Monday, September 19, 2016

Windstorm photos

These photos are of the windstorm we had in November 2015, and are for consideration with an article I submitted to Countryside Magazine. They are posted so the editor can pick which ones she wants.

Photo 1 (131 KB): Stock tank, kept brim-full for as long as we could

Photo 2 (128 KB): Strong wind, blowing faucet water sideways

Photo 3 (134 KB): Laying in extra firewood

Photo 4 (127 KB): Dead tree across our compost pile

Photo 5 (139 KB): Base of the dead tree blown down across compost pile

Photo 6 (1484 KB): Trees down in our woods

Photo 7 (1484 KB): More trees down in our woods

Photo 8 (3104 KB): Filling water barrels at our neighbor's

Photo 9 (2985 KB): Getting ready to siphon water to the stock tanks

Photo 10 (2223 KB): Hanging an oil lamp in the chicken coop

Photo 11 (2104 KB): Oil lamp in chicken coop

Photo 12 (2283 KB): Lamp light at night

Photo 13 (430 KB): Evening board games by lamplight

Photo 14 (2916 KB): Insulating a water barrel for the night to keep from freezing

Photo 15 (2870 KB): Oil lamps on standby

Photo 16 (2882 KB): Filling oil lamps

Photo 17 (2868 KB): Putting refrigerator food outside to preserve it

Photo 18 (2865 KB): Cracking open chest freezers during cold weather

Photo 19 (2871 KB): Three-pack flashlights from Costco

Photo 20 (2084 KB): Flashlights hanging by the door

Photo 21 (2438 KB): A neighbor's shed got smashed by the wind


  1. Just make sure they are giving you proper credit. I certainly hope they have improved their Business Practices.

    I have purposely not supported that organization since reading the following.

    I guess it is hard for people to live up to the standards of Backwoods Home.

    1. Sounds like this fellow certainly had a bad experience. However Countryside has always treated me very well, so I'll continue to write for them.

      - Patrice

    2. It is encouraging to see that you do write for them.

      It actually makes me consider picking up their publications again.

      As a side note publishing my comment proves to everyone of your ethics.

      How many people in your shoes would have denied the comment or delayed it?

      You instead promptly approved it an stand on your treatment from them.

      The world needs more Don and Patrice's in it.

      Thank you for being you and continuing to write such great content!

  2. I remember that storm- just about blew the socks right off my feet! What have you guys decided about a non-electric water source? We are very close to you (as the crow flies) and have some of the same weather patterns AND the same water issues. We are without a solution yet.

  3. That looks like the 40+mph "breezes" so common where we live. Interspersed with 80 mph gusts, if course. Natokadn
