Saturday, March 21, 2020

Social distancing

Apparently this is making the rounds of the internet. Cracked me up.


  1. I saw some of this the other day!

  2. I've started carrying a tape measure with me and if a boorish people get too close I extend it at the six foot mark and proclaim six feet! We have to social distance per CDC... I do it for the absurdity of this whole fiasco. On the plus side, it does give you a reason not having to tolerate asinine behavior or someone's gender dysphoria.

  3. I have a 95# german shep on a 6' leash.

  4. A local sporting goods store has barriers up in the side isles. People wait in line, spread out, and then are ushered in 1 or 2 at a time for assistance and then you are released and the next ones are allowed in. Natokadn

  5. Too Funny! Wish the shoppers in my grocery store would adhere to social distancing!
