Sunday, February 28, 2021

"Pet me!"

Remember Frumpkin, the "cat who fell upstairs"?

Here's a note from Older Daughter: "Here's what Frumpkin does when I'm not petting him."

I'd say this cat is wildly spoiled...


  1. Patrice, all of our animals - the cat, the dog, and even the two rabbits - are equally unsubtle.

  2. Mom! Pet me. Please. He is a sweetie. Red

  3. I'd say Mr Frumpkin has a polite and social interaction here....

    Miss Lucille ended up on my head the other day when I didn't let her out on the -10 weather the other day...

  4. Hey, Hey... remember it’s all about me....Remember!?!

  5. I love this little guy! He makes me happy just looking at him! I'm so glad this worked out for him to be with your daughter. Indeed, he fell upstairs for sure. Thanks for continuing to include us on his life updates. He is one cute cat and smart too!

  6. He's a good cat, he deserves all the lovin he can get.

  7. Awww, he's such a character! My dogs poke me with their cold, wet noses if I'm not paying sufficient attention to them.

  8. What a gift! Give him all the love and attention you can. I'm sure he gives at least as much right back.

    David Guthrie

  9. My cat has an office chair next to where I sit at the computer, she will sit on her chair and do the same thing that Frumpkin does with the tapping. I find it so endearing and sweet. How nice for your daughter to have such a sweet room mate.

  10. He's saying "Excuse me - you forgot to pet me!"
