Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The passing of Angela Lansbury

I was saddened to hear of Angela Lansbury's passing yesterday.

I have a friend who used to do acting in Los Angeles. She told me a charming story: How she had always admired Dame Lansbury, and one day (this would be in the mid-90s or so) she decided to write to her and express her admiration for how her career revitalized as an older actress. To my friend's complete shock, Dame Lansbury wrote back and thanked my friend for her regard, and expressed the difficulties involved in the second (and older) boost to her acting career.

I've always liked Angela Lansbury anyway, but this story cemented it.

This should make you smile: Recording the song "Be Our Guest" from "Beauty and the Beast":

Rest in peace, Angela


  1. Thank you for sharing this story and tribute to Angela Lansbury, I admired her greatly too, but my most fond memories are of her as JB Fletcher in "Murder She Wrote", and still enjoy watching those reruns today.

  2. MSW is one of all time favorite shows!!! Off topic. Do you know how Frank and Fern are? I look periodically for updates but don’t see anything.

  3. I enjoy "Murder She Wrote". One of the channels I watch (cozi TV) is playing the show all day, every weekday this week.
    She was a very talented actress/entertainer.
    kathy in MS

  4. I was so sad to hear of her passing. She was my all-time favorite actress. I loved MSW, but if you have never seen "The Manchurian Candidate," you should. She is fantastic in it as ice-cold evil. She played Laurence Harvey's mother very convincingly though she was only three or four years older than he!

  5. Thanks for sharing the video, she was an amazing actress and to this day I still watch Murder, She Wrote.
