Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Baby shower

Some of you have been following the saga of our pastor's love life. (See these posts – one, two, and three – for the full story.) Mrs. Pastor is less than two weeks from having their first baby (a boy), and – as I like to joke – this is the most-anticipated baby in town.

Someone arranged a baby shower for Mrs. Pastor a couple weeks ago. In expectation of this event, I ordered what was, to me, the most useful reference book in the history of reference books for new parents. Appropriately named "The Baby Book," it was my bible as a new mother. It's never gone out of print, and has been revised and updated through the years. I was pleased to give a copy to Mrs. Pastor.

I wrapped it up for the baby shower.

The shower was held in the church basement and was well-attended.

Mrs. Pastor received many useful gifts, including some books.

As anticipated, she was given a lot of adorable baby clothes, including – comically – no fewer than about sixty onesies. Maybe more.

In addition to "The Baby Book," we also wanted to get Mrs. Pastor a ring sling. We had these for our girls and they were absolute life-savers. The company that made our original sling had gone out of business, so I did some research and recommended Mr. and Mrs. Pastor use a Maya Wrap. I gave Mrs. Pastor the website and urged her to choose the style and color she preferred, and this was her choice:

The sling hasn't arrived yet, but then neither has the baby. After he's born and Pastor and Mrs. Pastor get used to using the sling, we've urged them to order a second (our gift) because it's handy to have one to use and one to wash.

We may also get them a hand-crank baby-food grinder. We had this when our girls started eating solids. We – literally – never bought a single jar of commercial baby food, thanks to this little grinder.

The next step, of course, is the Big Event itself. Our poor pastor is as jumpy as any new father, with a suitcase packed and ready to go for when Mrs. Pastor goes into labor. Whee!


  1. I was 39 and my husband was 43 when we were finally blessed with our daughter. She, too, was a highly anticipated baby in our church. It's extra special when everyone around you is so happy that you have finally been blessed with a gift from God. I'm so glad for Mr. and Mrs. Pastor. :-)

  2. My husband and I were 3 8 when we were blessed with our 4 1/2 month old baby girl from South Korea four days before Christmas. Our church family gave us a surprise baby shower and she was the object of much affection from all of them. My husband worked for a check printing company and they gave her a bond plus a good-size teddy bear which she named "Daddy Teddy". Wishing your Pastor and his Wife many blessings for the future at this wonderful exciting time.

  3. How lovely! I had to comment on the baby food grinder. That's how I fed our two as well. I was so excited to see one recently at a second-hand shop but, alas, the grinder part was missing. I'll have to check to see if I can't buy one new somewhere. Hopefully one day we'll have grandbabies to feed - yay!! Babies are a blessing from the Lord.

  4. I would love to hear some reviews on the Green Sprout food mill. Nearly 50 years ago I had the Happy Baby food grinder for our children and it worked great. No idea where it went, I probably passed it on to another mother. Looking lately (because the great-grands have started arriving) they no longer make it. And the reviews on Amazon on all the others were that none of them were as good as the Happy Baby was.
