Sunday, October 7, 2018

The fruits of fall

Fall is falling fast around here. We've had some below-freezing nights and are cutting firewood and harvesting the garden like mad (which accounts for my silence here on the blog -- I'll have a harvest update in the near future).

But it's not just the garden that's putting out fruit. The wild plants are producing abundantly before the first snow falls.

The rose hips (rich in Vitamin C) are very abundant this year.

The elderberries are ripe as well.

The wild honeysuckle put out some startlingly florescent-orange fruit.

Lots and lots of snowberries this year.

These are berries from our Virginia creeper vines. The wild birds gorge on them.

With the exception of the rose hips and elderberries, the other fruit may or may not be edible -- or only edible in small quantities. They taste yucky anyway, so none of us bother harvesting any of them (we have no shortage of fruit from the garden).

The fall colors have been especially vibrant this year too. Of course we don't get the explosive jubilee of the east coast deciduous forests, but the undergrowth turns lovely shades of orange, red, and yellow.

As I said, I'll have updates on our harvest and wood cutting in the near future. Right now we're too busy harvesting and wood cutting.


  1. Great to hear from you and the fall colors are beautiful. We are looking forward to cooler temps here, but not supposed to happen until next week. The elderberries look ready to make Take care.

  2. Nice to be living in Gods country. A little behind you on fall colors. Only one night of light frost so far. Have a great week.

  3. I was very glad to see your post. I was getting concerned that the powers that be might have taken you down after your post on the supreme court mess. your follow up article was very important for your safety. Thanks for both of those by the way!

  4. Your girls look good going into winter season. Picking up our 1st Dexter here in a couple of weeks, calf named Blueberry.. Perfect for our herd start and to go with our blueberry farm... Bees,Berries and Beef...

  5. LOVE the new heading photo of the calves.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Fall is a busy time. Do what you have to do and I look forward to hearing from you lots when you get some time.

  8. Beautiful! This New Englander would feel right at home with your beautiful autumn colors. 8-) By the way, I simply LOVE the cow photo at the top of your blog.

    God Bless,
    Janet in MA

  9. I miss the Tamaracks changing colors up in Idaho - a couple more years, and I'll be back home enjoying fall.

  10. Iused to pick lots and lots of elderberries for jelly. No frost here yet but we picked all of our tomatoes. Been canning up a storm: tomatoes, sauce, salsa, green tomato pickles and pickled beets. Nothing better than hearing the ping of lids sealing. Love the pictures of feel
