Thursday, December 6, 2012

Please help

Dear readers, I am asking for your generous help.

Yesterday I learned through SurvivalBlog that Jenny Lamb, the amazing homesteader in remote Alaska, lost her husband in a tragic accident in mid-October. This leaves her widowed with two very young boys.

Here’s the entry from SurvivalBlog: Jenny of The Last Frontier blog has reported the tragic death of her husband, in an accident. Please keep Jenny and her two young sons in your prayers. She mentioned that they are moving back to their homestead for the rest of the winter. I'll post word if I hear about a memorial fund. (She hadn't been posting to her blog much in the past couple of years because of the high cost of flying in propane for their genset. She and her husband built their Alaska homestead on a limited budget.)

Here’s Jenny's blog post on the subject: It's been a long time since I updated my blog. Chuck and I had been very busy building our new log cabin that we hoped to be in by next summer, and we'd been expanding our garden. Then, the unthinkable happened. Chuck was killed in a tragic accident. The boys and I are back out at our homestead trying to rebuild our lives. I don't know how we're going to make it alone out here, but with the help and prayers of friends, I'm sure we will. It's going to be rough going, and I sure have a lot to learn. Please keep our family in your prayers.

Jenny and I have corresponded in the past, and she’s a kind-hearted and delightful woman. I was shocked to hear of her loss, and wanted to do something to help her besides pray.

So I am proposing that folks pitch in and donate some money to help her out. We have a PayPal account and will accept donations on Jenny’s behalf, with all funds to be forwarded to her either directly, or through any official memorial fund that may be set up in the future.

To donate, please go to and click on Transfer Money to Friends.

A page will come up with a white box saying “Send someone money.”

In the “To” box, type in the following email address:

At this point, you have to be a member of PayPal to continue. You can choose the amount to donate.

Please join us in doing something concrete for Jenny Lamb and her boys to help them in their time of need.

P.S. Jenny has no idea we’re doing this. I hope it will be a nice Christmas present during her time of grief.


  1. I think this is a wonderful idea. I have been praying for her and I was wishing there was some other way to help. Thanks for thinking of this!


  2. There is also a DONATE button on her blog that works. Thanks to this post, I tried it and paypal seems happy with it!

  3. Money sent. I wish I was young enough to do what she is doing.

  4. Thank you for putting this together. If half of your readers sent even a small amount, it would add up quickly and be a real blessing to this family. I just sent a small donation.

  5. Oh, Patrice, thank you so very much for your thoughts and prayers. They are the most valuable to us. althought the donations will certainly help a great deal. This has been the most horrifying experience of my life, in more ways than you can imagine.

    We have been living in a "temporary" cabin all these years, and were about 2/3 finished with our permanent log cabin. I don't have the skills to finish it myself, and certainly can't hoist logs over my shoulder to build it, even if I knew what I was doing. But, thanks to some friends, I think the boys and I are going to be able to get our house finished by next summer. The donations will go toward that. Others are planning trips out here to help me learn the skills I need in order to continue raising my sons out here in the bush.

    I've always known that I needed my husband, but I had no idea until his death just how much I depended on him. Now I feel like I'm floundering around without my right arm or my legs. It's going to be tougher than I imagined to get back on my feet, but with lots of prayers, and the help of friends, we'll make it.

    Thank you so much, and God bless,

    Jenny in Alaska

  6. Thank you for giving us this opportunity, Patrice!

    Monday is payday, and I'll be able to donate something then. :)

    Jenny, I am so very sorry for your loss! I pray continually that God will grant me many more years with my husband, but I always know that this may not happen. I do not know what I would do without him, except that the Lord, our friends, and our family would bear us up.

    God bless you and your sons, and I pray that you will find much comfort during this time.

  7. Sent with many prayers. God bless you & protect you. I am so SO sorry for your loss!!

    Learning in NY

  8. 2 Cor 9:7

    So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

  9. Any idea how Jenny is doing now? She I and I had emailed some before her husband's passing and I'd love to hear that she's doing ok now.

    1. I know she left Alaska. She visited us a number of years ago, but I've lost touch with her since.

      - Patrice
