Thursday, January 29, 2015


I'll admit it, I'm shameless when it comes to watching my Google Follower numbers. For days they hovered tantalizingly at 1198, and I thought I'd take a screenshot when it hit the momentous 1200.

But today while I was gone, it tipped over to 1201. Thank you "chobers" and "Pladd" for being my latest followers!

This blog is growing slowly and steadily, and I have all of you wonderful folks to thank.


  1. You're welcome.

    Just Me

  2. I stop in because YOU are interesting. Thank You!

  3. Your site is the first one I go to every day to see how the Lewis clan is doing. Having said that I am not on ANY sites that I have to join. Not facebook, twitter or even Google friend connect. So you have more friends (members of your community) than it may appear!

    1. Amen! This is my style too. I am a definite fan!!

  4. And I'm violently agreeing with Steve. I don't follow anything I have to sign into, however, you are on my desktop so I can read your wonderful blog daily.

  5. Patrice, I read your blog religiously. I love your words and stories about your life. I've never been to Idaho, but reading your blog makes me want to live there. Keep up this awesome reading for us folks down under in CONUS.
