Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Boston cream cake

My turn to bring dessert to our neighborhood potluck. What to make? I decided to make Boston cream cake, a recipe I found in this little booklet I picked up years ago.

However the recipe called for store-bought pound cake. I decided to make my own from scratch.

I've never made pound cake before, so this was new territory. I went back to my trusty Better Homes & Garden cookbook for a recipe. I doubled it since we have so many people at the potluck.

Flour and baking powder, set aside.

My butter was frozen solid (I store it in the freezer), so I softened it in the microwave before beating it.

Adding the sugar, a bit at a time.

A splash of vanilla.

Doubling the recipe required eight eggs, added one at a time. Yikes, can you say rich?

Adding the flour mixture.

Pound cake is baked in bread pans, so I greased and floured them.

Poured in the batter...

...and baked for an hour. Actually I baked them for about 70 minutes.

Turned out beautiful! Rich and golden.

The next day I made the filling. Half-and-half added to instant vanilla pudding mix. Very simple.

After mixing, I let it stand for about ten minutes, to harden up.

Meanwhile I made the chocolate glaze -- just confectioner's sugar, cocoa powder, and some hot water.

I didn't apply the glaze, but kept it separate until just before serving.

Meanwhile I sliced the pound cakes lengthwise...

...and layered them with the pudding mix.

They looked so pretty!

That evening at the potluck (held at our neighbor's house), I poured the glaze over the cakes.

They were a huge hit...

...and many people had seconds.

This will become a permanent addition to my dessert repertoire!


  1. Looks so good. I may just have to try this one as well!

  2. Looks awesome. Sounds awesome. :)

    I'm pleased to know that something inside that booklet is more appetizing than the...thing...on the cover.

    (Given a choice, I'd rather have the cake than the pie anyway, regardless of relative difficulty.)

  3. You just wanna get me in trouble, don'tcha??



  4. Patrice,

    This cake looks amazing, and the recipe can be modified in so many ways. I believe I have to make this cake soon, maybe this weekend!

  5. O yum!!!

    Those potlucks sound fun. . . . must be I'm too close to the city for that. And the neighborhood has changed, I used to be the youngest on the block and I think I'm now the oldest. (ouch)

  6. Looks great. Might try it with my English Pound Cake recipe.

  7. Looks delicious. I may try this with my English Pound cake recipe.

  8. Oh my word!! This will make you need to slap yo mama!!!! I'm going to make this..uuumm....tonight! Thanks!!

  9. Aaaannndd fyi, I did make this. I didnt have all purpose flour, but I used fresh ground Prairie Gold instead, and it is DELICIOUS!!!!!! Wooot!! Thanks again! Its a hit!

  10. My Momma used to make something similar that she called Boston Cream Pie. Yellow cake mix with pudding in the middle and chocolate drizzled over it. This looks so fantastic with the pound cake. I think we'll have to try it!

  11. In two weeks I've offered to bring two lemon cakes to the Ladies Auxiliary meeting. Hmn, maybe I should change that to Boston Cream Cakes...

  12. That looks so yummy!!!

    I have an idea for one of your blog posts. I was shopping for a new to me/or new LP (propane) gas stove. I have found out that the government has outlawed all pilot light stoves. I liked the pilot light stove since they will work without electricity and hopefully are a more simple stove which might last longer.
    My current stove is a propane Whirlpool stove but it has some electronic ignition in it. In other words, I can light the top burners with a match but the oven only lights IF you have electric. Also, I believe the oven draws power even though the fuel is gas the entire time the oven is on.
    My stove is giving me fits which started me on the hunt for a replacement. Now I am thinking about it from a prepper type point. If the power is gone for a long time, you can't bake in the oven. Propane seems to last me a long time when I am just cooking with it. (as opposed to running a furnace with it)
    How about a column on propane gas cooking stoves? I am in a quandary as to which way to go. Also, they do make some battery operated stoves for solar use as well as something called a thermocoupler (that will lite with a power outage. ) thanks patrice!

  13. Well thanks loads for that Patrice, I gained 2 pounds just reading it!

  14. If I give you my address will you mail a piece to me, please! : )

  15. Yum, YUM, boy does that look good! Will have to try that recipe! ;)
