Okay, ladies, do I have a wonderful product for you. A concealed-carry bra holster!
A friend has started a cottage industry called Naturally Concealed making bra holsters for ladies. I tried one and became an instant convert. I can't wait to get one of my own!
Since I don't wear belts, I can't carry my revolver in a standard holster. Besides, that doesn't work concealed. So when I carry concealed, I have a waistband-type holster that nestles my revolver in the small of my back. This works beautifully but I cannot drive with it on (nor can I wear a backpack because it bounces on the revolver). I would love to carry concealed whenever I go to the city, but I couldn't find a holster that would let me drive and carry at the same time. What to do?
This is why my friend's idea is so brilliant. A holster that nestles below the bust, taking advantage of our natural curves to conceal - and I mean invisibly conceal - a small-caliber handgun! This holster works on all sizes, from petite to full-figured.
![]() |
Side view |
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Front view |
If you're interested in having that little extra element of safety, I can't recommend this holster highly enough.
Oh, I gotta have me one of those! (to paraphrase Will Smith from Independence Day).
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting to get my concealed carry permit, but didn't like the choices of holster out there either.
Now, I have no excuse!
Can you tell me the caliber of the pistol in the two bottom pictures, or what caliber range will work with this holster?
Thank you for the tip. I have been carrying mine in the pocket of my dress. I make my own dresses and make deep pockets for that very purpose. But I also wear skirts and would like to have a way to conceal without pulling my skirts down. I will look into this way to carry.
ReplyDeleteMelody, I suggest you email Naturally Concealed with any and all questions - she'll be able to fill you in on all the details. Her email is:
I can also vouch for this woman's ethical standards, which are sky-high.
- Patrice
I do sympathise. It must be rotten feeling so unsafe that you need to carry a gun everywhere. But doesn't it give a false sense of security? What do you do it your assailant also has a gun, maybe a bigger one?
ReplyDeleteQuedula, I'd shoot him first. A .38 hollow-point in the center of body mass would negate his advantages.
ReplyDelete- Patrice
Good response Patrice.
ReplyDeleteIt must be, um, 'interesting' living in such a dream world.
Hopefully the judgmental 'dreamers' who don't 'believe in guns' will never have occasion to need the protection of one of us who see the world for what it is and therefore do 'believe in' them. Some of us are actually speaking from experience, and wouldn't be here to speak the truth had it not been for a readily available firearm.
Walking around strapped means we DON'T feel unsafe, and that's a sense of security that's certainly NOT false.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you do it your assailant has a gun and you have nothing?
Tanya (FL)
I too have the "down the back of the pants" holster. This one looks like it solves all problems, until I visually picture the scenario... Dirt bags converging, growing realization of danger, quick, jerk my blouse open and reveal...
ReplyDeleteLOL, I'm rolling on the floor imagining the disappointment on dirt bag faces.
Gun control has worked so well in Britain. Right Quedala?
ReplyDeleteWe had a new math student today and while conversing with the dad, we learned he is a police officer. We shared that the entire family just got our concealed carry license. He said "Good!" and explained that people should not wait on the government to protect them. He says the police usually arrive in time to write up the report.
ReplyDeleteA man tried to abduct me from the WalMart parking lot about 11 years ago. Even that was not enough to cause me to learn to shoot. But this summer it all changed. We had a horrible experience with a 12 man (illegal) roofing crew, despite contracting with a reputable, local company. The world is a different place than it was 11 years ago.
I am proficient with my Glock 19.
I own it...it does not own me!
Thanks so much for this post Patrice! You are writing about the issues that are of utmost importance to me.
Is that a Taurus Judge in the first photo? I'd love to own one of those, but illegal here.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same thing Anonymous 1:31pm said. I'm trying to visualize how quickly a woman could retrieve her piece from such a location on her person. Open carry is my favorite way.
Oh, and a little tidbit for our British detractor - "Gun control means using both hands."
Anonymous Patriot
The Anonymous at 1:31 pm echoed my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to picture the scenario with the bad guy approaching and staring down the "helpless female," obviously meaning to do her some harm.
The "helpless female" sneers at the bad guy, and says, "OK, buster, you're going to get what you deserve," and confidently rips open her blouse.
Oops ... left the gun on the nightstand.
(You can take it from here.)
Patrice, in all honesty, I'm afraid that the bra holster is not very practical for the kind of situations that can develop very quickly when a gal finds herself in imminent danger in "bad guy" territory.
What I'd recommend is one of those fanny packs or purses with a hidden pouch for a concealed firearm. The best ones are made so the wearer can be walking along with her hand inside the opening, and be gripping the firearm ready to snatch it out at a moment's notice; all the while looking as innocent as a dove.
My son and I have made a study of survival situations, and the almost unanimous agreement among urban combat experts is that an attack-type confrontation begins and is over with within 5 seconds. You've got only that long to rip open your blouse, correctly grip your firearm, pull back the hammer (revolver) or rack in a round (pistol), point it at the bad guy and shoot. Can you do that in less than 5 seconds?
Here's a thought. When you know you are going to go out with your bra holster on you can wear one of those maternity blouses that has a convenient side opening. Now, that would be a winner! In fact, you or someone, could make a cottage industry of altering blouses just for that purpose.
Let's be a bit kinder to Quedula, shall we? She lives in an almost totally liberal country and she's a subject of the Crown, not a free citizen, in spite of what she might believe. The Brits used to have really good common sense, but they've been told so many lies for so long now that they've become conditioned (brainwashed) by their leaders. Dear Quedula, once you buy a gun, you learn how to use it, clean it, store it and carry it. You practice shooting it in every type of situation you can imagine until you are so proficient with it that most armed criminals would be at a disadvantage against you. You don't become overly confident, you become self-assured and confident that YOU can protect yourself and your loved ones. Believe me, criminals can see that and will leave you alone. Nevertheless, you should always be armed and ready for any threat to your person, property or loved ones. I wish we lived in a world where this wasn't necessary, but we don't! Stop listening to lying liberals, Quedula, use your common sense and listen to those who REALLY want you to stay alive! God bless.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post, Patrice. I know what I'm buying myself for my birthday now! I have one of the leather fanny packs with the pocket for my gun and it's wonderful for certain situations but, this will work as well. And, I agree that there are attack scenarios that will require a 5 second response but, one could argue the efficiency of all holsters. There are men in Texas that have the front pocket holsters and that could potentially take more than 5 seconds. When I think of the alternative of not having anything at all, I think..."no thanks"! For the most part, this is a holster I would wear during the winter when I wear layers anyway. Mine would be strapped over a tight fitting, long sleeve pullover and then hidden by a looser fitting pullover or button down. Yeah, it will take some finnigiling ( I don't think I have EVER actually tried to spell that word!) but, all of them do and I would never wear it without practice first. Heck, my fanny pack has a zipper on the outside and then a strap on the inside you have to do through. There's pros and cons to everything.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a great item! Despite the extra time to remove, it will free hands and allow for secure but accessible storage for hiking, chores at home, etc. As a rural westerner about the only place I go without a firearm is the office. It is a federal reservation and we can lose our jobs if caught with a weapon in our vehicles or on our persons. Traveling, hiking, etc. and just hanging at home, we have something nearby. Living just north of the US-Mex border, we have varmints with no legs, 2 legs and 4 legs. There are times when we may need protection from one or more, especially the no-legged ones with the rattles on their tails. We try to get the snakes to move along to the next property (they are great mousers, so we do not shoot them without provocation), but some will not budge or even become aggressive and move toward us. They are prime candidates for a dose of bra-holster fire!
ReplyDeleteI have an inside the waistband holster that conceals my taurus slim 40 cal beautifully. I am ususally wearing jeans and a tank top, and you can't tell I'm wearing it. It's awesome! I wear it concealed at home all the time, but I don't have my concealed carry permit, yet, so I have to remove it from my person while I'm driving. There have been a few times that I forgot I was wearing it until we were almost where we were heading (it's that comfortable.) My husband custom molded it for me out of Kydex. He's got one for his Kimber 1911 that conceals perfectly on him.
ReplyDeleteI could see this as a good alternative if I was going to be wearing something without a waistband. I'll need to try out my Slim with a skirt and see how it works with my rig. I'll let you know.
Thanks for sharing this. It's very thought-provoking.
Gracie Wray
I am a 75year old female. I live in a large vibrant City on England's south coast. I have worked in London which I still frequently visit and lived & worked in Holland. Throughout my entire life I have never found myself in any situation where the possession of a gun would have made the slightest difference. And before you say I've just been lucky, neither do I know anyone or have heard of anyone who found a gun useful in any way. Can you wonder that as far as I am concerned I DO live in a world where carrying a gun would be a completely pointless complication?
ReplyDeleteI think it is wonderful that you have never been in a situation where you needed a gun to defend yourself. Many people live there entire lives without needing to use a gun. However, I would suggest for those that do find themselves in such a situation, there is only that one chance. Without the ability and training to protect themselves, they will not be around to debate with you about the pros and cons of carrying a gun. I'm sure their family members would have liked them to have that chance to defend themselves. It's true that a gun cannot help you in every situation, but I would sure like the option to try to protect myself and my family.
When I was about 5, my family went to a remote (outdoor) train station to meet a friend. We happened to be the only people at the station that day. My dad noticed a group of young men walking past a short distance away. While I was young and oblivious, he realized that they were checking us out a little too closely. When they turned and started toward us, he ordered us into the car. We could not leave because the train would be there shortly, leaving our friend alone at the station with these same men. The men approached and surrounded the car, pushing and making the car bounce. The one guy came to the drivers window and started to lift a bat that he was carrying by his leg. That is when my dad lifted and pointed his gun. The young men immediately walked away from our car. Tell me that situation would have not been different without the presence of that gun.
Can you imagine a different situation if this woman had a concealed gun strapped to her bra? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Denise_Amber_Lee
Or how about if our trained military personnel were allowed to protect themselves rather than wait for a civilian police officer to come to their assistance? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Hood_shooting
Sure, guns are dangerous. Like any tool, you must train to use it and use it with wisdom. How many cars, knives, etc. have been turned into deadly weapons in the wrong hands.
Of course a gun is not necessary in every situation. Deadly force should always be avoided if there is any other option. And we are all well aware that a gun cannot protect you in every situation. But I would hate to be in a situation where I could have protected myself, my friends, or my family and failed because I did not believe in guns. It is ok if you (and others like you) don't believe in utilizing guns. But please leave those of us that value our right to self protection alone. You better pray if you or someone you love gets into danger, there is someone around that is prepared to do what is necessary to come to your assistance. Whatever your beliefs, criminals believe in the use of guns.
This is a long, and profoundly sad story, but I'm going to tell it because people like Quedula and other hoplophobics need to understand how important it is to be armed and trained to use those arms.
ReplyDeleteBack in August 2000 a family was shattered by a terrible tragedy that could have been averted had there been a gun available to prevent it.
While the parents were out to work and running errands one morning, a crazed guy broke into their house and tried to murder the five Carpenter children with a pitchfork.
The oldest daughter, knowing their father had a handgun, and having been trained by him to use it, wanted desperately to get it to stop the homicidal maniac.
Like a dutiful law-abiding citizen, however, Mr. Carpenter had the gun locked up and out of reach.
Knowing that it was all they could do to try to save their siblings the two oldest girls managed to escape through a window to a neighbor's to call 911, but the lunatic brutally murdered the three youngest.
The lesson here is that a locked up, inaccessible gun is no gun at all. In my opinion the state of California is culpable in those childrens' deaths.
Here's the rest of the story. We knew this family. We were all together in the same homeschool cover school. And our children used to play with their children.
That incident left a very, very strong impression on me in regards to my God-ordered mandate to protect my family. Let's just say, the Carpenter incident wouldn't and couldn't happen in our home.
You can read about the whole tragic tale at http://www.lewrockwell.com/poe/poe1.html
Oh, by the way, most of the media at the time totally ignored the issue of the presence of a gun that could have prevented the tragedy but for its state-mandated lack of availability.
Also, Quedula, if you go to NRA's website you can read a feature called "The Armed Citizen," which is a recounting of hundreds of incidents where firearms prevented tragedy. Interestingly, most of the averted incidents involved only the brandishing of the weapon (like the story by Tanya above).
You can't reason with a hardline leftie, so why try?
ReplyDeleteI hope you live out your time never being threatend by anyone Quedula. Please keep in mind that you cannot relate to our part of the world anymore than we can relate to your life experience.
ReplyDeleteNo American has to try to explain anything to a condescending atheist snob from another country who looks down her nose at us. OUR ability to use firearms has bailed her country's butt out of trouble in WWI and again in WWII. Apparently she has forgotten that, perhaps due to her age, which she likes to wave like a red flag.
ReplyDeleteIt's bad enough to have to put up with this type of person from our own country, but when this stuff comes from someone who doesn't live here (thank GOD) and who has a low opinion of us anyway, I say it's long past time to IGNORE HER and let her drift back to her nation of busy-body know-it-alls.
Anonymous Patriot - out of patience with leftwing atheist snobs
Thanks for all your replies folks. I'll ignore the insulting one but to the rest I want to say I love America and am fascinated by its history. I have also spent holidays in the West (self-drive without a gun) without feeling the least bit threatened at any time. Was I naive?
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous at 3.59 pm I would say yes, you are right, I maybe cannot relate properly to your part of the world, but what I am suggesting is that all the situations you fear and arm yourselves against are a product of the gun culture itself.
I like the fanny pack idea....anything that appears to be an "unusual" motion (moving your arm in back) always catches attention & if you are moving towards your breasts, that definitely causes attention! - Having said that, this looks so very comfortable and kudos to the designer for thinking of it......
ReplyDeleteI have never lost my home or belongings to fire, theft, earthquake, flood, tornado or hurricane. Nor have I known anyone to loose their house to any of these events. But I still purchase homeowners insurance. Hopefully I'll never need to cash in my homeowners insurance policy, but I can rest easy at night knowing it's there and ready just in case.
By your reasoning, I feel unsafe and have a false sense of security for having my insurance policy.
Owning a gun (and more importantly knowing how to use a gun) are just my life insurance plan for an act of violence.
Andrea S
Andrea S,
ReplyDeleteHaving home insurance doesn't increase the risk of theft, earthquake, fire, flood etc. But universal gun ownership does substantially increase the risk of being shot. In fact you are 33 times more likely to be shot to death in the US than in the UK. Some insurance!
You're 3½ times more likely to die in a road accident in the US than the UK. If I want to stay alive longer, I know where I prefer to be.
ReplyDeleteAre you seriously trying to tell us that you have little gun violence in the UK?
"The details were released in a parliamentary written answer by Home Office Minister Lord Bassam of Brighton. A ban on all private ownership of handguns became law in November 1997, but handgun offences have risen each year since then."
Seems your country is having the same results that have been proven true accross the USA. Limiting guns to the general population does little to keep weapons from the hands of criminals (seems they don't pay too much attention to gun laws.) Gun laws simply limit law abiding citizen's ability to defend themselves.
I guess we must simply agree to disagree.
PS.- Patrice, Sorry for filling up your comments section :-)
I can see that you are are a pretty clever old lady Quedula. I agree with A.P. I have no reason to try to justify America to you. Enjoy the freedom that America helped make possible for Britain. In the words of a man I truly respect...That was our finest hour.
ReplyDeleteTanya. I try to keep my comments short, simple and to the point. No, I wasn"t saying we have NO gun violence n the UK.
ReplyDeleteWe won't be getting a concealed carry permit because we believe those will be first on the list to be removed by our over zealous, rotten government. We live in an open carry state and we open carry. In fact, my 16 yr old daughter spent most of the spring and summer with her .22 lying in the back seat of her car so it was accessible whenever she saw whistle pigs to shoot. That is a great pastime here.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, is anyone else thinking that CCW permits are a bad idea? Or are we just crazy? Probably still won't convince us to get one.
By the way, a bit of trivia about the former great state of California, it is legal to open carry there, however, the gun must be unloaded and the ammo locked in a separate area. That makes a lot of sense. NOT.