Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Foot, meet log. Log, meet foot.

Splitting firewood (yes, wearing shoes). This is what happened after I dropped a heavy log round on my foot, edge first.

Pretty, no?

Fortunately it was just a bad bruise. Nothing broken.


  1. Looks like you need... a toe truck...

  2. Steel toe boots are sometimes their weight in gold.

  3. Ben there, done that, turned the air blue.

  4. Steel toe boots and metatarsal guards , almost always. I nearly lost toe in Navy. If I could find steel toe dress shoes , I would wear them. Metatarsal guards because anything you drop will bounce of foot just behind steel toe.

  5. Ice and elevation. Usually it is horses wanting to stand where I am, or stomping flies. Once in tennis shoes - didn't have my boots on that time as I had just arrived. (Tennies = one broken bone.) Boots are a safety rule in our barn! Natokadn

  6. When I finally sucked it up, I actually bought new (retail sale) work boots. Due to my klutzy nature one pair that I use for any heavy work are my totally ugly steel toe and metal shank work boots. I tell ya, these are the best ever, however with your injury a pair of soft slippers will have to do along with ice and putting your foot up, you can get a lot of reading that way.
    Rita Miller

  7. Be thankful for the shoes and the little they saved. Made the mistake of bringing firewood in from the garage once without shoes on, resulted in 2 broken toes and a toe that looked roughly like hamburger. Probably should have had some stitches on that one, it's been about 1/4 wider ever since.

  8. I did something similar with a ten inch Griswold cast iron skillet, except I broke two. Same day DH got hit in the calf by a fast pitch baseball and got a pretty bad deep muscle contusion. We were both on crutches and supposed to move household the next day. Had to put it all off for a week, but everything was already boxed and stacked so that was a lot of fun.

  9. Those little pigggys aren't going to market LOLLOL

  10. As others have said...steel (or composite) toes. I had a sort of similar experience with one of those fairly sharp axe/maul hybrids. One one swing the maul glanced off the piece I was hitting and carved a gouge out of my boots. With no safety toe it might have gotten ugly (in many ways).

    That being said, if I don't have my safety toe boots on and do some spur-of-the-moment splitting, I'm likely to flail away without the boots. It's hard to police yourself in things like this.

  11. Ouch. I know a guy who can xray that for you if you ever need it ;-)

    1. Aw thanks. Feels fine now, but it sure was purty while it lasted.

      - Patrice
