Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Idaho screaming death spider

In our pantry, a spider has made itself at home.

Older Daughter noted this afternoon that the arachnid was turned facing out, so its pattern was visible. "Kinda interesting," she commented.

"It's the Idaho screaming death spider," Don joked. "Found only in pantries."

I got curious, however. Was this a juvenile black widow? I enlarged the photo:

Below is a juvenile black widow (photo source):

Nope, definitely not a juvenile black window. Instead, it appears to be triangulate cobweb spider (photo source):

But, for our purposes, we'll continue to call this harmless and beneficial little creature the Idaho screaming death spider if it discourages people from moving to Idaho.


  1. Don't kill it! Most spiders are well behaved and don't eat much... Spiders are cool!

  2. This is a Triangulate Cobweb spider.

  3. To be continued, right? Right?

  4. Well, with that spider there, i am cancelling my trip.

  5. That's a hilarious name!

  6. Keep lookin them up!
    I've been bit 3 times by brown recluse spiders. The bite doesn't want to heal and leaves an indentation in your flesh when it finally does heal.
    There are also black widows all around the outside of my house and I keep knocking down their distinctive webs. So spiders aren't my favorite bug.
