Friday, March 13, 2015

"Take a picture! She's reading a book!"

Older Daughter had her two lower wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. She's doing fine during her recovery (and I certainly won't be posting any photos!) but I wanted to relate something interesting that happened while I was waiting for her in the oral surgeon's waiting room.

The two women working behind the counter in the office asked me to stay in the waiting room during Older Daughter's procedure (as opposed to leaving to do doing errands). So I fetched my book and read while she was in the hot seat, having her teeth pulled.

All of a sudden one of the office women half-jokingly said to the other, "Take a picture! She's reading a book!"

I lowered my book and saw them looking at me. "Most people are on their smart phones while they're waiting," one of the women explained. "No one ever reads anymore. We've been thinking of stopping our magazine subscriptions since no one ever reads them."

I found their observation interesting. They're clearly in a position to see many people waiting for friends or relatives -- and apparently hardly anyone ever reads a book or magazine any more.



  1. To be fair, if my husband is sitting in a waiting room with his smart phone out he's probly reading too, just not a paper book.

  2. I bring my book, most doctor and clinics have women's magazines about, nothing boring for a man to read Redbook or Cosmos...

  3. My friend has a auto repair shop - his magazine subscriptions get lots of use; must be a different clientele.

  4. I read books on my kindle & still in paper back. Never one to read magazines. I have so many mags that I haven't even cracked open. Hey, they were free subscriptions & I couldn't pass them up. Do you need some for a waiting room?

  5. Sad, indeed. Nothing like a great book to take you away on an exciting journey. And by "book" I mean one made of PAPER, not another dang "gadget." I had a Kindle (it was given to me as a gift) and I actually used it a lot. But after a while I put it away... for good. I got tired of being in a suspenseful part and having a box pop up (blocking the text!) saying my battery was low! I'll take the books and mags any time! It also seems that I'm more aware of my surroundings when reading a paper book, rather than a mechanical one. Seen many people have their smart phones, Kindles and what-nots get snatched right out of their hands, but never a paper book! --Fred in AZ

  6. We drop off all our extra magazines at the lab where I get my blood drawn (hope I spelled that word right). We take in all our extra farming related mags, and they are always out. They said that everyone steals the magazines. I always notice when we go back that all the farming ones are gone, so I guess that they like farm magazines better then the boring regulars that the lab buys.

  7. I read the newspaper on my phone.

  8. I've noticed the same thing. I've even noticed that some will just sit there and stare at nothing or even nap. Maybe it's just their relaxation technique. Me, I always have a book with me.

  9. I take a book with me everywhere I go. I never know when the chance to read a little will pop up. I have also noticed that. Many people use their electronic devices while waiting. Some are reading, some are plying games, and some are texting. I'm still ld fashioned and love real paper books.

    So what are you reading?

  10. As someone who regularly inspects medical/dental facilities I highly recommend to NOT read the magazines. The magazines are the dirtiest thing in the entire facility. Most people that are at a doctor's office are sick and many will lick their fingers to turn the pages of the magazine and guess what nasty germs all over them. Have a great day!!

  11. Generally, I don't pick up reading material in a doctor office. So many people handle them, it's the germ factor for me. Like touching a doorknob in a public place. I try to bring my own entertainment when possible.

  12. I don't often read the mags in the doc's office because they are stupid gossip rags, or fake news. But I do read the books that I've loaded onto my smartphone!

  13. My dentist's office at one time had wonderful magazines; so I didn't take a book. Then one of the partners retired and took his subscriptions with him. Now I take a book or my needlework. I always have to have either book or needlework for the doctor's office. My husband takes his old auto magazines to his barber shop where they are much appreciated--worn out by the next time he visits. My magazines (news, sports, homemaking) go to a nursing home for reading and for crafts after they are read. I feel as though that justifies our subscriptions to seven magazines. We enjoy them and so do others--all for single subscriptions.

  14. When warmer weather gets here we travel. Our favorite thing to do is take the motorhome to Zion or Grand Canyon and other parks and hike and explore. But being old enough to be retired also means you don't hike 14 hours a day. So we get to spend time relaxing too. I bring good books with me that I picked up in Goodwill and St Vinnies over the winter. Without the distraction of the TV and the laptop I can enjoy reading. I love to read but it takes committment to finish a 300 plus page book and the distractions of modern life make this more difficult. One of the things I enjoy when traveling is getting the big format books, Much easier to read and when I'm done I leave them in the airport or coffee shops for the next person. After all a hard cover full sized book at St Vinnies is only two bucks.

  15. We have become a nation of video display addicts. At every opportunity they immediately grab their phone just like chain smokers grab their cigarettes and light up.

    I am 'old-school' and value 'life skills', self-sufficiency, independence and protection of loved ones. Just an annoying observation, but I personally do not know one of these addicts who actually BUILDS anything. God help the children depending on these zombies for protection when real hard times come.

    Montana Guy

  16. A funny thing happened while I was waiting at my Doctor's office. I usually have a book or Sudoku to play - paper for both. I had my paper copy of a Sudoku puzzle out. The lady next to me was busy on her smart phone but kept looking at my game. She finally said "you know you could do this on your phone". I replied that I could if I had a smart phone but I prefer the paper. She looked quite aghast that I didn't have a smart phone. So then I asked her if she was using her data plan or using the free Wi-Fi from next door. She then fumbled with her phone - changing settings. Then later thanked me for telling her about the free Wi-Fi. I felt vindicated - here she was so smart to tell me about the gaming app as she was using up her data plan. And it was me using the paper version of the game that told her she could play on her smart phone for free. Just thought I'd share, it still puts a smile on my face.

  17. I used to take a book with me just about everywhere, now it is the iPad.
    Just don't like reading on my "smart phone".
    There is a emergency book or two in the car, just in case.

  18. I'm also an old fashioned reader and only know one person besides me who doesn't have a Smartphone (don't need one). A few months ago I was waiting in a restaurant for my takeout order along with about 8 other people. I didn't have a book with me because I'm capable of sitting for a few minutes without - GASP! - having something to entertain me. I looked around and EVERY SINGLE PERSON was busy staring at a Smartphone. An older Muslim woman (wearing a head scarf) came in after me and I thought maybe I wouldn't be the only one not staring at a phone. I turned around to glance at her after a minute...sadly she was one of "them" also. I call them Smartphone Zombies.

    Check out this image I came across after searching for "smartphone zombies". I call it "I'm That Guy".

  19. I seldom take printed books with me anywhere, anymore. But that's because I have a Kindle, so I can take a whole library. :)

    Can't remember the last time I read a magazine off the table in a waiting room, though. I think it was when I was still part of the target demo for "Highlights for Children".

  20. I am not ashamed to say that I LOVE to read the "real" book whenever i am waiting for something! I thank my Mom for instilling reading when i was younger, I will continue the tradition! :)
    I've never prefered reading on a phone/kindle/ipad! Its just not personal anymore! And yes, it is sad. :(

  21. Actually we have found out that most doctors offices do not
    have decent reading material. We have learned to bring books
    also. and no we do not have a smart phone either

  22. It's worse than you think. I took some family members to the beach to watch a glorious sunset. The beach was deserted. The sky was streaked with pink, gold, and turquoise; the water reflected the sky. Ships were anchoring far off the coast and switching on their lights. The only ones that enjoyed the sunset were the baby (that I carried) and myself. The rest of the folk were instagramming and Facebooking pictures with their phones (including the kids). The 4-year-old girl was posing for pictures. Selfies were taken.

    It was sad. Nobody really looked at the sunset except through a phone camera, and the pictures were a faded copy of the reality. I commented about the colors that there weren't even names for; people said "hunh?" because they hadn't even noticed.

    The next time I want to watch a sunset (or sunrise) at the beach, I'll just take the baby.

  23. I'm with the others about touching magazines in a medical facility. Yuck! Most of the time they are gossip rags anyway. I hate to have to tote anything around with me so I'm another smartphone reader.
