Monday, June 19, 2023

Living your best (fake) life

I came across a bizarre article a few days ago entitled "New Grads Chasing 'TikTok Lifestyles' Struggle In NYC As Rents Surge."

As the title implies, it seems "influencing" has become a way of life for a lot of college grads. The opening paragraph reads: "Some social media influencers and college graduates defy financial logic and sign leases for New York City apartments at record-high prices. Some of these kids who don't have access to the 'bank of mom and dad' are finding side hustles or draining their savings to afford the high cost of living expenses."

The aim for these young influencers, bizarrely, is to pretend they're living high on the hog while being absolutely broke. Rather than spending their money on useful things (or – gasp – putting some away for a rainy day), they're spending their meager income on silly stuff while pretending they're rich.

One young woman "said her priorities this year were to maintain living at a prime location in the city while documenting her life on social media. She admitted she has trouble affording $20 cocktails and $90 dinners with her friends, who all have high-paying banking jobs."

Am I missing something here?

The article covers the sky-high rental prices in New York City (about $4,395 per month in Manhattan), which is shocking enough and an incredible hardship for anyone who isn't earning way more than six figures. Rent prices are being called, with justification, a "once-in-a-generation housing crisis." So why do these broke young grads prance around in what looks like designer clothing while eating pricey meals and such? Who are they fooling? What am I missing?

Apparently this lifestyle is justified in the eyes of those with a lot of "followers." One 22-year-old influencer "posts TikToks on her personal account, where she commands $1,000 for sponsored posts, or creates content for other companies. Her side gigs put her on track to bring in a total of roughly $100,000 this year, she said."

She goes on to say, "I worked so hard to get here, I didn't want to compromise on the life I wanted to live. ... The cost of living here is an investment in myself. It sounds crazy to justify $25 cocktails, but being here opens doors for my career. That's worth the costs."

Opens doors for her career. A career as what? What am I missing?

I know these infleuncers are fake. They know they're fake. Their followers know it's all fake. So what's the purpose?

I am genuinely baffled.


  1. If it’s all fake all the time, does it eventually become real?

  2. So, what college offers a degree in influencing? Are high schools offering courses in influencing? I'm dumbfounded that they have followers that seem to aspire to the influencers" standards"

  3. Do colleges offer majors in influencing? Are high schools offering classes in influencing? Why do these people have followers? I'm dumbfounded.

  4. Looks and appearances that's all it is, driven by social media. Too many grasshoppers out there.

  5. I do not understand this at all. It's really just mind boggling.

  6. The whole "social influencer" phenomenon baffles me. Why do people feel compelled to seek out strangers for guidance? Do they lack a real influence in their lives?

  7. I read that some middle schoolers and high schoolers said when asked what they wanted to do after high school, wanted to be influencers. Bizarre.

  8. The Kardashians have made literally billions this way. It's not much different from being a model or actress, really. Companies pay you to advertise things.

  9. Our society, being largely media driven, reinforces the image that a role such as an influencer is a critical one. We do not celebrate in music, visual media, or written media the simple joys and difference that "real life" makes in daily existence. If one image is glamourous and exciting and the other is boring, why would they think any other way?

    To be fair as well - and here I am guilty - too often we do not celebrate the jobs that we do. Hard to have a young person want to consider a job that one has spent the bulk of their existence belittling and verbally not enjoying.

  10. And they rejected the knowledge of the Creator to worship the created thing.

  11. I disagree with much of what you say, but, yeah, I don't get this--then again, I also knew that most t.v. commercials, t.v. shows, magazines ads, etc. were not reality, yet the models, actresses and actors were almost revered. And, even back in the dark ages, when I earned my degree and moved to a big city there were things people had to wear, purses they had to carry, and places that, after work, people who were around my age at the time just HAD to go to be seen. There's one born every minute.

  12. The faux puzzlement here is just....ignorant. As if back in the day C-list actors and actresses didn't advertise cigarettes, etc. People don't read magazines or newspapers so much--today it's Instagram or whatever. What's the difference between an influencer advertising mascara now versus Ronald Reagan advertising Chesterfields?

    1. Krab - I think the difference - or the difference for me - is that the examples that you suggest were a by-product of the celebrity's draw power. Reagan advertising Chesterfields or Joe Namath now advertising life insurance were because they had a career in acting or sports or anything. The articles I read today about those wishing to be influencers is they want the draw without any achievements or career simply because they are on Social Media. That is a very different thing, at least to me.

  13. I don't think being 'influenced' by fake people and giving them money for nothing gets you anything or anywhere in life. These 'influencers' will one day be broke, forgotten, and alone. Such a sad state these people are in.

  14. "Influencers" exist because women, unleashed from reality and masculine control, are free to play make believe regardless of the consequences. The women ministers of defense around the world are playing dress up with men's lives and the fate of nations. The women who think they're qualified to be cops or soldiers are larping as the 'strong women' they see in the movies, lowered standards and competency be damned. Women 'influencers' live in a make-believe world because they've decided that wishing or saying something creates their own reality. Endlessly riding the cock carousel and freezing their eggs? Perfectly normal. Who are you to say what their reality is? Women are, in general, emotionally incontinent airheads who always follow the herd and their own worst instincts. They crave attention, and they will spread their legs for anyone who gives them the money and fame they feel they are entitled to.

    And yes, I am a woman, albeit a rare rational one. And I stand by every word, despite all the expected protestations that 'your' little princess is different, that your daughter got her job/career without the benefit of female affirmative action and lowered standards, that your daughter is going to change the world.

    That's not what God intended women to do or be. I have all the credentials and job history to compare with the best of them, and I value being a wife and mother far beyond anything else I've achieved in life.

    1. Wow. Just wow. This isn't a male or female thing sister. It's a core issue of people, as to who they are and who they stand for. Many people don't know yet who they are, especially younger people seeking validation through careers and outward appearances. They try on beliefs, friends, jobs, all sorts of things, then discard them like old clothes while searching for relationship with our Creator. The sad thing is when people spend their whole lives in limbo.

      We are all sons in Christ Jesus according to Galations 3 :26-28. No Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female. This concept frees us all to serve our Maker as one people, and it satisfies every longing of the soul.
      There are hurts to be sure, and you seem to have some. The hurts are a goad to go to Him and humble ourselves in prayer.

      I confess that I have feelings at times toward some of my own gender similar to your expressions. When "my world" seems out of balance like this, there is too much unrighteous influence from some source. Maybe tv, or something I read, or maybe it's a church family getting divorced, or a worldly family member. Whatever. Our focus must be Christ, or we are in danger of becoming like the thing that hurts and angers us. Hurtful to others too.
      I like to think of the apostle Paul and other authors in the NT, preaching to diverse communities, carnal Christians, and trying to edify and build the body of Christ into maturity and unity. They would encourage these early believers while edifying, often enduring persecution from the flock they ministered to. Yet they knew they themselves had to come to belief and maturity with the help of their Lord, and that gave them patience and endurance to minister to newer believers.

      So I would encourage you to pray about whatever angers you, and seek how you can make a positive difference. It may simply be prayer. It may be you need to withdraw from some harmful situation to a place where your heart is more peaceful. And sometimes giving a secret, anonymous gift, can free you up inside.
      Peace to your heart sister.

    2. Anger against evil is not something one needs to be delivered from. Passivity in the face of evil enables more of it. I haven't watched tv in years. And like so many others, you typically misuse Galatians. So there is neither male nor female? So God is specifically saying sex is not innate and endorsing trannies?

      We may be equally fallen and sinful in God's eyes, but we are not equal in any other way. God created biological diversity and specifically destroyed Babel when man thought to become one world.

      I am not out crusading to change the world because that's not my job, but reading the typical justification and excuses for today's Satanic evil ('they're just kids,' 'they try on beliefs,' etc.) is tiresome. I will challenge lies and excuses just as God says he will spit out the lukewarm.

      If you are at peace with the state of mankind today, and totally miss the rhyming of history, then we are wasting time speaking past each other.

    3. I guess you're right. We're speaking past each other.

      The one thing I know for sure in old age is that I'm not built to carry anger. It destroys health if held in and relationship if not worked through. Patience in the face of things you can't stand is not passivity.

      Everything changes but God's Word. So many people are caught up in things Christians disagree with because of a lack of proper role models, poor choices of friends and companions, schools they attended, so many things. You never know when a good word, a smile, a quiet example, may be an influence toward things in their lives heaven rejoices over. Every person who is a Christian is a changed life, by God's grace and mercy. These other people can change too. They are living souls under evil influence. I think we have to be cautious in how we treat living souls. Christ died for all. All just don't know it yet.

  15. Patrice, the fact that you don't understand it shows how intelligent you are. Smart never understands dumb.

  16. I don't see those high costs as "once in a generation" - I see them as "Once in a short memory" since they mirror 2007-2008 closely.
    I keep expecting housing prices to drop, but so far they have only dropped a little bit...the longer it takes for them to drop, the worse the drop will be when it does happen.
    I also don't consider NYC, LA, etc to be the 'real world' as distorted as they are by the rich, finance, regulations, etc. Interestingly, many mass market companies don't either; they test products a variety of places in the midwest instead of on either coast.

  17. If they made it thru college and graduated, they do not have to pay back college loans. Now if made to pay loans back then a lavish life style may be out of the question.

  18. Not only influencers, but many regular folks live the fake life too. There are several "homestead bloggers" based in the northwest with prominent followings that it's all a false facade. Everything is done for the blog when real life is nothing like it, everything is fake, their families suffer for their greed, and they all claim to be devout christians. Money is the root of all evil. Even people I've known for years and relatives who claim to be good christians have a fake online life, numerous posts bragging up their lives when real life is nothing like it. Dropping money they don't have on pointless things to look good to others online. People have lost touch with what's important, now everyone craves approval and attention from random people they don't know. Very few can live a legit real life for themselves and not caring what others think. It's sad really how society has changed and it's all people, even the religious, that exhibit these behaviors. Social media and cell phones have made this issue so much worse.

    1. The love of money is the root of all sorts of evil.

  19. Love of money perverts many goods and services we truly need. Especially medical and pharmaceutical nowadays. And the food industry.

    It isn't even the fault, for example, of many doctors for their part by prescribing bogus prescriptions and vaccinations. Even if they wake up to the problems, the pharmaceutical industry and the insurance industry, and the medical industry are totally bound together by protocols that physicians must follow for any payments to be released. So they cannot step outside protocol without being punished in some way. I know standards are for our protection. But in the last few years they've been being used as tools of manipulation. And starry eyed young doctors deep in debt for their education will sooner or later find they've been ensnared.
