Monday, February 23, 2015

Big Brother is back

I saw this article on Drudge yesterday: Feds: America Should Adopt ‘Plant-Based’ Diet.

It seems in an effort to "transform the food system," your benign friends at the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (which set guidelines as the basis for government food assistance programs, nutrition education efforts, and for making "decisions about national health objectives") want to track your every move and every calorie.

Specifically the opening paragraph reads: "The federal committee responsible for nutrition guidelines is calling for the adoption of “plant-based” diets, taxes on dessert, trained obesity “interventionists” at worksites, and electronic monitoring of how long Americans sit in front of the television."

In case you're in the mood for a little light reading, the Committee Report is here -- all 571 pages of it.

All together now: BIG BROTHER IS BACK.

Due to the "urgent" levels of obesity in America, the DGAC is calling for diet and weight management interventions by “trained interventionists” in "healthcare settings, community locations, and worksites."

Great... now your boss gets to weight you in every week.

If that's not bad enough, the DGAC also calls for "policy interventions to 'reduce unhealthy options,' limit access to high calorie foods in public buildings, 'limit the exposure' of advertisements for junk food, a soda tax, and taxing high sugar and salt items and dessert."

And they're going to do this by "the use of economic and taxing policies to encourage the production and consumption of healthy foods and to reduce unhealthy foods."

The Committee acknowledges the increase in screen time as a contributing factor toward obesity. And what's their solution? Is it to ban personal electronics or television? Of course not. There would be riots in the streets. Instead, they recommend “coaching or counseling sessions,” “peer-based social support,” and “electronic tracking and monitoring of the use of screen-based technologies” as a way to limit screen time.

This is getting creepy.

And of course we all need to eat less meat to “maximize environmental sustainability” out of concerns for climate change. Oh, and "'altering individual and population dietary choices and patterns' would be necessary to meet its sustainability goals."

All together now: BIG BROTHER IS BACK.

I wonder how many people understand these new regulations as just another aspect of taxation and control? I mean, is there anyone who honestly believes the government has our bests interests at heart when it proposes stuff like this??

I have a single, simple response to these kinds of guidelines. Ready?



  1. Not just no-hell no! It is no ones business what I do or do not eat. I love steak, chicken, pork, you name it. Yes, I eat salads and veggies-when I damned well feel like it. I want the damned government and all the busy bodies that the taxpayers employee to simply leave me alone. Is that so hard? -Stealth Spaniel

  2. Not only no, but HELL NO! These were the same people that told us eggs and butter were bad and now they are good...WTF.
    Get rid of HFCS and artificial sweeteners and the obesity will go away,...oh, wait...that would mean less profits for the food industry,...silly me,

  3. I read the first paragraph of the DGAC report and was horrified. How the the federal government think they are going to be able justify this intrusion into our lives. In talking to my primary care doctor in Dec we discussed her inability to get patients to follow a healthy diet, exercise, spend less time sitting in front of TV, computer, game consoles. If she, in discussing the health benefits of a healthier lifestyle cannot get people to change all the taxing, tracking, intervening won't do it either. Legislation can't change mindsets - as with all other attempts to limit things like alcohol with prohibition, smoking with warning labels on the package, nutrition information on packages and menus - it won't change what people will do.

    The report does not, I believe, request changes in media like recipes with photos in magazines, content in cooking shows, restrict publishing of cookbooks, vending machine options - and I could go on and on.

    Do the various counsels like meat, milk, dairy, cheese, egg, sugar, etc., support this report? Will they change their promotion, lobbying to support these recommended changes.

    And, who is on the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee? Are there primary care doctors, cardiologists, neurologists, dietitians, food scientists?

    1. OK - I looked thru the lists of those who worked on this guideline & now I'm going to have to check their qualifications and see if they also are involved in any other federal groups.

  4. I am going to second that NO! My husband and children would definitely revolt if their meat was taken away.

  5. The powers that be are trying to regulate us into a corner. And some of us will continue to try and move around to some degree and avoid these guidelines for a while. But eventually we will be backed into a corner and oh look out when the people are cornered. Here is a link to a recent article from Global Research regarding eating healthy becoming a mental illness. Well I guess they can call me crazy because I will always eat healthy over the processed foods. Rebekah

  6. I wonder how they are gonna tax the 47% to 51% group of food stampers? Oh yeah, the working class. how much more can they think up to take my last $10 left over from my paycheck?

  7. What struck me is that this is pure genius. With the poor decisions made by the PTB, so many of these foods will be unavailable soon. So, rather than face the wrath of the gullible public, they are convincing us that we didn't want these "unhealthy" things anyway. Then when they disappear it was due to lack of demand. As I said, pure genius!

  8. Big brother and all his politically elite cohorts would, of course, continue feasting on kobe beef, lobster and salmon after making all such foods illegal for the masses.

    I'd happily prepare a 571 page smoothie for the members of the Dietary Guidlines Advisory Committee and their staff, and would gladly 'intervene' to ensure they consumed it. All of it.

    Big Brother needs to be neutered and contained.

    A. McSp

  9. i am going to open a cheesecake speakeasy!

    a lady at the survivalist blog wrote that she received a census form asking the most incredibly intrusive questions.
    these things are the tip of the iceberg.
    remember the titanic?
    with the national debt what it is, who will pay these unwanted busybodies to watch you eat your dinner?
    it is another way to get the foot literally in the door to snoop in your dwelling and around your property.
    possibly it is jobs for the protesters who got degrees in women's studies and armpit hair propagation and braiding who will get the jobs!
    a sop to the occupy wall street crowd.
    kills several birds with a couple of unconstitutional regulations.

  10. Playing devils advocate really, I'll admit that having visited the states quite a few times I was shocked by the level of general obesity. The number of mobility scooters for grossly obese people was a real eye opener! How do you believe obesity should be tackled Patrice or do you think it is a matter for the state at all?
    In the UK our health service is nationalised so we almost expect to be advised on anything that falls within a health remit as the state pays (through high taxation). It has benefits and drawbacks of course, no one ever goes without healthcare, although our shocking cancer survival rates when compared with the rest of Europe attest to the fact that our healthcare spending is incorrectly distributed.
    I agree with a lot of what you're saying, don't get me wrong, the level of interference suggested is astounding, I'm just interested in your take on tackling obesity? PS I'm a healthcare professional who sees a daily lack of interest in people taking responsibility or accountability for their own health.

    1. The obesity epidemic is the result of the last'great' gov't intervention when eggs and butter were the villains replaced by low-fat (sugar loaded) this and that (fake food). Sugar and highly processed carbs are extremely addictive. Throw in the breakdown of the family, no one home to even remember how to cook a meal not from a tin can or 'helper' from a box, and you have a nutrition disaster. This new food 'intervention' is not based on health but politically tied with environmentalists.

    2. Thank you for presenting your thoughts in a dignified, respectful manner. Even though they are slightly counter to the premise of this thread, I'm grateful for your insight and your gracious tone.

      I don't know what the answer is either. But I do believe it lies within us, ourselves, not with ever-increasing, oppressive authority.

      To point: Everyone knows smoking kills people. It causes untold hardship and is a drain on the health care system. But it's still legal. Why? If it's that bad, why isn't tobacco simply outlawed?

      We all know why.

      If one wants to avoid the calamitous outcome of smoking, they must decide for themselves not to smoke.

      Thank you for your thoughtful input on a difficult subject.

      Just Me

    3. Obesity, real obesity where the person weighs 300-500 lbs is genetic. Simple as that. If you know an obese person than you know that they cannot lose the weight and all the anti-science "reasons" for obesity have nothing to do with actual obesity. Now as for overweight there is indeed a lot of Americans who are overweight. Again simply genetics. While an overweight person can lose weight to the point where their weight is normal that is not easy and requires a tough diet for most overweight people. What "causes" this is ample and cheap food allowing our genetic propensity to be all it can be.
      What most people miss in this discussion is that more then half of the population are not obese and not overweight and yet they all eat the same things. Clearly it isn't the food!! Most young people are not obese or overweight but as they get older they may well become obese or overweight just as this was true 50 years ago and 100 years ago (I', 71 years old and I can assure you there were a lot of fat people 70 years ago to. I lived in Europe for 4 years and was suprised how many obese people there are in Europe. They choose not to make a big deal about it so you may be ignorant of that fact but it is still true. Do they have more obese people than the U.S.? Who knows since there isn't really any accurate collection of data to discover this.
      Obesity is twice as common for blacks and hispanics. Again it is genetic and that is part of their genetic makeup.
      I sympathize with the problem of being overweight. No easy answers. For the individual it requires a lifetime commitment to a "severe" diet. Obesity though is a different story. If you are obese and weight 350 lbs it is probable that you will never weigh 150 lbs again in your life no matter what you do. It is genetic!!!

    4. What kind of fantasy is this anon? The obesity seen today in America has never existed before. It has only existed at these levels in about the last 30 years and during that time there has been significant changes in the actual make up of food and lifestyle.
      I went to elementary school in the 80s. In the ENTIRE SCHOOL there were 2 chubby kids. That's it. Both were boys who had massive growth spurts a year later. Highschool. One. That is right. One fat girl.
      Compare that to now.

  11. What kind of fantasy world do the idiots on the DGAC live in? I can't really tell you my reaction to this. It mainly involved four letter words and evil thoughts. I am so sick of people in general, and government in particular, telling us how to live our lives! How I live my life is NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS!!!

    Rant off. Thanks for the heads up Patrice. I hadn't heard of this yet.

  12. Feds, I'll give you my cinnamon bun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
    Montana Guy

    1. Great Comment. I love my Cinnabun.

  13. I could write a book about how the (cough) government is wrong on so many levels when it comes to food. They are so connected to the "food" and "agricultural" industries that it isn't even funny. On one hand, they tell us to eat healthier, and on another, they fund the very industries that produce food-like substances that are killing us. They make certified raw milk illegal to sell or transport across state lines, but will allow GMO frankenfoods that are causing all kinds of health issues. So, Heck no I don't trust their latest guidelines. They need to stay out of my garden, and out of my kitchen.

    Oh, this post would make a great WND article. Just my 2 cents.

    1. This is the way of the liberal-"progressive." They are ALL terrible hypocrites. Busy-bodies and know-it-alls to the end. And when we don't agree with them (which is all the time and about everything) they take it upon themselves to FORCE us to obey their will. I lost all patience with them long ago. I will resist them to my dying breath!

  14. This is just another example of why government exists: to control the populace. Controlling what we eat is an example of insurance lobbyists in congress. It's all about $. Insurance companies think if they can control what we eat then it will save them in insurance payments to doctors and hospitals. God help us.

  15. Yep-- they taxed, advertised, regulated, and subsidized their way into this mess...

    ...and now they'd like to tax, advertise, regulate, and subsidize their way out.

    Makes me want to bang my head on a wall.

    I've got some GREAT ideas:

    Stop subsidizing junk food, factory agriculture, and industrial feed lots. I wasn't around to know whether it was a good or a bad idea FDR's time, but I'm here now to know that that was the better part of a century ago and times change. Simple economics will take care of the rest.

    Stop subsidizing the warehousing of children and the basing of education on standardized testing scores. Stop basing education on the idea that children are, can be, or should be standardized. Teach good character and the basics of academia and trades-- common sense will take care of the rest.

    Stop rewarding generalized paranoia and nib-nosed busybodies. Fire 90% of the lawyers, find something meaningful for the social workers to do, start if necessary penalizing the making of frivolous charges, and let the kids go out and play.

    I can see the ad campaign now:

    [In the form of a WWII poster] "Uncle Sam Wants YOU: Plant a Garden, Raise Some Chickens, Go Out And Play!!"

    It'll never happen. There would be no central authority in charge to make sure that some entity other than We The People benefits to the tune of billions of dollars.

    1. "Common sense"? You're asking for common sense from liberal-"progressives"? Never gonna happen. They have NO sense, let alone common sense! They base their beliefs and moralities on... nothing. Definitely not God! If it feels good, do it. To them, the end justifies the means. Look at Bill Nye "the Science Guy." He wants any and all teaching of God and Christ stopped immediately. He thinks only science should be taught to our children, not "silly myths." This is why most liberal-progressives are atheists. They're doing Satan's work, and calling it "science."

    2. No. Never happen because the govt thrives on problems and crises. Thats why there are always an endless supply of problems that require committees, studies, legislation and lots of cash.

      Nannystate dictates on food have been increasing since Eisenhower sufffered a heart attack and when the meat, dairy, egg industry didnt supprt his admin these products were villifed as unhealthy and the 5-7 servings of grain were added to the nutritional guidelines for "healthy" eating because the grain farmers did support Eisenhower.

      A diet should have sat fat from animals, low carb, less sugar and none of that low fat crap
      When they take out the fat they have to add something for taste. So they add sugar and soy products. sat fat is what makes you feel full and you eat less. High Carbs are only necessary if you are a football player / marathon runner And the typical diet is 40-50% carbs (grain based).
      Whats disturbing and needs to be addressed is the focus on limiting sat fat for kids. Growing kids and brains require fat in their diet and vegetarianism is not only unhealthy but can have long term negative health effects for teens and children.

  16. Make no mistake there are vegan and vegetarian activists on these government comittees who are forcing their "religion" on you. This isn't about health or obesity it is about people with a bias and blinders.

  17. He who pays the bills makes the rules. As the gov't becomes increasingly responsible for ameliorating the consequences of personal health decisions, it will demand to control the behaviors leading to poor health. It's inevitable.

  18. Not being brave enough to deal with large animals at my age, I'll be the one hoarding/canning all the beef I can get my hands on. I wonder how much money we spent on THAT council? Jan in NWGA

  19. What are they talking about, an anemic person needs that protein from meat, trust me I have tried. In my opinion and theory, it is the GMO stuff that makes people want more food, is it because there is that little something they have taken away? So in turn people keep craving that little something and end up over eating. Plain unprocessed un-chemicalized food is the way to go. Not margarine, butter. real cheese, breads, clean meats and so forth. People know if they are fat I don't think that the government needs to point that out, their choice and their freedom to choose. I am so sick of government regulations, I wonder who really knows them all?

  20. Here is how this will go, Now that big brother has control over the Health Care System, by default they have control over individual health care as well. If individuals refuse to comply with the edicts of counselors, interventionists, ETC, they will be denied and or taxed for any care they might need as time goes by. " You didn't do as you were told and now you are ill because of it, so we will deny you care.. Or when you order that 3 meat and cheese pizza then a special tax will be added to the already inflated cost. It will all be done by your RFID chip you were required to get or implanted when you were born. I know that this sounds far fetched, but mark my words it is coming our way.

    Carl in the UP

  21. Of course, the government's guidelines to stop eating fats and protein and switch to a high-carb diet... which lead to the obesity epidemic in the first place... isn't mentioned.

    Look at your teeth, folks. Incisors, canines, AND molars. We're omnivores. We NEED a balanced diet, not a high-grain low-protein diet. We need meat and the nutrients it gives us.

    Once again, the government is giving rules and guidelines it knows nothing about, and it WILL end badly.

    1. Oh it knows. A starving populace is easier to enslave. Look at n. Korea. And the nazis did everything they did under the guise of the common (collectivist) good.

  22. Ditto on what "Bellen" wrote at 4:32 a.m. (Seriously? 4:32? A.M.? I'm impressed.) People will do what they want to. And eat what they want to.

    I take my elderly mother grocery shopping about once a week. I see her put donuts and candy in her cart along with her fruits, nuts and veggies. So what?

    At first I thought I needed to temper her choices for her as she gets older. But I realized quickly that it's just not my business what someone else decides to put in their mouths.

    I thought it was the one thing we had left.

    I'm gonna go have some ice cream. Fat. Sugar. Dairy. All in one magnificent mouthful. All foods God must have given me for a reason.

    Just Me

    1. Normally I get up at 4:30am, was up at 4:00am - husband drives a school bus and is out the door at 5:15am

  23. In a similar vein, read about President Johnson's creation of the food pyramid. It's the part in huge font that starts after the 9th paragraph.
    I can't actually attest that this is true, but it does fit the age-old political pattern of "power for me and to heck with anything else".

  24. " In my opinion and theory, it is the GMO stuff that makes people want more food,"
    Give me a break! You gotta stopreading natural news and Mercola. They are nut case quacks.

    "the government's guidelines to stop eating fats and protein and switch to a high-carb diet... which lead to the obesity epidemic in the first place"
    If that were true than we would all be obese. Obesity (real obesity not just over 30 BMI) is genetic. If you are obese more than likely your parents were obese and your children will be obese. If you are not genetically predisposed tobe obese you can eat any crap you want and won't become obese. Obesity is not from eating grains or not eating meat.

    1. Anon it is easy to go to Walmart and see how wrong you are. Rates would be stable and not skyrocketing if you were even remotely correct.

  25. Well , well Agenda 21 , what's that ? Conspiracy theory , no couldn't be , not in the USA . Power and control , the ruling elites have both of those now and the worker bees do not . Interesting and challenging times we live in and most sheeple are in the ostrich mode of denial .

  26. Big Brother? Look at this:
