Saturday, January 15, 2022

When I say I'm from a small town...

Saw this meme today and it cracked me up.

Very true!


  1. Exactly! I grew up in San Diego, leaving when I was about 30. I'd married a Marine and we lived on both coasts until he retired. We ended up in a tiny town in Iowa where he taught school for about 8 years. When we arrived and I saw the population sign I said, "My high school was bigger than this!" Now we live in a tiny town in MN that is twice the size of the one in Iowa. But when politicians talk of small towns it seems they are talking about 100,000 people as opposed to the large cities of millions. We, in the tiniest of towns, are not even on their radars. And let's keep it that way!

  2. I grew up about 30 miles away from Lingle, Wyoming! Actually our "town" was even smaller than that!

  3. Good grief, we don't even have that many people (on the left) in our entire county. LOL

  4. Years ago on one of my yearly 3wk motorcycle tours, only rule was to stay as much as possible off 4 lane hwys., no radio, no phone, no noting to distract from simply being where I was and enjoying life. I came back into Montana out of Canada towards the Cutback area. The border check/town consisted of about 4 houses and the border crossing building. Nothing else. Population I'm guessing was about maybe 8. Only border crossing I ever got hassled at, having to empty every single thing off the bike. I didn't care cause I had time, and I figured the guy was really really bored.
    I live near a small town now, (about 900-1,000 pop.) out of town and can't imagine having to actually live IN town. Too busy and too much traffic. I simply cannot imagine living in a city of millions in a 40-50 story high-rise apt building with 700-1,500 apts., living like a rat in a cubicle of 150-200 sq. ft. And liking it. And not spending every waking moment trying to find a way out.

  5. I live in a small town in Mississippi just 45 minutes south of Memphis, TN. Here we have the largest reservoir in the state, so we see our fair share of business during the major summer holidays for camping and fishing, but this town remains small, no housing or commercial developments of any kind. I like it just the way it is.

    1. I think I’ve driven through your area. My husband and I talk about how you couldn’t pay us enough to live in Memphis (although I do love their barbecue), but we love your area.

    2. I'm in Sardis, just off I-55. I've lived in Memphis for a few years, and I agree with you: you couldn't pay me to live there today.

    3. We’ve traveled I55 a lot. We love your part of the country. It’s beautiful.

  6. I grew up in the country, two miles from town. The population of the town was 350. Now it’s under 300. Our traffic jams really were caused by tractors and combines. But that’s okay. We just drove slowly or waited for them to turn into the fields. The food chain can’t be rushed.

  7. I grew up in a teeming metropolis of about 1400. It is located within driving distance of a major metropolitan area, so over the years it’s evolved from small farming town on the Rock Island line to a yuppie bedroom town for the major city and is >10x the size it was when I was a young’un. My memories are precious, so I won’t go back there.

  8. Consider this a "thumbs up" to Patrice's post, and to the follow up comments thus far.

  9. Yep! Small town livin is the life for me! Yes, … Really! !!

  10. I can relate completely! We really love our super small rural community.

  11. I get that! I grew up in a town of 500 people in Minnesota, and a lot of people in the places I have lived since being married can't wrap their heads around that. (We lived very close to Toronto for a long time. Glad we're away from that madhouse now!)
