. I germinated some of the seeds that were 3+ years old, great germination rate: keep those seeds cool and dry; freezer or frig! (the bottom two frig drawers are full of seeds, lol) I am definately better off that I was before!!!
ReplyDeleteOne step at a time is the correct method. I have used coupons and have gotten really good prices on many basics like pasta for free, cornmeal .24/lb, premium canned beans .20/can, sugar .25/lb and many other items for free (dried fruits) or at very low cost. Check out the prices at Costco and visit the LDS Cannery as they offer quality items at a low cost. Keep a log with unit prices paid for each item so you can quickly identify great prices. And use your storage so you are familiar with the items and can figure out what else you need to store like spices.
ReplyDeleteExplore new recipes that use your storage items now, don't wait until there is an emergency. I learned I have a gluten allergy AFTER acquiring many items and then needed to refocus and rely on cornmeal, oats and rice instead of wheat based items.
Plant a garden if you can. If you have limited space learn about vertical gardens. I planted summer squash this year but am only getting male flowers, this is because there is too much nitrogen in the soil I am using...lesson learned.
I am pleased with my progress and I've done this one step at a time.
Commit your plans to the Lord so that they will not fail.
ReplyDeleteI read this article late last night when it was "hot off the press" and thought it was very well written. I sent it out into cyberworld to several friends.
Attitude is EVERYTHING, and this writer has a great one! How often do we focus on what we can't do, instead of focusing on what we CAN do? Little by little, one goes far.
I have a friend who completely understands that serious times are ahead. Somehow she stays in a perpetual state of being overwhelmed therefor responds by trying to "be still". There comes a time when one must get off one's blessed assurance and get moving on doing the stuff! One can not run the race and finish strong if that one will not leave the starting gate.
So if this applies to you, then...get ready, set, (cue sound effect gunshot "BOOM" then SHOVE) now get STARTED. Pick up 10 or more extra somethings each time you go to the store and put them in a separate closet for long term storage. At some point you'll look back and be amazed at how much ground you've covered. You'll probably be so encouraged that you'll pick up speed with your preps.
Visited survivalblog yesterday, because I am always interested in what other "preppers" (aka normal, frugal, commonsense people) have to say. I have to say I came away mighty disappointed. A lot of talk about praying for Christians and their maladies, but then a point I made in a comment came up with kind of negative remarks -about debt and not holding any or as little as possible with things collapsing around us. Was I surprised at the attitudes of several there about better to be holding debt that can't be paid back than to save, because savers lose.
ReplyDeleteI won't be visiting there again no matter how much I am interested. Many blogs like yours and Paratus Familia where I know there is not this kind of situational ethics thinking.
Here was my last comment there:
No matter what the value of the dollar, I would need to be buying groceries and gas rather than having to pay ANY bills or debts. And I am of a generation not concerned with the value of the dollar as much as the value of my character, and the moral hazard of my owing a debt I have agreed to or a bill for usage of utilities, etc. and not paying them does not appeal to me at all.
That kind of thinking has led to our financial crisis and will lead to our moral collapse as well. Doing the right thing does not depend upon the circumstances.
No, anonymous 2:19pm, you did not visit Survivalblog, you are talking about TheSurvivalistBlog - big difference. You just ranted about the wrong blog. Nice going.
ReplyDeletePerhaps your real argument is with the fact that many who go there are Christians (just as we are here) and say so openly?
Whatever your real beef is with TheSurvivalistBlog and those who post comments there, you will be missing out on a lot of good info and firsthand experiences. And if I remember correctly, you live in Alaska and have been posting comments on a regular basis for the last few weeks, so why would you leave all that behind because of one topic? "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" as my mom used to say.
if a person is trying to prep on a "seriously" tight budget...the first thing to do before spending a dime is to carefully look at what you are currently spending money there waste of any kind there? the first step is cutting all waste. then when that is done start spending your money like it is the last money you will ever have. you will amaze yourself at how far you can make it on very little, while at the same time put something away for a bag of beans, a box of bandaids, a bag of rice, a bottle of aspirin. these are just little things that you can save and put away without feeling the squeeze, but when you need them they will be there for you.
ReplyDeleteAnon, too: Now THAT'S what I call a rant. Not worrying about what one owes if TEOTWAWKI arrives is not a mindset that is honorable for Christians. Besides it is not likely that society will end. But it is likely that enforcing debt payments will go on. There is no difference in skipping out on debts and looting in chaotic circumstances or flash mob "shopping". Situational ethics is not a Christian character trait.
ReplyDeleteBut you're right of course. We can learn from everything, even if it is what NOT to do or think.
Apologies to survivalblog. Yes, I meant survivallistblog...
Nice article, I have begun last year with food storage. It has become handly to shop in my pantry! But again I have slipped a little and need to get back into the groove of things. I began by making a list of meals we eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then I multiple the amounts neeeded to make those meals, I also have made a meal menu of pantry only meals. Then of course I have a list of non food essentials..... in other words it take a little prep time. But begin small and pick one thing at a time to do. There are plenty of web pages out there that will have lists of what to buy each month if you want to do it that way, they will say for the month of July buy 50 pounds of rice... etc.
ReplyDeleteOn a tight budget and with food prices soaring, the cheapest and best foods to stock up in bulk are rice, beans, rolled oats, hard red wheat (must have a stone grinder)sugar, salt, powdered milk, and powdered eggs if you can afford them. You can buy hard red wheat and rolled oats at a feed store as long as they are fresh and not full of bugs. The wheat must be picked clean of small stones and stickers, then rinsed and dried before storing, but the rolled oats can be used as is.
ReplyDeleteThink about the starving people overseas and how thankful they would be to have just these things. And if you were starving, you would be too. Susan