Sunday, February 1, 2015

Gas prices

Lately we've been watching gas prices creep down down down. As Younger Daughter put it, she's never likely to see such prices again during her lifetime, so I've been taking photos to document this unprecedented event.

This was our local price January 15:

These photos were taken January 22:

These are the lowest prices I've seen. As of this writing, prices are starting to creep up to about $1.65/gallon... which is still, by modern standards, astronomically low.

It remains to be seen how long they stay this low, especially in light of the recent death of the Saudi king. I'm certain the low prices are affecting the livelihood of some people; but meanwhile it's awfully nice to get change back at the gas station.


  1. Just this morning I read news of oil refinery workers going out on strike. I don't know if it is because of wanting to watch the super bowl, or they really do want to strike. The article said they had
    been presented with 4 offers in a few days and decided to walk. Seem awful quick to me. This will be a excuse to raise the prices at the pump.

  2. We are still over $2/gallon. Last time I filled up it was $2.16. I have to fill up twice a week because I commute from our rural haven to a city for work. When I say city its about 30,000 people - so not huge, but way to big for the comfort of my family.
    Anyway, the falling prices are very helpful to our family. I will enjoy it while it lasts!

  3. Ours are back up to $2.19....never got below $1.74 here in Jackson, Michigan

  4. Wow, you do have low prices! Ours in Michigan are around $2.05 / gallon after dropping down to about $1.89 a couple of weeks ago. It's an awfully nice break.

  5. In WNY they are a buck more than yours for each. We have a couple of diesel vehicles and one of our tractors is diesel so we bought several hundred gallons of fuel for them. Diesel lasts better than gas of I would have had a tank of each. I am hoping to cut some of our enormous fuel bill over the next few months. I'm with YD; can't imagine any way but up unfortunately. I like having fuel on hand when the alternative is 5 gallon gas cans for the tractors, so, added bonus of having the tanks.

  6. Lowest I got it for last week was $1.65 in the Very Large Southern State Starting with T. Prices seem to slowly creeping up.

  7. Haven't noticed the lower fuel prices translating into lower food prices. Just saying. :-l

  8. We're seeing $2.35 in Southern California, the land of mega-fuel taxes. I drive a Prius and fill up at 1/4th a tank. Last time I filled up for under $11! There is talk of a "mileage tax" coming because the state isn't getting enough to maintain the roads. But, if they hadn't raided the transportation account for pet projects, they would have enough....

  9. In Idaho ? Nearest refinery must be , what ? - 1000 miles away ?
    Why am I paying $ 2.25 in PA ? Watch yourself ... remember the frog was cooked in such a way that it was not aware of the process. I don't mind paying what we did 20 years ago - but, show me the way we are trying to distance ourselves from mid east.

  10. I our area refineries are laying off hundreds of workers, they say it's cause the gas prices are so low that they can't pay workers cause the company isn't making the money per barrel. So it's sad cause many lost their jobs which we have heard our area will have another forclosure high because of the job losses.....but many commuters love it cause they can afford to use that savings in gas for itger things it's a bad overall situation, can't make both happy. ..

  11. I read this article with shock. In Texas we truly "feel" the low gas prices/oil prices. My husband and many of our neighbors have lost their jobs in the oilfield. We understand how nice it is at first for others to fill their tanks for less $, but for us, it's the lining on a very large cloud. My husband earned a nice paycheck, but to do that, he worked long hours and was away from his family a great deal. Now, he's making HALF of what he made and thankful for the job, because there are NO jobs available for a man to support his family. There are a lot of discouraged men in our community. I'm thankful I have a prepper mentality, so we're not feeling the pinch as much as others, but it's very hard. The livestock still need feed, the house payment, vehicle payment are still there. Nothing else in our lives is cut in half, just the paycheck.

  12. I wonder what is happening next... this is scary,

  13. I feel sorry for our American friends. Here in sunny England our petrol has come down in price to only $6:75cents per gallon.
