Wednesday, October 23, 2019

God be with you, Spike

Today a neighbor called with some horrifically sad news: our retired pastor, David "Spike" Shine, had passed away.

Spike was our pastor for many, many years. More than that, he was a dear friend. He was instrumental in bringing us all back to our faith, and his influence on our family was profound. His sermons were phenomenal and I can't count the number of times I asked him to email one or another to me so I could refer to them later.

After his retirement, and after he moved to another town, we kept in touch. Through his last illness, he was unrelentingly cheerful and funny, as he'd always been.

Rest in peace, dear Spike. You will be missed, but now you can deliver your wonderful sermons to a wider audience.


  1. Please accept my condolences in the loss of your friend.

  2. Reverend Spike has gone home into his Boss's Safekeeping. Red

  3. He's where we all eventually want to be...

  4. My condolences also on the loss of your friend, Spike.

  5. Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter thou in the joy of thy Master.

  6. I’m sorry for your loss.
