Friday, August 2, 2013


My Google followers just exceed 1000! I took a snapshot last night when it was 999...

...and then this morning I saw that two more folks joined up, pushing me over 1000. Thank you Snooglerat and Joy!

And thank you all so very much for following our humble lives.


  1. Really enjoy reading your blog, we live in the Texas is a desert here now. would love to head north and start a small little farm!

    thanks for the posts!

  2. No No No! you have it all wrong!

    "Thank you all so very much for following our humble lives."

    Thank YOU for showing us your wonderful life and family. You have blessed us not the other way around.

  3. Posting well and posting often...that's the key to building readership. You do both.

    Just Me

  4. You have way more than 1000 followers. Some of us follow, but don't do Facebook or twitter. I guess I would be classified as a "lurker", in that I read every day, but never (until now) comment.

  5. I'm slowly reading through your entire blog! I was so excited to be your 1000th follower!
