Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Road trip!

I'm on the road today. Road trip!

This has been a while in the planning, and then fell apart yesterday.

Older Daughter and I had plans to drive to Southern California to visit my parents, who are getting up there in years. My mom (age 91) broke her ankle a few weeks ago and had to spend some time in a rehab facility. My dad (age 87) has been bored out of his gourd without her at home.

Meanwhile Younger Daughter – who, as you remember, was stationed in Japan – has been in San Diego since January undergoing some additional training before jetting off to her next duty station in Europe. She's been able to travel up to see her grandparents several times over the past couple of months.

She just finished her training. The original plan was for Older Daughter and I to road trip down, stay with my parents a few days, collect Younger Daughter (whom we haven't seen in three and a half years), and road trip back.

However Older Daughter, after returning from a brief trip of her own, came down sick with covid, so she's quarantining herself in her side of the house. We had a dithering day yesterday while trying to make alternate plans.

Normally we'd simply postpone the trip by a couple weeks, but the trouble is Younger Daughter's schedule. She only has a few weeks of leave before she must report to her new duty station, and she's never even been to our new (to us) home.

So, after many phone calls with all parties involved, we altered the plans. I'm taking a solo road trip down to Southern California, leaving a few minutes after posting this. I'm staying with friends in Sacramento tonight, then onto SoCal tomorrow night to reunite with Younger Daughter and my parents. We'll visit with my parents a few days and then road trip back, making a couple of tourist stops (per Younger Daughter's request) on the way home.

It would have been more fun with Older Daughter along as well, but we have to roll with the punches. She and I will take another trip later this summer to see my parents.

Anyway, expect some travel blog posts over the next ten days or so as I take photos of what I see. Say a prayer for safe travels!


  1. If you would find it convenient, swing by on your return for a stop in Sisters! We have a guest room…

  2. So thankful and happy for you that this time has finally arrived!
    Sometimes, living in Po-dunk, a road trip is just what is needed. It's so exciting to break out of routine and see the unusual sides of life. And to do this with and for loved ones is an exquisite plan ! Enjoy!

  3. I just came down w/ covid yesterday after a co-worker just came back from Aruba. So now the whole office is out.
    Debbie in MA

  4. have a safe wonderful time

  5. Oh safe travels! Had I known YD was in San Diego I would have offered some hospitality! Should you or she need anything please don't hesitate to ask!


  6. Have a safe trip, especially in Cali. Lots of fun catching up with younger daughter.

  7. Fun! Road trip adventures are the best! enjoy the prcious time with your parents. Praying for safe travels and wonderful one on one time with your daughter too.

    I wish you'd invest in a better camera. Some of your pics would make nice desktop wallpapers if they weren't 320x320, or whatever resolution your apparently-1980's-era camera uses.
    I said a prayer for you, but there's no substitute for paying attention.

    1. Actually, all my photos are saved by default at a very high resolution. However before posting anything on the blog, I re-save the photos to a much lower resolution (as a separate version, i.e. "Photo1" and "Photo1-A"), otherwise the blog would take FOREVER to load.

      - Patrice

  9. Enjoy the time with your daughter.
    Thanks to her for serving.
    Safe travels

  10. Godspeed, and may you feel the comfort and safety of God’s guiding presence.
