Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nothing to see here, folks; move along

Here's an interesting post over at Thoughts from Frank and Fern entitled No Crisis Here.

"How many troublesome things have you run across lately? They appear to become more numerous each day. The message seems to be hunker down, be ready, it's coming. The harder we try to get things in order, the more obstacles arise in our way. But you know what? That's okay. It just makes us more determined and focused .....because we know it's storming all about us."

A thought-provoking article.


  1. Great article, but another one that makes me want to both make time pass faster (because we're closing on a place in Idaho) and pass slower (because I need time to get a second place prepped). Hubby has retirement coming next year. We prepped for where we live and work; it was a great place to work and raise a family. It is a lot more work blowing and shoveling snow, we burn six cords of wood, and our growing season is abysmally short. It's a lot of work and all that effort is just "surviving". Our intention is to still work hard but have those efforts put toward sustainability. Rawles was right in his description of Wyoming as number 1 pick if you are rich. After retirement, the situation changes, so too much our location. It's a blessing that we can even consider what we are doing, and I pray for time to get it done. Not a plan by many people's standards, but I have to follow what I think the Lord intends for us.

    1. I proofread but missed a typo..."must" not "much".

    2. Congratulations. You and your husband GET IT. We too followed James Rawles' advice on retreat locations. It was a toss-up between ID, MT and WY. All are awesome. The tie-breaker was our choice of Pastor. I can envision that someday the Redoubt will be one. And never discount Alaska, Alberta and BC. Best wishes neighbor.
      Montana Guy

    3. Thank you, Montana Guy. We tried TWICE to buy in MT (Ruby Valley) but first piece had no legal access and second one is 100K over what it will appraise for. They can keep it.
      We love the culture and our place in Wyoming, but we're getting older not younger, so we are on the move again. Like you we think ID-MT-WY are all awesome and after living LOTS of different places, both as Brats and then on active duty military, we live here because we feel "at home" here.

  2. You might want to take a look at Granny Miller's web site for an article on a sickness that is killing baby pigs almost 100%

  3. Why is it so difficult to motivate people to prepare for coming chaos? Well, for starters they first have to accept the reality that the country they think they live in, simply no longer exists.
    Montana Guy
