Sunday, October 4, 2020

Leaving the city for a simpler life

 Here's my latest blog post for Lehman's entitled "Leaving the City for a Simpler Life."

Hop on over and take a peek!


  1. Another beautiful phot for the mast head. You have a great eye and a great camers lens!

  2. We have quite a few of those things under our belt and I still turn to lists - as you said, they are a useful tool.

  3. We are seriously praying about, and considering leaving CO for ND. We are a little old for a huge property and a homestead type life, but a smaller town with like minded people is attractive. Our daughter also lives in ND, so it would be good to be closer to her family.

    We left CA a little over 5 years ago thinking we were headed to a place with a better way of life, nope, CO has become CA east. It is time to find out retirement location.
