I can't state my source for this, but it's a reliable opinion from a liberal (no, NOT Robert and NOT Quedula), posted for your edification.
Whether or not right wing fanatics get to keep and shoot their guns has no affect on the status of the USA. Ever study the history of the minutemen? They were big time talkers who cut and ran from every encounter they faced. Pistol packing rednecks are no match for a well trained military. The only thing they will succeed in doing is hurting themselves or innocent bystanders. I don't understand this crazy fanatical obsession with guns you people have. I would have thought that Christianity would inspire more MLKs and fewer Rambos. That is one reason I decided it was total BS.
Apparently this person never heard of the Green Mountain Boys, the Overmountain Men, the Alamo, and countless other examples of "pistol packing rednecks" who fought and died to keep this country free and united. (Actually, they were more like "rifle-packing rednecks, but that's another failure of his education).
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, if this person had ever actually read the Bible, he would know that weapon-wielding warriors were often led by divine inspiration to fight for their right to exist. And that many will be called upon to fight again in the end times. Even Jesus will have blood on his sword.
It's so sad that the author's arrogance has gotten in the way of his education.
Anonynous Patriot
I don't know what minutemen the poster was talking about, but at Concord the minutemen killed half of Colonel Smith's and Major Pitcairn's redcoats. That blood and guts day started our country, thanks to the minutemen.
ReplyDeleteMountain rifleman
Don't worry folks...just ask a few questions before dispensing charity...and we will have America back on track...
ReplyDeleteTalk about big time talkers!
ReplyDeleteSir, or Ma'am, please educate yourself, and stop making a fool of yourself.
If the Minutemen were the cowardly buffoons you describe, pray tell, why did the founders guarantee those same people the right to keep and bear arms?
And PLEASE don't further embarrass yourself by talking about the militia as if it were the National Guard, which didn't exist. The militia was simply every able bodied man, and the kept their weapons at HOME, not in some government warehouse.
Where did you get this nonsense anyway?
Bill Smith
"Right wing fanatics" keeping and shooting our guns have kept this country from becoming the USSR since day one. Though it would seem we are nearly there now with comments like that...
ReplyDeleteWe have guns because the founding fathers of this country recognized it as a god given right to keep and bear them.
ReplyDeleteThe militia (of which the minute men were) has had it's bad encounters and it's good ones just like any military force. A citizen militia is what the standing army of America is suppose to be not a professional military like we have today.
Regardless a fight is won by the will of the contestants. Since WWII the will of the lighter armed "untrained" troops seems to have often prevailed. Something to think about.
There is one point I agree with the poster about. My buddies and I would be no match for a well trained military.
ReplyDeleteBut we'd sure stand a better chance armed than unarmed, so I chose armed for me and mine.
Devin in Oregon
MLK 1966
ReplyDelete"There are many people who very honestly raise the question of self-defense. This must be placed in perspective. It goes without saying that people will protect their homes. This is a right guaranteed by the Constitution and respected even in the worst areas of the South."
Husband of the Boss.
(PS un-named commentator. Check your facts. MLK was against violence as an aggressive tool against racial inequality. He never condemned self-defense nor its use to protect family or loved ones.
"Pistol packing rednecks are no match for a well trained military." It seems to me that our pistol packing (or rather rifle packing) militia won the war against Britain's "well trained military"! What history book has he NOT been reading from? Get your facts and your education straight before you make any other ridiculous comments!
ReplyDeleteLinda (Ohio)
Just so I don't get blamed for everything, I'm not the aforesaid liberal. I also don't know anything about the 'minutemen'.
ReplyDeleteHis/her comment about Christianity is naive though. In the beginning Man created God and ever since has felt free to interpret and adapt so-called teachings to chime with his own inclinations & prejudices. Thus, at the beginning of the Great War, when two of the then most Christian nations on earth were squaring up to each other we had the sight of Bishops on both sides calling down God's blessings on the guns that would shortly be reigning down death & destruction on other Christians.
All religion is BS, not just Christianity; that is bronze age BS.
Oops, you're right Quedula - I also should have specified this comment was NOT from you. It's from someone entirely unassociated with my blog.
ReplyDelete- Patrice
The Minute Men "cut and ran from every encounter they faced"
ReplyDeleteThis is a distortion based on a technical matter. The Minute Men were not professional soldiers. The were private citizens armed with civilian rifles not military muskets.
These fine gentlemen were often called cowards because their rifles were much more difficult to reload than the smooth bore guns used by the military. They had to retreat to reload, thus creating the myth that they were incompetent cowards.
The military soon learned to use them as skirmishers placed in advance of the main formation where they could use their rifles' superior accuracy to best effect.
"All religion is BS," says Quedula, and he/she is right! Christianity is not "religion." It is the only way to the Father and Heaven. Many people blame God for our problems, when THEY are the culprits. People in all their faults and sins misinterpret the Bible a hundred different ways, and then blame God for their problems. They throw the baby out with the bath water and condemn themselves to eternal hell by doing so.
ReplyDeleteAs for guns, militias and the military, people seem to forget that a good many of those of us today who own and shoot guns were once in the military. We were armed and trained by the military. As for militiamen "cutting and running" from every encounter... what should they have done? Stood there in bright red uniforms and held their ground while the enemy cut them down? We won because we were smarter than the Brits, plain and simple. Also, we were RIGHT and they were wrong. Many wise Brits knew that, yet the brainwashed still persist to this day.
One final comment: A well-known international magazine ran an article many years ago that claimed most gun-owners ended up only shooting themselves or a loved one, and that very few American citizens ever actually defended themselves or their families with a gun. Then a Florida college professor did some research and found that about a million times a year, someone somewhere in the USA had successfully defended themselves with a gun. Not long after that, another independent researcher found the figure to be closer to a million and a half times! All you anti-gun nuts can keep listening to the liars who want to control every aspect of your lives. Someday your ignorance will gain you exactly what you deserve: Complete subservience and NO freedoms whatsoever!
I mean no disrespect here but as a Canadian I never could understand the Americans' love of guns. Here hardly anyone has a gun, except for the police,some rural farmers(to shoot coyotes, wolves and bears,etc.) and the criminals.To me it just seems violent. Can someone please explain it to me?
ReplyDeleteI'll clarify again: IT WAS ***NOT*** QUEDULA WHO WROTE THE COMMENT I POSTED. I don't agree with much of what Quedula says, of course, but please don't blame her for something she didn't write. Just sayin'.
ReplyDelete- Patrice
Whether or not Americans own guns is NOT the concern of the rest of the world. Those who don't want to own guns need not own them. Those of us who do want to own guns have that right in America. Get over it, people of the world. We have no reason to explain ourselves to anybody. End of story as far as I'm concerned. Call me hostile or whatever you wish to call me, but I am sick and tired of the "explain this to me" BS. I need not explain anything to foreigners. If you don't get it, that's your problem, not mine. I don't ask you to explain why you don't own guns - that's your right. So have the same courtesy.
ReplyDeleteDon't come here if you are so afraid of us gun-toting Americans. I assure you, I won't be going to your countries.
Anonymous Patriot
impoguemahone, please re-read your own post. I think you will see the anwer to your query within your own words.
ReplyDeleteAmericans own guns because we hunt, some of us have to contend with marauding animals, and because criminals have guns. How quickly can a police officer get to your house to pretect you? Now compare that time to how quickly an American can get to his/her own gun if the need arises. We have a history of personal defense and we intend to keep it. You and the Aussies and the Brits gave up that RIGHT in the false belief that lack of guns would make you safer. Has it? Seems all the stats show that violent crime has increased substantially since you gave up the right to keep your weapons. As you said, the criminals have guns. What you have effectively done is make yourselves more vulnerable to criminals. We Americans would rather not be so vulnerable to criminals, thanks anyhow.
You need not own guns, but please don't ridicule us as "violent" because we want to protect our loved ones, our homes, and our country. We are not violent because we own guns - we are prepared. Hope that helps.
But I stand by my earlier post, I don't feel a need to have to explain anything to anybody. What I do is not impacting you, so why should you care? I don't question what you do in your life UNLESS it impacts me and my life. My guns dont' impact your life in any way.
Anonymous Patriot
All I can say to this Patrice, is this person who said this makes me want to puke! Sorry I am so graphic. People like this will role over and urinate on themselves when the out of control gov. tells them to do something. People like this are so far out of touch with a constitutional republic way of thinking they don't deserve freedom. They don't even understand what it is, or the precautions put in place by our founding fathers, to attempt to preserve our freedoms. Boy how some have no knowledge of history. That way of thinking is a good testament of our public education system.
ReplyDeleteWhoever authored that pile of fertilizer. I would be willing to bet that they would howl like a scalded hog if you so much as laid a finger on them. Is that rednecky enough for you?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 3:07--thanks for the laugh, I needed that today. I am not the scalded hog fertilizer author, but yes, that is rednecky enough for me LOL
ReplyDeleteAh...and we hear from yet another 'nonbeliever.' "I don't believe in guns," they piously intone, "because they're just so violent."
ReplyDeleteLet me put it this way: When TSHTF, when there are no groceries to be had, no street lights or cops and violent, predatory looters rule the darkened streets, it will be those of us who can hunt and fish and grow food who will have something to protect and the means to do so.
It means for example in a SHTF scenario that if she needed to Anonymous Patriot could come to my place, while the 'I don't believe in guns' babbler would not be welcome.
Let them just go ahead on talking their drivel and smack as they look down their noses and call us names they obviously consider derogatory and demeaning. It makes it easier to identify them and protect ourselves from ever having them around our families. They're a potential danger and a liability to have around, even on a good day.
It's one thing to be afraid of guns or unwilling to learn about them, but it's quite another to vilify pretty much any and every one who doesn't share their views. They'd do well to appreciate and show some respect for those who can and do use firearms....especially those who do so in our nation's armed forces or are veterans of same.
And yes, there is basis in Scripture for regarding them thus. And yes, I could take their approach, calling them nasty names and giving them a description of what awaits them for their Godlessness and deadly choices, but I won't.
I'll pray for their your souls and hope I never have to deal with them in person in a SHTF situation, unless and until they first straighten up and get right with Their Maker.
I won't hold my breath.
To "Anonymous Patriot USA"
ReplyDeleteYou really didn't have to be so nasty in your reply. I politely asked a question and genuinely just wanted to try and understand the Americans position on guns as it differs from ours.I was not being insulting or disrespectful. The "I don't have to explain myself to foreigners" sounded very rude,racist, and arrogant.
You asked about crime; actually the crime rate here is MUCH lower than that in the USA(and I have lived in both countries and have noticed it myself first-hand).We also have a gun registry here which helps keep track of weapons and makes it easier for police to trace in case of crimes.We also have very little accidental shootings(such as kids shooting themselves or eachother or family members shooting eachother) as the average citizen doesn't own a gun and in general here a 9-1-1 call the police arrive in 2-3 minutes.As for the average citizen who WANTS to own a gun(although not too many do) you are allowed to but you first must pass a required training class so you know how to use it and the gun must be registered.
We have a lot of tools that help us maintain our property. We have fence stretchers and hammers. We have good dogs. We have an old tractor. We have chainsaws and shovels and rakes. And we have firearms.
ReplyDelete2 1/2 million times a year law abiding people use lawfully owned guns to prevent a violent crime and/or to end a crime and hold the criminal for law enforcement. Any thinking person would also know that many criminals avoid personal crimes simply out of fear that the "mark" might have a gun. That is what gun owners have accomplished with their "pistol packing".
ReplyDeleteimpoguemahone: We visit my wife's relatives in Canada a couple of times a year. Last year her uncle angrily mentioned the laws confiscating his guns. I asked him what he did about it and he said he still has them and they will have to take them from him if they want him. It doesn't sound to me like all Canadians agree with you.
ReplyDeleteThe crime rate in the U.S. is particularly bad in certain areas because of drugs and gangs. Some years back they compared a large American city with a large Canadian city and one they only included crimes committed by people of European descent the Canadian crime rate was very slightly worse then the American one. Maybe someday Canada will be blessed with as much "diversity" as America and our crime rates will be equal.
I love Canada and I'm really glad to share a 3000 mile border with you. I understand we sometimes see things different then you and vice versa. No worries. Just know that 90% of Americans would come to the aid of your country if you ever need us. The other 10% of Americans are on drugs and wouldn't even defend their own country.
"actually the crime rate here is MUCH lower than that in the USA"
ReplyDeleteThis is an absolute lie. Period.
Your gun registration is just about as effective as your health-care.
To our neighbor to the North:
ReplyDeleteHere in New York State to get a HUNTING lisc. you have to take a hunter's training course which requires you to learn basic gun safety and proper handling. You have to demonstrate through a shooting test at the rifle range that you can safely shoot the weapon. And yes,there is a written test also for the hunter training class.... I won't tell you the hoops you have to jump threw to obtain a pistol permit... 6 month FBI/ law enforcement back round check , finger printing and a psyhc eval . check /paperwork to make sure you are "stable". Plus you have to have 3 people testify to your character and be references. Also your pistols are all registered with the police . I guess I am now wondering about all these Hunting/fishing shows my husband watches that are filmed in Canada with Canadian hosts....to listen to them talk, half of the "Great white North " has guns.....they must live in a different Canada then you. Or, either they ,or you , are just full of the proverbial BS.
This is getting funny now. You label my words "racist," and then you have the audacity to call me rude. Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-t-e? But let me assure you that my previous post to you was not rude. If you want to see rude, we'll have to find another forum because I don't think Patrice would allow me to say what I'd really like to say to someone of your opinion. Let me just state that I know a progressive when I see one, and honey you are one in triplecate. Racist!!! That's so funny. You people always go for that word whenever you have lost the debate. Sorry, but I'm not buying into it because it's already been thrown around like a handgrenade by some people in my own country. We gun-totin' Americans are accustomed to being villified in every conceivable way by people like you. Your original request for us to explain our "love of guns" was rude, don't you understand that???
ReplyDeleteUsually when somebody says "not to be disrespectful, that's exactly what they are about to be. There were several posts prior to yours in which we explained why we keep our guns. Apparently you either didn't read those other posts or you chose to ignore them or you didn't care what others said, you were bound and determined to post your condescending "question." I don't know why you didn't accept what was said earlier by others, but the truth is you lack respect when you asked such a question in the way that you did.
Since I seriously doubt you will ever understand, I will not try to explain further. The answers are already posted, whether or not you accept them is not my problem.
A.McSp. I got your back, too. And whether TSHTF or not, you are always welcome at my home. United we stand!!!!
Anonymous Patriot
If I ever end up living alone, I will get a gun.
ReplyDeleteThough we've never had a gun in the house, I've always held great respect for those who have them and respect their weapon. Many of our relatives do own guns, and they are some of the nicest, most intelligent people you will ever meet. I've never understood foreigners' resentment towards Americans for wanting to protect themselves.
May I ask those here who consider owning a gun makes a person violent, why on earth do you place absolute trust in the police? They are just as capable of errors as the average citizen, and all they do is react to an incident after they've been called. It could be too late by then.
I'm not going to take those chances when I'm all by myself. Any other sort of weapon I could use would require me to get close to the perpetrator and be in harm's way, especially if they have a gun.
If any of the patriots around her seem rude, I can tell you they have a good reason right now. Labeling them violent, arrogant, or racist won't do anything to change anyone's mind. I've been called those things all ready for simply revealing to others that I'm not a Liberal, as if they were magic words that immediately transform me into one of them. If anything, those words just hard-line me against them even more.
I too, like many Americans, am almost at my civil limit.
I apologize for not properly answering the question about Americans and our guns. It's a two part answer and I would suspect both parts might well apply to (I hope)most of our gun-owning Canadian neighbors as well.
ReplyDelete1. We eat, therefore we hunt.
2. Life isn't always predator-free, whether they be two or four legged.
And having driven the AlCan Highway to Fairbanks I'd say driving through that (incomparably thunderously breathtakingly wild and beautiful) region without a firearm is kind of asking for trouble.
I love Canada. It's the politics of some of her people I have a difficulty with. It appears to me to be a lot like it is here in Washington: a countryside filled with down to earth and independent hardy folks, whose political processes are dominated by a hyper liberal urban voting bloc that lives in a different world of rigid political correctness, diversity and "tolerance" for everyone who thinks as they do.
No disrespect intended, I'm simply speaking from experience.
The whole description of New Yorkers or anyone else having to register their rifles, go to classes and take tests in order to have the ability to hunt is totally alien to me and the way I was raised. In my family the fathers taught all their sons and (willing) daughters to safely handle and use guns from our earliest years. Putting food on the table and protecting the home place were a mark of honor, care and trust. No nanny government involvement necessary, nor would it have been tolerated.
Thank God life is still this way for a lot of us in America and probably in Canada, too.
Let's see, someone wants to know what is our "obsession" with guns...
ReplyDeleteI have grizzlies in my yard. They walk on our driveway while we are sleeping and from late August to September they are standing in the rivers fishing while I drive by to the grocery store. Last year a sow and 2 cubs climbed up on our neighbor's deck to get the fish remains off of their barbeque. The neighbor on the other side of us just got back from Seattle from having his 2nd knee replaced after being chased up a tree by a 700 pound boar.
Both of our girls know how to carry and use all of our firearms because one day they may just save their life...it's weird, but a cell phone with 911 on speed dial doesn't make much of an impression on Mr. & Mrs. Grizzly.
So many interesting and informative replies! You have many wise folks reading your blog, Patrice. As for me, I've come to the conclusion that people like our northern neighbor (if he/she is actually a Canadian) and others who "don't understand our violent love for guns" are pulling our legs big time! Come on, everybody. These people who question our "love of guns" know exactly why we own guns. They're not dummies. They see the wisdom of our being able to protect ourselves. Have you noticed they ALWAYS make the exact same statements and ask the exact same questions about owning guns? Where have these people been living? Under a rock? "You really didn't have to be so nasty in your reply. I politely asked a question and genuinely just wanted to try and understand the Americans position on guns as it differs from ours." Oh, STOP it! Impoguemahone, you're an ImpoguemaPHONEY! You showed your true colors as soon as you mentioned "racist." You are one of the brainwashed souls who have either decided, in your great wisdom, to straighten out the rest of us, or you've been put up to this by the progressives who are out to remove all our God-given rights and freedoms. I am no longer allowing myself to be manipulated by the likes of you and your ilk. I'm through giving the same explanations over and over about why conservative Americans think the way they do. My grandfather was French-Canadian. He was a MAN, back when Canada was still an honorable country before the liberals ruined it. Canada is now "Liberal Land," and you want to do the same to the USA. God willing, that will never happen.
ReplyDeleteTo: "Anonymous Patriot USA"
ReplyDeleteAmericans in the eyes in the world have the negative stereotype of often being loud, obnoxious, arrogant, blow-hard,know-it-all,bigoted,brash, flag-waving, gun-toting, war-loving rednecks,and fortunately most of them I've met are NOT like that, but you, however, are a perfect example of it and are why that stereotype exists.It's people like you that give them a bad name to other nations.Also, abroad I have come across a few like you as well, embarrassing the rest of the tour group(and the host country) with their ignorance and loud mouths, being demanding,complaining, and insulting other cultures.They have a bad reputation abroad and even here in Canada often the butt of jokes because of people like you.
I am glad we have tight gun regulations; it makes our country a lot safer and less crime.
In reply to the racist canadian:
ReplyDeleteCanadians have invaded our nation twice in our history. What makes you think that we do not recall the invasions by you good neighbors in the War for Independence and the War of 1812? As history recorded the events, you not only killed our patriot soldiers, but brutally murdered innocent noncombatants. Maybe now you can get a drift as to why we are a armed nation. I am a concealed carry person and why do I carry a gun? Because a policeman is too heavy!
Belief in gun ownership always seems to me like belief in an Imaginary Magic Friend. You have to close your mind to reality in order to justify it. Gun deaths per 100,000 of the population are:-
ReplyDeletefor the UK, 0.38 people
for Canada, 4.78 people
for the USA, 15.22 people.
I find myself in the unlikely position of actually agreeing with AP & A.McSp., This is entirely the USA's business, but one sometimes wonders if all US voters are fully apprised of the facts and their democratic voice is not being subverted by unreprsentative lobbying and vested interests.
I'm a little late to this post. There is really nothing for me to add other than saying that I completely agree with Anonymous Patriot and A.McSp.
Here in the United States, "We the People" have certain "rights."
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Bill of Rights, Amendment II, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Plain and simple.
I, for one, am glad for the "right" to keep and bear arms. It's my choice, and it's part of what makes this country so great.
Let Freedom ring!
Mara :)
Regarding Quedula's statistics: I feel compelled to note that the vast majority of gun deaths in the United States are due to criminal activity - mainly gang on gang violence. Even if guns are outlawed completely tomorrow, those criminals will continue to hold their firearms, and will continue to find more. Gun laws only disarm those who follow the law.
ReplyDeleteA small Kentucky town passed a city ordinance requiring all adults to carry a firearm a few years ago. As a result, the crime rate fell sharply. When criminals know every law abiding citizen is armed, they go elsewhere to steal, rape and kill. And, interestingly, there was no rise in domestic violence involving a firearm, nor accidental shooting deaths during the same time.
Law-abiding citizens do not suddenly convert to murderous thugs just because they are armed. Being armed actually makes you more careful, and more calm in the face of conflict than if you are unarmed.
....and there's a just tad bit of a difference in believing in a gun and using one.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, I don't believe in people who don't believe in guns, because I believe theirs is a dangerously psychoepistomologically fallacious belief system.
Hint: beliefs don't stop boars and bears. Bullets do.
quedula, statistics can be manipulated to say just about anything you want. I've seen stats that paint an entirely different picture than the one you're pushing. Just remember this: The United States is a heckuva lot bigger than England! Some of our states actually have a much lower level of gun crime than England. It's been proved that in cities and states where citizens are allowed to own and carry firearms, the crime rate is much, MUCH lower than cities and states where guns are outlawed. Any half-way intelligent person with a bit of common sense knows this and WHY this is so, unles he/she is an ideologue pushing an agenda. We've heard your baloney over and over from liberals all over the world. You've made your choice and your point. Your ignorance is seen and understood. Now, will you PLEASE leave the rest of us alone??!!
ReplyDeleteImpoguemahone, where did I ever insult another culture, any race, or nation? Please cite my offense before you make your accusations. You cannot cite any such offenses because I NEVER did those things of which you accuse me.
ReplyDeleteAs for being a flag-waving, redneck, gun-toting, conservative, Chrisitan, patriotic, PROUD AMERICAN - oh yes, guilty as charged and absolutely PROUD of it.
I make no apologies for being American or for my country (unlike the POTUS). I have never visited another country, so I don't know why you think I would be such a horrible visitor. You see, I believe that when I'm visiting somebody - whether in their home or in their country - that I should be respetful of them and their way of doing things. I would hope the same would be shown me and my country. Sadly, it is not. Far too often people come here from other places and want to destroy my way of life.
So, please stop making false and unfounded accusations, and show a little courtesy. This is Patrice's blog and Patrice is an American, so are most of her regular readers, in case you haven't noticed. Show some respect, please.
USA by the grace of GOD
Quedula , please correct me if I am wrong ( since I know you will any way) is it not illegal to own a gun in the UK ? I do think it is .Also...what are the stat's for deaths in car accidents ? MORE , so lets get with your program and outlaw cars.
Apparently Impoguemahone doesn't like Americans or America. Here's how she really feels about us, from her own weblog. http://impoguemahone.wordpress.com/2010/11/23/anti-americanism/
ReplyDeleteThe truth will out, impoguemahone, and the truth is you are an American-basher. Who would have guessed?? lol
Phoney as they come and as obvious as they get, that's you.
Just like another person who likes to poke us with a stick, impoguemahone has a low-traffic blog (I'm being generous when I say "low-traffic," it's more like no traffic), she is using Patrice's blog to attract some visitors to her blog. It's a cheap tactic and will only work for so long, before we get tired of the same old ridicule, accusations, falsehoods, and progressive BS.
Visit her blog soon, before it completely changes in order to hide what she's been saying about America, or it fades into oblivion.
Hey, impoguemahone, perhaps you'd like to have Mexico as your neighbor to the south instead of the USA??? :P Or maybe Venezuela?
I suggest you study the Romn Republic, turned Empire, and the Dark Ages. Then perhaps you will have a better perspective about just what has been holding the world together, albeit tenuously, and what may happen to the world if/when my "imperialistic" nation ends. IOW, be careful what you wish for.
Anonymous Patriot
Tina, the biggest single killer in the UK and Canada are their health care systems. They would be better off to outlaw their health care and make gun ownership legal again.
ReplyDeleteJust an observation from a "war-mongering" "yahoo", as impoquemahone would call me. LOL
Anonymous Patriot
Tina, no one would suggest outlawing cars in the USA even though road deaths per capita are nearly 4 times those in the UK. Cars serve a useful, necessary purpose and unlike guns, aren't designed as killing machines.
ReplyDeleteOnly fully automatic & burst fire guns are prohibited in the UK. There are some other restrictions on pistols I believe. Ownership of all other firearms is subject to strict licensing & control.
In the USA, people do die from gunshots. That's a fact. The stats show this occurs most often in some of the most highly regulated gunownership areas, such as Oakland, California, Chicago, Illinois, and Washington, DC. That should indicate how useless gun control is. Criminals and gangbangers will always own guns. Since our police officers have been greatly restricted in their use of force, they have become generally rendered impotent when it comes to protecting the public. As a result of this leftwing emasculating of our law enforcement, citizens have availed themselves of the RIGHT to own guns for self-protection, as well as for hunting and sport shooting (skeet, trap, etc.). The overwhelming majority of American gunowners never point a gun at a human being, and therefore never have to shoot at someone. Those 1.5 - 2.0 million Americans (out of an estimated 60 million gunowners) who do brandish their guns for protection seldom have to shoot their weapons. Usually a criminal will run away when he knows his intended victim is armed and trained. On the rare occasions a law-abiding citizen must fire a gun in self-defense, the criminal won't be hurting anybody ever again.
ReplyDeleteAs for guns being "killing machines," of course they are. They were invented to kill, for meat or for war or for defense. Whatever the reason, their purpose is indeed to kill. Yet, despite that fact, more automobiles kill people than do guns in America. And isn't it ironic that medical care accounts for more avoidable deaths than do cars or guns.
It seems the paranoia lies with those who live in countries where guns are restricted to the point of being effectively illegal to own for most people. You are afraid of guns, yet you know very little about the TRUTH of gun ownership as practiced by law-abiding citizens. It has never been, and will never be, that the average gun-owning citizen is to be feared. Instead, it is far more realistic to fear those who are criminals and who know you are unarmed. If you find yourself in a situation like that, you better pray (oops, I mean hope) somebody with a conscience and a gun comes to your rescue.
As for America being violent, even knives are illegal for most Britons to own now. I guess Brits can't trust their countrymen to leave the knives in their pockets when a fight breaks out. So, which society really is more violent? For all intents and purposes, guns are outlawed and so are knives in Britain. Based on those details, it appears Britain has become a land of "violent yahoos," eh impoguemahone?? ROFLOL
Anonymous Patriot
Anonymous at 4.33pm yesterday. The statistics I quoted are from Wiki. If they had been manipulated I am sure someone in the US gun lobby would have pointed it out by now. The simplest interpretation is that more gun ownership leads to more shootings. I sought to make no other point. If there is a different interpretation I look forward to hearing it.
ReplyDeleteYes, I know the USA is more populous than the UK; that's why the figures are quoted per head of population.
“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” George Washington. Credit the citation to Walter at http://sugarmtnfarm.com/ Jennifer
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the crap you call a blog and finding out what you truly are please do us Americans a favor. Stay north of the border. We have enough aliens now overloading our supposed rotten medical system and we do not need any canucks coming down to supplement that socialist medical care you have up there. But explain to me why is it most of you northern moochers live within 100 miles of our common border? I have lived almost all my life either in close proximity to canada (Buffalo N.Y. area) or in Florida where we are invaded yearly by canadian snobirds. Not all, but most are arrogant, condescending fools who should stay out of our racist gun toting country. We do not need you as a nation as much as you need us. Only thing that was ever worth anything is the beer you brew!
There are many decent, conserative Canadians who dislike what is happening to their nation just as we Americans dislike what is happening to ours. Those Canadians are not happy with the loss of their gun rights. Those Canadians don't deserve our scorn, nor should we lump them into the same pot as we would put impoguemahone. I won't sterotype an entire nation based on one hate-filled, anti-American, anti-semetic, hypocrite like her.
ReplyDeleteAs her own husband said, according to her own words on her own blog, she cannot get along with anyone. Little wonder.
The truth is, she is the racist. She is the hater. She is the loudmouth. She is the culture-basher. She is the one who gives her country a black eye. She is a hypocrite and a flamer.
Impoguemahone, I know what your screen name means and to you I say...no thanks, but you can kiss mine. xoxox
To Anonymous November 24, 1:18pm, I have met many of those Canadian snowbirds you mentioned. I think they come mostly from Toronto or Quebec because they all have that same attitude. They live 6 months of the year in America and every day of those 6 months they tell us how awful America is. To those Canadians I say, go home and stay there. Live in your own country for a change.
Anonymous Patriot
To quedula: Wiki? So, data garnered from Wiki is supposed to be the absolute truth? They claimed WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah is a homosexual, along with many other lies. He changed the info and made it correct and TRUE, they changed it back to their original lies. Mr. Farah is a decent, honorable Christian man. Last I heard, he's suing them. Like I said, statistics are statistics. You can make them say whatever you want. FACT: Like I said, in cities, towns and states in the USA where gun ownership is allowed, the crime rate has been PROVED to be much lower than in areas where guns are banned. This FACT comes directly from our FBI. The NRA also has proof that this is true, as do many other organizations. So your "simplest interpretation is that more gun ownership leads to more shootings" is in total error, if not a bold-faced lie! You want to be treated fairly and without rudeness, but your attitude and opinions are why you're treated the way you are, and you know it. Will you give it a rest and go bother someone else for a change? You're becoming a bore and a nuisance.
ReplyDeleteNow if we could just get AP to say what she really thinks.....! LOL Love ya, Sis!
ReplyDeleteI sleep a lot better knowing I'm surrounded by God-loving neighbors who are armed to the teeth.
HAH! I haven't even gotten warmed up yet - give me time and I'll really let loose. If you had seen what I saw on her blog, you'd be ticked off, too. Coming here and accusing us of all kinds of things when it was she all along who was guilty of those things. Sheesh, the audacity of some people.
ReplyDeleteHang on, it's going to be a bumpy landing.
To Anonymous, Nov 24,5.33PM: NRA? So, data garnered by the NRA is supposed to be the absolute truth?
ReplyDeleteTo our little British hanger-on:
ReplyDeletePlease point out exactly where Anonymous November 24, 5:53pm ever used data from the NRA. He never did. Instead, he said the FACTS came from the FBI, and were supported by the NRA. Big difference, don't you see that? Please don't try to distort what others say here, to do so is a cheap trick.
Let me add a little more fuel to this fire. Not only have communities seen a reduction in violent crime when law-abiding citizens are free to exercise their right to keep and bear arms, but the Supreme Court lent its weight to this debate a year ago when it agreed with a resident of our nation's capital and decreed that Washington, DC did not have the authority to deny a man's right to defend himself with his own gun. So, you lose...again.
I find it rather contradictory of you that you visited America (the West, if I remember correctly) in spite of the fact that we are "gun-loving violent redneck pistol-packing lunatics" as our fans like to refer to us. How could you have risked your life like that? Was the trip worth it? Were gun-crazed Americans pointing rifles at you during your entire trip? How many dead bodies did you count in our streets? Surely, since there are so many of us running around with guns hanging from our gunbelts, you saw some violence up close and personal. You did, didn't you? If not, then perhaps you are just trying to stir up trouble here, which is apparently your stock in trade.
Have a great day, and I hope your cat can protect you from harm.
Anonymoous Patriot
G'morning AP. I'm surprised you didn't let Anonymous, Nov 24,5.33PM answer for him/herself and give me the chance to argue with someone different.
ReplyDeleteSince you ask, yes, I've always enjoyed my visits to the USA but they were some years ago now but I certainly wasn't aware of the gun death statistics at the time. If I had known I wouldn't have taken a gun, I would have gone to Australia or New Zealand instead.
AP I thank you for walking point and giving us the heads up about the "Imo' blog."
ReplyDeleteWhen folks like that start slinging their nasty stuff at folks like us it serves as a great reminder that the guilty dog barks first.
I presently live in the UK but have lived and work in the US for a number of years.
ReplyDeleteForeigners who live in countries generally without guns have difficulty understanding the US desire for guns.
Statistics show that deaths by guns are much much higher in the US than in the UK, Germany, Japan, Australia *per head of population*.
Either easy availability of guns leads to higher gun crime or Americans are just more homicidal than the rest of the world. Pick one but don't try and pretend neither is the case.
Rural protection and hunting aside, why do suburban dwellers want guns?
Given the number of guns in America I can see the desire to have a gun to protect you and yours. Given the scarcity of guns in gun control countries I can see the benefits of not having them, until you encounter the rare criminal who does have one.
The founding fathers never could have imagined a world where technology had moved on to the point where a militia was of only limited (but still some) benefit to an army who have to be full time to train with the technically complex weapons systems that they have today.
Democrats see only the harm guns do and want to remove them while ignoring the benefits of an armed society.
Republicans see only their 'rite' to have them and try and ignore the undesirable consequences.
If TSHTF I'll be glad to be in a country where raiders are almost certainly unarmed.
If TSHTS when I'm in America I'm going to wish I had a gun (and was proficient in its use) because many raiders will be armed.
@Tina Nov 23 2010 @ 6:17
It is possible to own a gun in the UK but you have to show a need for it (such as a farmer) and the type of gun is very limited (double barrel shotgun). No semi-automic hunting rifles.
A general citizen struggles to get permission to own a gun.
Handguns are very difficult to get permission to own unless you are in a 'special' profession (prison guards sometimes get visits from ex-inmates in the middle of the night)
As far as deaths by car are concerned we all accept the dangers of cars but accept the benefits of quick convenient travel to outweigh them. The benefits of guns are less easily justified.
If your house is being broken into you're going to call someone with a gun, and pray they get there in time. Studies show that private citizens are far better shooters, the police causing more collateral damage while using a firearm.
ReplyDelete"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams, 1776
To Quedula and the Canadian chick who is not well, I just found this blog yeaterday and want to give a viewpoint from an Aussie, and help out my American brothers and sisters, Australian murder/gun deaths are higher per 100,000 than the USA, according to the Australian Bureau of criminology the stats for murders within the whole of Australia for 2013 was 1,497 in total, Australia has a population of just on 23.7 million, multiply the population 15 times and you will come to a quick conclusion that the homicide rate for my country is higher than the total rate for the USA.
ReplyDeleteFor example, drive by shootings in Australias most populous city ( Sydney 4.8 million people ) occured in 2013 at the rate of 2.4 perweek, hardly the crime free paradise that people paint.
the population has been disarmed to a certain extent, but there has been an uptick in people who own firearms in Australia, the recent figures show about 6.7 million gun owners, that of course does not include the ones owned by people who refused to comply the Federal govt buyback in 1997.
In a recent survey it has shown of a random sampling of 2,000 people on the street that about 72 percent of people carry knives for one reason or another.
Again hardly the paradise the people overseas think it is.