Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jesus laughing

Apparently there is an anonymous artist in Florida who draws huge (the size of a door) pencil drawings of Jesus laughing. It only takes him 30 to 45 minutes for each one. Wow. Take a gander at these - I love stuff that shows Jesus' human side.

CORRECTION: A reader pointed out these drawings are done by an artist named Jean Keaton. What skill!


  1. I don't know about an anonymous artist in Florida, but the prints whose images you've posted here are done by Jean Keaton. I figured if they were signed, not so anonymous ;) so a brief internet search led me right to them.

  2. The email I received from a friend, with these pics attached, said "When friends went to a seminary in Florida last March, they saw an artist paint huge works (the size of a door) in 30-45 minutes. The artist prefers anonymity and says he wants the works to speak for themselves. Look carefully and see the drawings were signed, 'Jesus Painter.'"

    Either way, I'm happy to give credit where credit is due. Kudos to Jean Keaton!

  3. They're very pretty - nice to see the smile.

    (He looks very white, though...)

  4. i love those pictures!! my favorites are the ones with the babies. ms. keaton is certainly a talanted artist! god bless!

  5. More info about the artist who is Jean Keaton who lives in Utah.

    Her own site
    says that her first drawings were of her own children with Christ. She has done others of people after they died. The girl standing with Jesus died young and she did the picture for the parents to show her happy and with Jesus after her death. "Jesus Welcomes Sarah"
    This print is of a 16-year-old girl named Sarah. Sarah and her friend, Jenny, (also pictured in this series), died in an automobile accident. While Sarah's family struggled to make sense of her death, a minister in in their church felt prompted to tell them, "If you think Sarah had a great impact on peoples lives when she lived on this earth, just sit back and watch - you haven't seen anything yet". Time after time, this family has seen how true this statement was. This drawing depicting a young lady's joy in Christ's Embrace, has been very successful in bringing the realization of the true Love of Jesus to many.

    This is another one I really like. This story is the reason that so many newer cars now have trunks that have release latches on the inside.
    In 1998, five little girls, (four from the same family), innocently climbed into the trunk of a car and closed the lid. Click here to read the news story. In this drawing, Christ joyfully welcomes the young ones home. The parents have given their blessing for this drawing to be marketed.
