Thursday, June 10, 2021

Rainstorm extraordinaire

For the last week, we've been watching a prediction of rain in the forecast:

It seemed like a solid prediction, but we've seen rain predictions fizzle before, so we didn't want to get our hopes up. We could use the moisture.

Well, those predictions turned out to be dead-on accurate. The rain moved in around 9 o'clock last night, and lasted a good solid 13 hours. It didn't stop raining until about 10 o'clock this morning.

This morning the grasses were bent over from the relentless downpour.

The maple leaves were similarly bowed.

Every fence line was dripping.

So were porch rails.

We still have some blueberry plants potted on the deck. No need to water them!

The rain kicked up mist, which crept all around.

Altogether we got about 1.25 inches of rain.

I know good hard soakings like this aren't likely to be very common for the next few months, so we enjoyed it while we could.


  1. The downpour covered Boise too. In the mountains just north of town we got snow. So here it is, June 10th, and I am looking at snow-capped mountains. In 2020 the last snow was on June 7th. I took a photo last year, but since June snow seems to be an annual occurrence here, I think I won't break out the camera today.

  2. Wonderful rain! We are getting pretty desperate for rain in Wisconsin. It has been in the high 80s and 90s for more than a week and we haven't had rain in much longer than that. The first cut of hay was great, but now the fields aren't bouncing back and the lawns are all dormant. Watering the garden like crazy. This is the kind of weather we typically get for a week or two in August, so this kind of weather in early June is a bit nerve racking. Glad you got the moisture!

  3. We are just coming out of two weeks of 10+ inches of rain - unfortunately, right into summer. But yes, it is certainly needed!

  4. Would send you some if I could. In the past 48 hours, I got 8" of rain that was not needed. Some roads with washouts larger than my truck. Some roads temporarily closed.

    Haven't been able to mow part of the property because since March it hasn't been dry enough to not tear up everthing with a mower. Even a push mower.

    Crop fields flooded and some farmers couldn't plant when needed. Now, I don't know when they will be able to.

    It MAY clear off this weekend and dry things out. At 90 degrees.

    kathy in MS.
