Monday, August 3, 2020

Irish dancing sensation

I came across a story the other day that made me grin from ear to ear.

I love Irish dancing. Don and I have seen Riverdance twice over the years, when it passed through Spokane. There's something about the precision of this dance form I find thrilling.

So when I caught wind of this article, I cheered.

It seems there's a 20-year-old African-American Irish dancer from Richmond, Virginia named Morgan Bullock who posted a TikTok video of herself dancing a jig.

The video went viral, and the Social Justice Warriors came down on her like a ton of bricks for -- get this -- cultural appropriation.

Then she got a call from Riverdance...

Woot! Go Morgan!


  1. My family has also seen Riverdance twice - both times, we were given free tickets. The first time, I thought, well, not my first choice, but it's free. Whoa! It was amazing! Second time we were super excited to go.

  2. Also.....cultural appropriation? Really?!?

  3. It's hard to feel bad about it when it was the blacks who started that crap, but it's not the girl's fault.

  4. i saw her on television. She is very good. I saw the original Riverdance on PBS years ago. Love it.

    "Cultural appropriation"? Another excuse to complain and stupid.

    kathy in MS

  5. Thank you Patrice for this bright and beautiful post!

  6. Really cool of her. Twelve second routine, but that definitely took time to learn.

  7. I thought the "cultural appropriation" charge was only used against whites? So confusing:-)

  8. The cultural appropriation charge just reveals the ignorance, and possibly, racism of those making the charge. Quite possible she is descend from an Irish indentured servant, likely a female indentured servant. Sadly, some marriages between African slaves and white indentured servants were forced although that was illegal.

    But certainly not all, there is a big case of Irish Nell (Eleanor Butler), an Irish indentured servant in Maryland in the 1680s whose married quite voluntarily even after challenged by Lord Baltimore. We know of her as she had many descendants, who because of the law, were born slaves. Several sought their freedom in 1770 and 1780 in the courts. Sarah in 1780 was freed but on a technicality which did not make landmark law that might have freed others.

    Also, some African descendants on Caribbean islands speak Gaelic and have Irish cultural practices from the mixing of slave and indentured servants.

  9. It's okay for everyone to be Irish on St Patrick's Day! And any other day of the year if you so desire. Maybe her ancestory has some Irish roots? Me, I'm a Heinz 57 as my grandmother called it, I'm German, Jew, French Canadian, Irish, Scandanavian, Scottish, Cherokee, married to a Hispanic from the Great State of Texas!

  10. I river dance, polka, polkita, and tango!
