Friday, May 28, 2021

Whoa! New visitor!

This morning we had a new visitor at our bird feeder. At first I thought it was a Baltimore oriole.

Honestly, doesn't it look like one?

But it didn't seem likely since their range is much further east.

Readers kindly pointed out this is NOT a Baltimore oriole, but a black-headed grosbeak. The beak is a dead giveaway.

These readers are right, and I thank them for the correction. I've never seen one of these critters before. What a handsome bird. I hope he returns to the feeder.


  1. They occasionally show up as far east as SW Saskatchewan in the Great White North...maybe try attracting him with a piece of an orange.

  2. Sadly, that's a common male black-headed grosbeak. The blunt beak is the giveaway. Oriole's have a long slender beak. Still a handsome fellow!

  3. Happy Friday! I'm no expert, but the beak looks a lot like a black headed grosbeak. We have them here in Central Oregon

  4. Score! You've just seen one of your LBJ's (little brown jobs) cousins. Just flew in from down where colors run rampant, down there in "Flamenco" land.. Bwaaahaaaa

  5. He is still beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Would you please share the title and author of your bird identification book? Thank you!

    1. Most of the time I use my well-thumbed copy of "A Field Guide to Western Birds" by Roger Tory Peterson (part of "The Peterson Field Guide Series"). I also have a copy of "A Guide to Field Identification - Birds of North America" by Golden which I use as a back-up reference. A well-stocked used bookstore often has numerous helpful field guides for inexpensive prices.

      - Patrice

    2. I have to rubberband my Golden Guide together so the pages stay in. A few years ago I saw and added the Stokes field guide to birds of N America. It is not a 'take with you' like Golden - it is larger, but has photos (often many) per species. Eastern/Western - lt/dk phases,females, immature.. it has become my 'go to for LBJs. It also has a CD with songs.

  7. I love it when "new" birds show up at our feeders!

  8. We have one of those at our feeder! I’m so excited to see something new and different!
