Saturday, July 9, 2016

Mistakes, immortalized (follow up)

Last March I put up a quasi-humorous post in which I related how a representative from the National Agricultural Library asked permission to use a photo from one of my most notable canning mistakes as part of an exhibit.

I granted permission and then forgot all about it.

A couple of days ago, a reader reminded me of this post, asking, "Have you ever gotten the link or seen a page where your photo is to know if you made the final cut?"

Nope, totally forgot about it. So I emailed the woman who had asked me permission, and she immediately sent apologies for her oversight in not sending the final links.

The image appeared on an article about the evolution of home canning practices:

The photo is part of the "Canning Techniques" sub-exhibit.

So there ya go. One of my most dramatic canning mistakes, formally immortalized. Ta da!


  1. I'm so proud of you! You are as happy to share your mistakes as you are your successes. Thanks for being so willing that we may learn from you.

  2. Applause, applause, applause!!!! You are a true Teacher of the realities of canning, and I have always said so. You show the beauty of many hard hours of labor all summed up in one photo of beautifully canned carrots, etc. Been there - it is a Zen moment. And then the occasional short video of your canning jars blissfully popping as God intended. I drool over these photos and videos, and I take my own after slaving over my own canning. Canning porn? Who can say.... ;-) Anyway, the reverse is always true and you taught each of us a valuable lesson going forward that we can each share to help someone else as well as ourselves. Many many many thanks!!!

    God Bless,
    Janet in MA

  3. I was rather disappointed that they did not point out the fact, do not try to can really dense product, which is what you had learned. Oh well.

  4. Look, Granny Miller had a messed up jar featured too.

    I do think the oven beats your error though. Wow, what a mess.
