Tuesday, February 14, 2017

And you think YOUR winter is bad...

I've had moments of griping about the snow we've had this winter, but a friend in Maine just put me to shame. Here are some photos of the latest snow dump they've had "with another foot expected tomorrow."

I guess I'll stop complaining about our weather. Yowza!


  1. That's a lot of snow! you could pick up our snow and put it a 3 quart bowl, that's for the entire winter.
    Happy Valentines Day !!!

  2. i live in maine also! we have been waiting all winter to get some decent snow and its finally come :)

  3. WOW! Hope she stays safe! I'm done after one snowfall (which is about all we get each winter)! Come on Spring! Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Nice that Maine is getting their fair share, thanks to the No. Atlantic prevailing weather patterns. It's also good that Eastern Wa. and Idaho are getting a "normal" amount after so many somewhat dry winters with colder temps to put a dent in the beettle population.
    My grandparent and an uncle lived in Bangor Maine all their lives and I do remember a pic my uncle sent me, back in the mid 60's,of the front door of his house accessable only through a tunnel through the snow after a record 65" snowfall (if I recollect right). Seems he had to crawl out through an upstairs window and shovel into the front door, as well as the back door. Those were the good old days when men were men and snow was, well, deep....

  5. When I was in HS, we'd spend spring break (in March) in Skowhegan at a cabin that was a two mile walk into the woods. There was usually still plenty of snow about and the lakes still frozen, but never as deep as that! Those were fun trips: good friends, lots of shooting by day, youthfully-stupid drinking by night, hangover breakfasts. Good times. Of course I can't drink like that anymore (nor would I want to - ouch), and some of those friends aren't with us anymore, but I have very fond memories of Maine.


  6. I lived in central Maine for 21 years. I keep telling Montanans that our snowfalls are nothing compared to Maine. Nobody listens to me except Montana Gal. ha ha.
    Montana Guy

  7. I grew up in Maine, first on the coast and later in northern Maine. Those pictures definitely remind me of Northern Maine snowfall! Our little town plowed constantly so the mill wouldn't have to shut down for the weather. Unfortunately for the kids, it meant very few snow days.
