Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Prayer request

I have a dear friend who had a rough childhood. This afternoon she sent me a soulful prayer request, which I asked permission to post here:

My Grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer this morning. I'm asking for fervent and heartfelt prayers for her -- My Grandma was the biggest influence on my heart and spirit as I was growing up. She means the world to me.... more than I can express in mere words. Her name is Wilma Jean W. and I humbly ask for your prayers and for her to be added to your prayer chains and prayer lists at church. Thank you so much.

My heart is breaking and I'm very stressed right now. We don't know what stage the cancer is in or anything like that as yet. She sees an oncologist (one that specializes in breast cancer) next Monday. The doctor could have gotten her in to see the specialist this week but she just shrugged it off and said she's 85 years old and not in any particular hurry. That concerns me. I have a strong inkling she might refuse treatment. I don't *blame* her at her age -- I'd have to consider the pros and cons carefully, too -- but the odds of losing my Gram that much sooner just went up exponentially.

Please keep Wilma Jean in your prayers -- and my friend as well. This is rough news.


  1. Asked for her healing and that the doctors wouldn't kill her.

  2. Prayers for guidance, strength, comfort, and healing for her and her family.

  3. Will pray...Suggestion is to find a good anti Big Pharma doc that uses natural remedies for cancer....They are out there!!! www.healthranger.com, is a great place to maybe start....I had a friend that had breast cancer and she refused the standard medical stuff and did a total health thing and she is cancer free totally and feels better than she ever had before...Prayer and healthy stuff were huge for my friend....
    I will pray that your friend will have the peace that passes all understanding..not only for her but for her dear grandmother....And that the family seeks God and get several opinions.
    Love from NC

    1. Ditto, ditto, ditto! I am now at a point where my research into all aspects of my health and Big Pharma and medical school subsidies has shown me that I would be better off simply leaving it alone!!! And then supporting my own health naturally with vitamins and minerals from real food. Does that shock you? I beg you all to do some research!! In European countries they have an entirely different attitude towards all cancers. They have protocols that work very well without making the patient sick. And if the cancer isn't doing anything - they LEAVE IT ALONE. And this may surprise you but most breast cancers will simply disappear on their own. Yes, I know that is anathema to Americans and some of you are rolling your eyes now but it is true. Chemo is only truly good for 3 unique cancers that you don't see every day and radiation just makes cancer grow. Years ago I would have been happy to have the Dr. lop off my breast and kill all the 'cancer' cells with radiation and chemo. Now I know that this is just a scam. There are RESPONSIBLE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS out there so please do your research. A good and easy place to start is at Diverse Health Services and watch Dr. Randy Tent's entertaining, informative and life-saving videos on YouTube. Don't just keel over and think that the worst has happened... We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

      Okay, rant over.

      God Bless,
      Janet in MA

  4. My prayer is for acceptance of whatever the future may hold for both Gram and her family. It sounds like Wilma is more prepared for for this decision than is her granddaughter. There are many things worst than death and love and support from those closest to us can provide great comfort and acceptance. God will provide love and support in all of life's trials that we face.

  5. I will pray for Grandma's comfort and ease, but most I will pray that your friend have peace. Grandma is in her 80's. There is a limit to every life and your friend needs to be prepared to let her wonderful grandmother go on to the love of heaven if this is her time.

  6. Prayers for your grandmother and for you.

  7. Prayers for your grandmother, you, and her caregivers. May you feel God's presence in the days ahead. AMEN

  8. Patrice,

    Sending prayers for Wilma Jean and her family.

  9. Thank you all for your prayers for my Gram and family. I agree that I'm not ready to let my Gram go -- are we ever ready to lose a loved one? That being said, I fully trust in God and am so thankful that my Gram knows Him and accepts Him as her Lord and Savior. If it is His will that Gram go home, so be it. I will rejoice for HER but grieve for my own loss. If it is His will that Gram stay on earth a while longer, I will rejoice in that but pray that she feels well and doesn't have to spend her remaining time in pain. Thank you all for your love and care for my Grammy. And, thank you for loving Patrice and supporting her on her blog adventures. She's been a dear friend for 16 years and it warms my heart to read your comments on her blog posts!
