Thursday, July 21, 2011

Aww shucks....

I am trying (trying!) to catch up on my emails, and here's something I've been meaning to do for a couple of weeks: post some lovely charming notes from readers. After the hateful rhetoric from that nasty forum last week, notes like these are balm to a bruised ego.

Hello Patrice,

Alas, this is the first time I've ever written fan mail to a blogger, but I feel compelled to write you a small note.

I wanted to let you know that I am a huge fan of your writing, and I respect you immensely. I really mean that. Knowing your humility, I'd also say that I do indeed realize that we all have our faults and no one is perfect, but you still deserve much respect. Your articles are a refreshing reminder of certain values that are becoming (unfortunately) increasingly rare in this world. You speak articulately and intelligently, and I find myself being challeged in the ways that I plan to raise my children and conduct myself as a husband and soon-to-be father. I've expecially appreciated your articles challenging the "socialization arguement" against homeschooling. I admit that this used to be my arguement against homeschooling, but this is changing. I've been married for almost two years now, and we're expecting our first child (a son) in October, so this has given me a lot on which to think regarding my children's future education. Thanks for that.

Once we have our son, we're planning on my wife staying home during these critical and formative years. It's going to be difficult with one income, but God has taken care of us thus far, and I know he'll continue. I plan, however, to begin working on a home business venture akin to what you and your husband are doing. I know it's not easy (life often is not), but you guys demonstrate that with hard word and determination, it can be done. Thanks for being both an example and an inpiration.

Okay, I'll cut this short before it gets too sappy. In short: thanks for your words, your wit, and your uncompromising values. Keep it up. And may God continue to bless you and your family immensely.


Hi Patrice!

I didn’t know whether to contact you through WND or your blog, so I grabbed what happens to be handier at the moment. I have been meaning to email you for some time, as I’m thinking we might be twins separated at birth.

(Well… except for the wee fact that I’d be the twin who was born first… by a few years….)

I first got to “know” you through your WND columns. I’ve been reading WND since its inception, and I was acquainted with Joseph Farah from back in the Sacramento-area days when he was editor of the Sacramento Union. I was active at the capitol in pro-family, pro-life causes, and we shared many of the same acquaintances. Those were busy times, as my husband’s job required him to travel constantly, and I was homeschooling our three young children. The nascent Internet did not offer the opportunities it does now, but I did write in other arenas –- op-ed pieces, position papers, white papers, radio, legislative analyses, home schooling journals, etc.

When you began writing for WND, I was astonished at how much your thinking reflected my own on so many levels –- a soul sister! -– and how ably you articulated your ideas. I enjoy your insights and humor. You exude that down-to-earth common sense and approachableness that draws others in. It has been a pleasure to read all your columns (even when the subject matter isn’t so pleasurable), and I have forwarded most of them to many others. I have, so far, two copies of your Simplicity Primer –- one for myself, and one to lend. Great job!

My husband and I met at a Christian college in Southern California. We never wanted to remain in that area; in fact, even back in college before we were married, we spoke of wanting to live in Idaho! But, as life would have it, we got stuck there for awhile. (It seems nearly everyone has to “do time” in California at some point in their lives.) As soon as he was able to transfer, my husband relocated us to Northern California -– a great improvement, even if not the ultimate dream. We lived in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas NE of Sacramento, out in the country where we were able to raise our kids with room to stretch. Even Cherokee the horse swam in our pond.

We did a lot of research when Y2K approached. Long story short, we realized for the first time how totally dependent on the system we were, even living in the country. Neither of us knew anything of the old skills; both sets of our parents had been consumed with their careers. (They were part of that great company who wanted children but didn’t especially want to be parents.) So we were at square one.

We accumulated a lot of good resource materials and began the learning curve in earnest. The biggest plus was that we fled California when the Lord finally granted our request to move to (drumroll) -- Idaho! We are neighbors! We just celebrated the 12th anniversary of our move to the Bonners Ferry area. When I read in your blog recently about your hand lotion purchases at Wal-Mart, I wondered if that was the new one in Coeur d’Alene.

At this point we are trying to implement what we can by way of independence from a God-defying system, and –- as you have so coherently expressed –- investing in tangibles. I am so glad to have found your blog. I’ve spent many an hour following it and the links you have provided (which in turn provide further links, of course… ). Thank you for the scores of things you are sharing. You are building into many, many lives.

Thanks for letting me visit with you. I will leave you with a practical prepper tip: Buying and storing brown sugar can be a pain. Not only is it fairly expensive, but it can grow hard as a rock. Since white sugar is basically just brown sugar that’s processed to remove the molasses, that’s what I’m storing: cheap white sugar, which stores forever without problems; and bottles of molasses. For brown sugar, simply add molasses back into the white sugar (one tsp. for light brown, two tsp. for dark brown -– or to taste). The advantage here is that a little molasses flavor goes a long way for many things, such as BBQ sauce. For those who limit their sugar intake, a tiny bit of molasses along with something more healthy -– say, stevia -– packs a great flavor wallop. Add some molasses (and optional maple flavoring) to the sugar syrup from canned fruit and you have pancake or ice cream syrup. Molasses also has other healthy mineral content which processed white sugar lacks.

Thanks for your excellent work. May the Lord continue to bless you as you are blessing others.


Thank you, Perry and Lynda, for your kind words!


  1. What wonderful writers on your blog! How nice! Wonder if they could be guest writers on hot topics (see her 101 Ways to Use Molasses!) or receive a consolation prize for your contest!! Yes, the 'Practical, Positive, Prepping Posts for Patrice Award!' :)
    I know there's a tool for putting the spline in screens: it's like a pizza cutter but with an edge that curves over the spline and you roll over the spline with it and it's as easy as cutting pizza!
    Love your book!
    -K in OK<><

  2. Patrice, you're doing an amazing job of plate spinning and hat-switching as your life and career gain momentum.

    I know I'm not the only one here who's thankful we don't have to be up and out there to the barn to milk at 4:3o in the way cold dark blowy the muck and mud...and snow...and ice... I always say, you're only in it for the glamor.

    It's so encouraging to come here.

    Even the occasional few days away are felt in a way that feels a lot like missing your family and critters when you have to be away from home, even though you'll be back in a just few days.

    Perry sounds like the son or brother we'd all be proud to have.

    Congratulations, Perry!! My best to your wife, and please don't be a strangers. We'll want to hear back from y'all about your journey and your new son.

    And K, have you heard of the old timers using sorghum molasses to treat anemia?

    O/T Holy spagoli! I suddenly have a whole flock of hummingbirds swarming the feeder just a few feet away. We usually have only two or three resident ones, so this is very unusual. I counted eight just now...too cool! Looks like we're having company! I'd better get up and get some more 'juice' made for them. That feeder's going down fast!

    Have a good weekend, all, and be safe. God bless.

    A. McSp

  3. I store brown cane sugar with no problem whatsoever.
